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4 Week Class open to all senior consultants AND above who apply AND accept to follow the rules AND guidelines
- Have Journals & Pens Ready
“If life is worth living, it’s worth recording” - Have Journals & Pens Ready Please be somewhere where you wont be distracted or interrupted Q& A will be at the end if time permits!
Rules & Guidelines Concept of 500 Club NOT TO TAKE THE PLACE OF EVERYTHING ELSE Outcome Some concepts that will be covered in the 4 weeks: How to Build a STABLE Herbalife business How to build a client base, how to start to build a team Customer care Mastering the art of referrals How to expose/involve/upgrade clients Fundamentals: Receipts, Facebook Groups, The System, Coaching Clients with problems, book keeping & keeping gauges and tracking…
WEEK 1 1. The Power of Duplication & How to Build a STABLE & Thriving Herbalife Business 2. Knowing the Calendar This Concept & system is making President Team Members in 3 years from signing up… Homework: writing your goals with your mentor, drawing up the calander of events and setting some daily activities to begin your momentum What is happening in the next 90 days both in corporate events and team events- weekly/monthly including promotions so that you can work your business towards these events. Draw up whats on this month
Would you rather have 1 cent doubled every day for 30 days or $1 million today?
Read the title Then Introduce this slide by saying “ What we are going to show you is how your business grows in numbers when you duplicate your numbers – so show other people how to grow a business and get healthy- Herbalife business is Simple but not easy – Yet with correct duplication your business can double and triple in a short time How do you see your business? Do you want instant gratification or are you prepared to work and develop the discipline necessary to build a stable successful business ?
Would you rather have 1 cent doubled every day for 30 days or $1 million today?
Day 1: $.01 Day 2: $.02 Day 3: $.04 Day 4: $.08 Day 5: $.16 Day 6: $.32 Day 7: $.64 Day 8: $1.28 Day 9: $2.56 Day 10: $5.12 Day 11: $10.24 Day 12: $20.48 Day 13: $40.96 Day 14: $81.92 Day 15: $163.84 DO NOT READ OUT ALL OF THE DAYS Read Day 1 Day 2 Day 5 Day 10 Day 15
Would you rather have 1 cent doubled every day for 30 days or $1 million today?
Day 16: $ Day 17: $ Day 18: $1, Day 19: $2, Day 20: $5, Day 21: $10, Day 22: $20, Day 23: $41, Day 24: $83, Day 25: $167, Day 26: $335, Day 27: $671, Day 28: $1,342, Day 29: $2,684, Day 30: $5,368,709.12 What if it was a 31 day month? Read Day 16 Day 20 Day 25 Day 28 Day 30 Imagine if there was 31 days – Every day in your business is an opportunity to double your business This is how your Herbalife business can develop over 1-5 years it can triple every month with using system of duplication correctly – The key is to duplicate success not duplicate what is not working. Always ask your self what am I duplicating ? And how ? Am I using the proven system? Am I being consistent in my approach to work ? Do I treat my business like a business or a part time hobby?
What is our Job as a Health Coach?
To Use the Products To Get New Clients Every Month To Get New Coaches Every Month Maintain/Retain Expose Clients/Coaches to Herbalife Ask every one to Write down what products you are currently using? What will you add in this month? STOP Now ask 5 people to say out loud what they are using and what they will add in this month personally Who has new clients this month ? How? Ask 2 people to share the system they used to get BNC Who has new coaches this month ? ASK 2 People the system they used to help create their New Coach ASK those two people How what events did they expose people too to see the larger Herbalife Vision and Mission?
Where Do You Really Want To Be?
CHOOSE NOW WHERE YOU DESIRE TO BE AND MAKE THE DESCISION TO TURN YOUR DESIRE INTO REALITLY. WRITE IS DOWN WHERE YOU WILL BE IN 90 DAYS AND SHOW IT TO THE PERSON BESIDE YOU, NOW WRITE DOWN WHERE YOU WANT TO BE IN 3 YEARS STOP ASK 2 PEOPLE TO SHARE THEIR chosen Position and their WHY ? HOME WORK FOR WEEK one To write down 20 GOALS and your “WHY” for doing Herbalife – Look closely at your goals and Where you want to be in the next years Physically Financially Emotionaly Spirtualy Family Bring this back NEXT WEEK
How to Get to Supervisor/50% Working Smarter not Harder
Accumulate 4000vp in 1 month – approx 24 programs Accumulate 4000 Vp over 2 months - Find ‘Partners’ and go in Syndicate ( go to first STS to learn and talk to your Sponsor) Accumulate 4000vp 3–12 months using 2000vp of group volume Goal in a Nutrition club is to convert members to retail and WHOLESALE MEMBERS IT IS NOT TO BE A CAFÉ!!- If you run FIT CLUBS learn your objective and the system – you are not a Fitmess group with Shakes – talk to your sponsor about how to start and learn to run a fit club Write down now- 4 names of club members people who you will talk to about the products or upgrading and or VIP- STOP LET PEOPLE WRITE
Who here is new or still at 25%
Or is serious about building a strong team, who are also wanting to change their financial situations. It starts with you… showing your team the way forward…. Branded New distributors ……At the beginning of the month you do 500VP This gets you too 35% or retail 500 VP at 25%. YOU MUST NOW GET 4 RETAIL CUSTOMERS AND 2 VIP distributors and show them how to retail 500VP NOW Write down now the next meeting you will be attending … and go to it…….. You have been ed a build your business worksheet to help you keep track of your retail and new VIP distributors using the methods. If you have not received this please Make sure you state who you are and who your upline Millionaire or pres team member is. No response will be given to s with no details.
Now you do 500VP again this month and show your team how to do what you did- because in month 1 you showed your distributors how to get 4 retail customers and 2 VIP distributors and you all went to the training and meetings you are now duplicating– Now your 2 new VIP Distributors have duplicated exactly what you did the month before, they now have 2 new VIP distributors with retail customers. MAKE SURE YOU KEEP GETTING 4 NEW RETAIL CUSTOMERS AND YOU ALSO HAVE 2 NEW VIP DISTRIBUTORS- by doing this you are showing your new distributors to do the same If you have a Nutrition club – this is easy and you may have over 100 regular clients. Heres THE KEY = YOU ARE NOT A SHAKE BAR YOU NEED TO BE PROMOTING TO MEMBERS TO BE BUYING PRODUCT TO TAKE HOME AT 100% RETAIL OR VIP CUSTOMERS.
Your first Month as a Supervisor
Job for this month - Start 4+ brand new clients (BNC) - Help them get an amazing results - Upgrade to VIP on re-order Expose to all discount levels – Expose them to an HOM / STS / webinar Start 2 brand new Health Coaches (HC) on their supervisor accumulation plan – shake party etc- start their 2,4,1 DUPLICATE, DUPLICATE Total 3,000vp YOUR JOB In every thing that we do we have roles/ job description and being self employed is no different / in fact it is more important to help keep you on track and reach your goals . Having daily and monthly job description will show you your progress and help track your goals … you can see whats working and where your skill level is at, what you need to improve on or where you need more number It is important to connect wth your sponsor and set up AS soon as possible your Business launch /Shake /spa party to let people know about what your doing .
Make sure you are following the same system you did the first month and each new and existing distributor is doing the same. USE YOUR WORKSHEET TO HELP. By doing the above and showing your team they are now showing their team this system and now have 27 dis Including yourself personally purchasing 500 VP to make a solid 2500 per month If you have a Nutrition club – this is easy and you may have over 100 regular clients. Heres THE KEY = YOU ARE NOT A SHAKE BAR YOU NEED TO BE PROMOTING TO MEMBERS TO BE BUYING PRODUCT TO TAKE HOME AT 100% RETAIL OR VIP CUSTOMERS.
FOR NEW Supervisor Accumulation plan
For New Health Coaches Month 1: vp Month 2: = 8 members with 500VP & retail each building 2 new business partners month Now a fully qualified Supervisor 50% discount/profit! Month 3: vp = 27 Members all doing 500 VP with 2 new BP doing 500 With 4 new Retail customers Pick up4- new clients and MIN 100 vp for your own use= 500 – shake party 1- 2 new business partners with 500 Vp Business launch Pick up 4 new clients and 100 vp + your own use =500 & 2 new business partners with 500 Vp Business launch – referrals- Show the partners how to do exactly what you did Pick up4 new clients vp for your own use =500 & 2 new business partners with 500 Vp Business launch – referrals- Show the partners how to do exactly what you did in month one OVER VIEW OF THE PICTURES
Month 2 as a supervisor Our Job this month
-Start 4-6 brand new clients (BNC) -Help them get an amazing result -Maintain previous months clients and VIP’s -Upgrade BNC to VIP on re-order -Expose to all discount levels -Expose them to an HOM / STS / webinar Start 2 brand new Health Coaches (HC) on their supervisor accumulation plan-shake party etc- start their 2,4,1 EACH NEW BUSINESS PARTNER EVERY MONTH DOES 500 VP ( RETAIL) GETS 2 NEW BUSINESS PARTNERS The importance of Follow up – Ask the group - What is follow up? STOP and ask 2 people to give a answer.. Then ask them “ how do you follow up a consumer ? , then ask them “ what are you results so far this month from follow up using this system ? How do you expose / invite your new member /VIP customer to a HOM ? Id like to invite you to come and meet some of the people I work alongside to find out more about the results people are getting and show my business partners are building their businesses by helping our communities change our Nutritional habits and fincaial situations? Would be interested ?
Month 3 ACTIVE WORLD TEAM! Our Job this month Total 13,500 vp
Start 4-6 brand new clients (BNC) Help them get an amazing result Maintain previous months clients and VIP’s Upgrade BNC to VIP on re-order Expose to all discount levels Expose them to an HOM / STS / webinar Start 2 brand new Health Coaches (HC) on supervisor accumulation plan 2,4,1 Total 13,500 vp ACTIVE WORLD TEAM! This is an over view of how you are building your business Each month STOP ASK THE GROUP “what patterns do you see? “ ASK THE GROUP / 2 people “WHAT IS A VIP CUSTOMER “ And “ how do they follow up a VIP customer? “
Month 4 Our Job this month
GROUP DISSCUSION “ WHAT IS YOUR JOB THIS MONTH” and WHY ? ART OF DUPLICATION – USING THE CYCLE OF SUCCESS AFTER GROUP DISSCUSION ASK THE GROUP TO Name 2 New people who are current customers or VIP who you will invite / expose this week to higher discount and open house - based on their goals, dreams and desires. Now we’ve You now have a min of 16 customers and 54 distributors doing 500 personally purchased VOLUME and are now focusing on GET 20 KEEP 20 retail customers!
Take a look at this month 4- Using this method – You keep finding 4 new Retail customers and 2 new VIP distributors and they are following what you are doing and all the other distributors are doing the same every month - You now have a min of 16 customers and 54 distributors doing 500 personally purchased VOLUME and are now focusing on GET 20 KEEP 20 retail customers. If you have a Nutrition club – this is easy and you may have over 100 regular members. Here’s THE KEY = YOU ARE NOT A SHAKE BAR YOU NEED TO BE PROMOTING TO MEMBERS TO BE BUYING PRODUCT TO TAKE HOME AT 100% RETAIL OR become VIP CUSTOMERS. MAKE SURE YOUR ALL COMING THE MEETINGS AND TRAININGS TO BUILD YOUR BUSINESS Speaker ( make sure every one understands the difference between Personaly purchased volume/ personal volume and Organisational volume)
2ND MONTH QUAL FOR GET AND YOUR TEAM ARE GROWING- Remember if the team is not growing neither are you.. You must show them how to do this by SHOW , TRY TELL DO and attending the trainings so that they can reach their financial goals and dreams. Now we’ve added more fully qualified Supervisors PLUS, last months new Supervisors on their ‘month 2’ plan. Total organisation VP is 54,000 – Global Expansion Team! Now you have Explosive growth and the team are beining to experience EXPLOSIVE GROWTH AS well… with correct duplication and every one upskilling themselves through attending Weekly/ monthly trainings everyone is duplicating “EVERY ONE IS ASKED WHAT IS YOUR JOB ROLE THIS MONTH ?”
Month 6 Our Job this month Start 4-6 brand new clients (BNC)
Help them get an amazing result Maintain previous months clients and VIP’s Upgrade BNC to VIP on re-order Expose to all discount levels Expose them to an HOM / STS / webinar Start 2 brand new Health Coaches (HC) on supervisor accumulation plan 2,4,1 DON’T READ THE SLIDE ASK THE GROUP “ WHAT IS THE COMMON FACTOR IN YOUR BUSINESS AT THIS POINT?” Answer: Consistency, commitment to your “why “ and goals , duplicating every month the same thing you did the very first month, doing Daily Method of operation consistently to get your numbers, What else ?” If you want to build a presidents team business in min of 3 years talking to 10 people a day about the products or business will not work.. You MUST DO THE NUMBERS “ TALK TO ALEAST people per day consistently about the products / invite to an event ie: Shake party/Spa party/ fit club/ Open house / Mega fit club ( what ever your business centre or NC is doing AND HAVING THE TEAM IN THE TRAININGS TOGETHER – NOT ONE PERSON RE TEACHING this wastes valuable time and energy from your busiess we can take away other own personal growth opportunity and responsibility to themselves and their goals. We are here to empower and develop leaders Now we’ve added more fully qualified Supervisors, PLUS 216 x 500 following the plan = Total Org Volume = Your team in MONTH 1 are now qualifying 1st and 2nd Month Get
By doing what you did the first month and showing each new VIP distributor what to do and by coming to trainings in your team there are 216 distributors - Finding 4 Retail customers and 2 X VIP distributors and bring them to their first meeting and show them how to do this………….. And all the other people showed are also doing this and you and them are now really working toward financial freedom.
WOW YOU HAVE JUST started your 1st of Mill team keep DOING THE SAME THING YOU DID ON THE FIRST MONTH - WHAT IS THAT ??? ( ask the group to tell you)……….. FIND 4 RETAIL CUSTOMERS AND 2X VIP distributors bring them to the trainings and meetings each month and show them to do this each month.
WOW SECOND MONTH MILL and by doing this same business practice and showing your team- they have become experts at training their teams and are moving up the Marketing plan as well. MAKE SURE YOU ARE STILL COMING TO MEETINGS AND TRAININGS
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BOOM !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PREZ TEAM 9 MONTHS IM GOING TO REVIEW MY 90 DAY PLAN 1.NOW YOU HAVE THE OVER VIEW OF THE OVER ALL PLAN TO PRESIDENTS TEAM, follow the PROCESS and daily plan ( 90 day plan) to create the numbers 2 follow the flow chart System with your NEW and existing members
What is Our Job As Health Coaches?
To Use the Products - RESULT To Get New Clients Every Month 4– 6 and do min 500 PPV To Get New Coaches Every Month – 2 doing min 500 PPV with 4-6 new clients EACH COACH IS TAUGHT HOW TO RETAIL AND GT 2 NEW COACHES – EVERY MONTH Maintain / Retain – FOLLOW UP / FB GROUPS Expose Clients / Coaches to Herbalife - SYSTEM OUR JOB IS NOT EASY BUT IT IS SIMPLE THE HARD PART IS FOLLOWING SUCCESS – and dedication to your numbers / keeping track of your progress / commitment when things are hard when some one says no, / KEEPING YOU EYE ON THE END GOALS
How to Continuously Find New Customers and Distributors to Become Health Coaches
To become a health/ wellness coach and duplicate this you MUST SHOW your NEW MEMBERS THE PROVEN SYSTEM OF DEVELOPMENT…. HEALTH COACH SYSTEM AND THE WELLNESS COACH SYSTEM ….. STOP BREATH Get with you sponsor and talk about the different methods of finding business/ What suits your time availability/ IT DOESN’T MATTER HOW MUCH TIME YOU PUT IT IN , WHAT MATTERS IS THE QUALITY OF TIME YOU PUT IN … AND THE RESULTS OF THE TIME
Not All Customers Are Equal
How to identify business partners vs VIP consumer - Ask them what are there goals and desires – based on this invite them to come along to take a look at what we are doing- yes/no Always no problem ask again later When a business builder says their ready then ask “what day do you want to hold your business launch”?
Ask 1 person to describe what a 90 day plan is It is your daily activity plan done over every day for 90 Day,s By following the 2,41 process and setting your self daily goals that will enable HOMEWORK: Work out your daily actives with your sponsor and mentor to guide you to get started To become a health coach and duplicate (build a team) this you must first know what you are duplicating and the purpose and outcome you are wanting. BE A ACTIVE PARTICPANT IN YOUR OWN SUCCESS.
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