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-empiricism- A presentation of Felix Mohr, Lena Knebel, Melanie Schäfer and Alice Klein Herzog- Johann Gymnasium.

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Presentation on theme: "-empiricism- A presentation of Felix Mohr, Lena Knebel, Melanie Schäfer and Alice Klein Herzog- Johann Gymnasium."— Presentation transcript:

1 -empiricism- A presentation of Felix Mohr, Lena Knebel, Melanie Schäfer and Alice Klein Herzog- Johann Gymnasium

2 Definition of empiricism: The word empirical means from experience, regarding a scientific approach which doesn‘t depend on theoretical reasons but on resonable experiences and describable/ measurable observations. It is not a final acknowledgment.

3 The function of a survey:  gives an overview of the opinion of the population ( profile of a society)  is a copy of the prognosticated behaviour of a society  definition of the target group  increase of the course of action


5 The effect of empirical representations to the reader:  Change of mood within population  Conclusion for own decision of elections  Position of the parties may change  Confusion of voters


7 Manipulation possibilities at a presentation of a survey/ statistics: survey: o no specification who was asked about the topic o graphical inaccuracies (percatage share is smaller than the other one, but the bar was presented bigger) o the viewer does not know when the survey has started and ended statistics: o enforcement and deformation of the graph o unlabeled axes ( you only recognize the trend) o labeling does not start with zero (cutout of a graph) o generally no time indication


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