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LIFE IN ATHENS. ATHENS ECONOMY Because soil was generally poor in Athens trade was necessary for survival Imports vs. Exports Overseas colonies.

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2 ATHENS ECONOMY Because soil was generally poor in Athens trade was necessary for survival Imports vs. Exports Overseas colonies

3 LIFE AT HOME Athenians felt that it was not necessary to own private homes although some did have simple one story homes Girls were married off at 13-14 years old to men normally twice their age. The purpose of marriage was to have children! Women did not receive a formal education Women could not appear in public without their husbands approval. Stayed and managed the house

4 LIFE AT HOME Males were raised by their moms until they were 6-7 Pedagogue’s role Most Athenians had little leisure time If you were poor you worked all day if you were rich then you studied and sought out other intellectual or physical activities to make you a better citizen

5 SCHOOL LIFE In elementary school boys learned poetry, music, grammar, gymnastics, reading, and writing Sophists: Wise men opened higher education to men so they could study government, math, ethics, and rhetoric Ethics: Taught the difference between good and bad Rhetoric: Taught public speaking and debate At 18 men served one year in military training and one year of active service

6 LIFE UNDER PERICLES 461-429 BC Delian League formed: A confederation of city states with Athens as the leader. They 140 polis sent money, men and weapons to keep Greece strong. All male citizens could vote and hold public office The Peloponnesian War 431 BC between Sparta and Athens Sparta pushes Athens back home and holds them there. Eventually with help of Persia defeat the Athenians and Greece becomes unstable

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