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11/21/13 61st Day of School Learning goal (7.L.1.1): I will be able to give examples of how single-celled organisms share characteristics of life. Due.

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Presentation on theme: "11/21/13 61st Day of School Learning goal (7.L.1.1): I will be able to give examples of how single-celled organisms share characteristics of life. Due."— Presentation transcript:

1 11/21/13 61st Day of School Learning goal (7.L.1.1): I will be able to give examples of how single-celled organisms share characteristics of life. Due Today: Signed progress report Evening Assignment: Review notes on single-celled organisms

2 Life Characteristics Bingo 1. Fold a sheet of notebook paper 4 times to create 16 blocks. 2. Add a “FREE” space in one of the blocks. 3.Randomly add the following terms to the other 15 blocks: OrganizedReproduceEnergy Grows & DevelopsWaste RemovalResponse to Environment HomeostasisEvolves & AdaptsCell AutotrophHeterotrophPhotosynthesis FlagellaCiliaPseudopod ChloroplastEuglenaParamecium

3 Life Characteristics Bingo Clue #1: Organelle - nucleus

4 Life Characteristics Bingo Clue #1: Organelle - nucleus Organized

5 Life Characteristics Bingo Clue #2: False foot - locomotion

6 Life Characteristics Bingo Clue #2: False foot - locomotion Pseudopod

7 Life Characteristics Bingo Clue #3: Binary Fission - Amoeba

8 Life Characteristics Bingo Clue #3: Binary Fission - Amoeba Reproduce

9 Life Characteristics Bingo Clue #4: Protective cell membrane

10 Life Characteristics Bingo Clue #4: Protective cell membrane Homeostasis

11 Life Characteristics Bingo Clue #5: Cell Division, Seed to flower

12 Life Characteristics Bingo Clue #5: Cell Division, Seed to flower Grows & Develops

13 Life Characteristics Bingo Clue #6: Basic unit of life

14 Life Characteristics Bingo Clue #6: Basic unit of life Cell

15 Life Characteristics Bingo Clue #7: Vacuole

16 Life Characteristics Bingo Clue #7: Vacuole Waste Removal

17 Life Characteristics Bingo Clue #8: Red-eye spot, Sun

18 Life Characteristics Bingo Clue #8: Red-eye spot, Sun Responds to environment

19 Life Characteristics Bingo Clue #9: Whip-like tail, Euglena

20 Life Characteristics Bingo Clue #9: Whip-like tail, Euglena Flagella

21 Life Characteristics Bingo Clue #10: Makes own food

22 Life Characteristics Bingo Clue #10: Makes own food Autotroph

23 Life Characteristics Bingo Clue #11: Tiny hairs that aid in locomotion

24 Life Characteristics Bingo Clue #11: Tiny hairs that aid in locomotion Cilia

25 Life Characteristics Bingo Clue #12: Eats other organisms

26 Life Characteristics Bingo Clue #12: Eats other organisms Heterotroph

27 Life Characteristics Bingo Clue #13: Organisms become dormant under stress

28 Life Characteristics Bingo Clue #14: Sun – chloroplast - Volvox

29 Life Characteristics Bingo Clue #13: Organisms become dormant under stress Evolve & Adapt

30 Life Characteristics Bingo Clue #15: Sun, food, sleep, breathing

31 Life Characteristics Bingo Clue #14: Sun – chloroplast - Volvox Photosynthesis

32 Vocabulary Matching Review for test on single-celled organisms: 1.With your table partners match the terms with its definition or function. 2.Write down your matches in your notebook. 3.Then Mix the cards and Re-match. chloroplast An organelle that contains chlorophyll euglena Pair with Or with…

33 Evening Assignment Tonight… Review notes on single-celled organisms Test Monday on… Characteristics of life Single-celled organisms Plant & animal cells

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