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Page No. 1 FDOC/MOD Observation Groundrules & Communication information.

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1 Page No. 1 FDOC/MOD Observation Groundrules & Communication information

2 Page No. 2 Observation Opportunities Groundrules As described at the Pre-proposal Conference, the following groundrules were outlined: Since the observation activities must be scheduled around the STS-122 and STS-123 missions, as well as the schedules of the guides, the dates, times, and content of the observations determined by NASA are non-negotiable ―Every effort will be made to allow observation of each request, however, Shuttle missions, secure content, and time may prevent some areas from being observed All rules regarding the observations as well as the dates and times of each observation will be posted to the FDOC website ―OBSERVATIONS WILL NOT BE RESCHEDULED IF MISSED

3 Page No. 3 Observation Opportunities Groundrules To participate in the Observations: —Please use and click on the Observation Opportunities link to RSVP to the Contract Specialist Generally, only 2 people per single company or team are allowed at any observation; however, different people are permitted to sign up for each observation. Space limitations may result in only 1 company representative being allowed to attend ―Assign the names of the people to attend each requested observation with your RSVP During the observations, all questions will be addressed to the NASA guide. No contact with the current contractor personnel is permitted, unless permission is otherwise given by the NASA guide. Due to the nature of some areas to be observed, no communications of any kind will be permitted. ―Questions constrained to current daily operations only ―Pre-observation data calls will be posted to the FDOC website to inform attendees of any constraints Prior to the observation start, attendees will be reminded of all groundrules

4 Page No. 4 NASA MOD personnel have been provided the following information regarding communications with potential FDOC offerors (prior to blackout).

5 Page No. 5 Prior to formal announcement (final Request for Proposal) It is permissible to discuss current technical requirements/technical needs Historical information about the general nature or scope of prior or current contracts whose requirements will be addressed in whole or in part under a follow-on or consolidated procurement

6 Page No. 6 Upon Publication of RFP (planned 5/9/08) Keep answers confined to the current contract and known planned work in the draft RFP All discussions concerning the final RFP and the technical requirements should take place within the established procurement process through designated points of contact (not informally)

7 Page No. 7 Limitations on Communications with Industry Do not discuss or Otherwise release the following at any time: —Proprietary or confidential business information of incumbent contractor(s) or other business entities: – Information contained in any bid or proposal – Cost or Pricing Data (e.g. rates, factors, etc.) – Any other information submitted to the Government by a contractor and designated as proprietary, in accordance with law or regulation, by the contractor, the head of the agency, or the Contracting Officer (CO) —Source selection sensitive information as defined in Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) 2.101 —Privacy Act protected information such as incumbent contractor employees’ personal data —Trade Secrets Act protected information

8 Page No. 8 Period of Limited Communications – A Time to Stop Upon release of the final solicitation (eg, RFP), a blackout notice should be issued to inform all center employees that any discussions related to the procurement are no longer permitted All communications following the “blackout notice” shall be directed through the CO assigned to support the procurement

9 Page No. 9 Contract Website

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