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This is where our students are headed… To get here, students will be challenged here in “Sophomore English.” They may even struggle a bit – some for the.

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2 This is where our students are headed… To get here, students will be challenged here in “Sophomore English.” They may even struggle a bit – some for the first time – and that is OKAY! That is how they will grow and reach their full potential.

3 Welcome to 8th Grade Open House! Kara Roberts 8 th grade pre-AP Language Arts Website: Email:

4 Pre-AP GrowthResilienceIntegrityTenacity

5 What is PRE-AP? demanding classes that require more effort, attention, and skill than the on-level classes classes that are recommended for highly motivated students classes that require vigor and commitment classes that require assigned reading and long-term projects which require students to plan their time carefully Classes that may require works to be read outside of class

6 Work to Increase Vocabulary #1 indicator of academic success- vocabulary -Greek/Latin Roots, Prefixes, Suffixes -Oxford Sadlier Vocabulary Workshop Level C (blue) *must purchase *great prep for the SAT!

7 Novels to be purchased for annotating… Lord of the Flies William Golding Fictional allegory Spare Parts Joshua Davis Non-fiction The Secret Life of Bees Sue Monk Kidd Historical/Realistic fiction

8 Other Novels/Readings… A Christmas Carol (I will provide a copy) Play version of The Diary of Anne Frank Holocaust/Genocide WWII book of choice

9 Writing Coach-online resource Grammar, Usage, and Mechanics Academic Writing Timed Writing

10 Literature Textbook-online resource short stories, various genres poems non-fiction paired passages media literacy Literature Textbook:

11 Composition Notebook 1. Students need this every day for notes, writings, and practice exercises-completed during direct instruction 2. It can and will be graded at any time for a daily, quiz, or major grade. 3. “I was absent” is not an excuse.

12 Outside Reading...all year long At your child’s level. At least 500 pages per nine- week period Students must have a book with them in class every day Best way to achieve college readiness to read, read often, and enjoy reading An assignment/project may be assigned

13 Study Skills Planner: write in daily (required), check off items completed Daily review: crucial Study skills: 12 minute study, 2 column notes, notecards, annotations Apps/websites: quizlet, vocab QR codes,, oxford sadlier, literature texbook online, Writing Coach textbook online

14 Extra Help/Tutoring Advisory=any day-ask for pass Before school= Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday After school= Monday through Wednesday (will begin in September…look for an email from McC)

15 Parent Access Center To Register from the CISD webpage : Under parent/student, click on account registration Grades Schedule Lunch Money STAAR scores Be an informed parent!

16 Parent/Teacher Conferences Parents/Guardians can request a conference by contacting the Counseling Center. I am available for conferences at these times: Red Days 8:50-10:10 Green Days 10:20-11:45

17 AVOID POOR GRADES 1. Get a good night's sleep. 2. Eat breakfast. 3. Be prepared. 3. Listen. 4. Follow directions. 5. Ask questions. 6. Write in your planner. 7. Study. 8. Daily review is crucial.

18 The McCullough faculty and staff wishes you the best school year ever!

19 Enjoy your 8 th grade experience!

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