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Native Spirituality.

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1 Native Spirituality

2 Religious Experience:
Believe in many gods Believe in one creator Believe that animals, plants and objects have a living spirit

3 Sacred Stories: Some tribes believe they came out of the ground on Turtle Island Archaeologists believe they came to America from Russia across a frozen land bridge Rich tradition of sacred stories passed down to share morals/values

4 Symbols and Rituals: Vision quest – coming of age ceremony
Totems – protective entity in the form of an animal, natural object or plant Sweat lodge – physical and spiritual healing Fours of the earth – north, south, east, west & earth, air, fire and water & fall, winter, spring, summer & infant, child, adult, old age Sacred pipe – “when you pray with this pipe, you pray for everything” Eagle feather – symbol of strength Smudging ceremony – sweet grass is burned and smudged Pow-wow – gathering – drums signify the heartbeat of the earth Medicine wheels

5 Community of Faith: Shamans believed to have a special connection to spirit world- so they lead ceremonies and help to interpret vision quests Shamans and elders memorize stories and pass on traditions Elders and young children have a special connection to the spirit world

6 Teaching and Doctrine:
All human activity should be set within the natural order of the cosmos Pay homage to sacrifices ( animals they need to kill to survive ) Treat the environment with reverence because it keeps us alive

7 Ethics: life depends on treating the environment with respect and dignity concern for the common good – work together believe in the wisdom of the elderly and very young respect all things of the Creator do not let technology overtake spirituality


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