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Describe the Enlightenment and how the ideas of the Enlightenment influenced the United States and its Founding Fathers.

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Presentation on theme: "Describe the Enlightenment and how the ideas of the Enlightenment influenced the United States and its Founding Fathers."— Presentation transcript:

1 Describe the Enlightenment and how the ideas of the Enlightenment influenced the United States and its Founding Fathers.

2  Glue in your Enlightenment Guided Notes into page #37 in your notebook  Fill in the blanks as we go through the next few slides covering the Enlightenment philosophers

3 Discuss with your table partner for about 30 seconds. Be ready to share and discuss.

4 The Enlightenment is a time period in Europe that starts in the 18 th century. Also known as the Age of Reason To enlighten- the idea of shedding light on something, illuminating it, making it clear. Ideas from past movements are now applied to the political aspects of society.

5 Rationalism The idea that people can use reason, or logical thought, to understand and improve the world. Rationalists believed they could analyze and understand patterns in the behaviors of people and governments. Individualism Idea that individuals and their rights are important. Enlightenment thinkers believed that individuals did not always need to sacrifice what they wanted or believed for the good of society or for the good of the government.

6 Enlightenment thinkers apply both rationalism and individualism to government. These concepts eventually led to conflict because it threatened important social traditions, including religious beliefs.

7 British Philosopher during the Enlightenment 1690-wrote Two Treatises of Government People are born with natural rights given to them by God and cannot be taken away Life, liberty and property Believed there was a social contract between people and their contract Government protects natural rights while people obey laws of government. If government breaks that contract then people have the right to overthrow said government.

8 British political scientist during Enlightenment Believed people were driven by their own self interests People are greedy, cruel and selfish Too much freedom was not necessarily a good thing 1651-publishes Leviathan Discusses the need for a social contract. People give up their natural rights in exchange for law and order Law and order enforced by strong monarchs

9  Prominent French Philosopher during the Enlightenment.  helps form the Philosophes  Believed that humans were good by nature, but society corrupts them  Writes The Social Contract  Proposes that people are born free and government and society restricts them too much  Writes that the only form of government that should be allow to restrict people is one elected by the people

10  French political philosopher during the Enlightenment  1748-writes The Spirit of the Laws  Tried to identify factors of a good and uncorrupt government  Three branches of government(executive, legislative and judicial)  Believed this separation of powers would keep any one person or group from gaining too much power  Believed this separation was only way to protect people’s right  Each branch should have a check on the other

11  Philosopher and writer during the Enlightenment  Believed that humans needed freedom from government control in order to succeed and progress  Believed in freedom of speech, religion and press.  “I do not agree with a word that you said but I will defend to the death your right to say it.”

12 FFirst to advocate for Women’s Equality EEducation leads to virtue and usefulness WWomen have right to participate in society

13  Helped form the “Academy of Fists”  Devoted to economic, political and administrative reform  Stressed the main beliefs of the Enlightenment  1764- published On Crimes and Punishment  He focused on the rights of the accused as well as the rights of victims  In fear of government backlash Beccaria publishes anonymously until it was received positively  Beccaria’s ideas where quoted by American Founding Fathers such as Thomas Jefferson and John Adams

14  German philosopher  Considered to be one of the greatest philosophers of all time  Tries to combine the two main schools of thought in philosophy: rationalism and empiricism  Believed that true knowledge was a combination of senses, experiences and reason  At that time, Kant’s beliefs were completely new

15  There are four signs posted in the room that read:  Strongly Agree  Agree  Disagree  Strongly Disagree  Statements will be projected onto the screen and you will go stand by the sign that reflects your opinion about the statement  Be ready to support your opinion because we will be having a discussion on these topics  Be sure to participate because you will be graded on your participation during this activity

16 Humans are naturally selfish.

17 Giving up some rights in exchange for law and order sounds like a good idea.

18 All people should be free and equal, without social classes.

19 Every person should be given an education.

20 People know how best to govern their own affairs, not the government.

21 1. The idea that people can use reason, or logical thought, to understand and improve the world is called ________________. A. Individualism B. Rationalism C. Salon D. Social Contract

22  2. The idea that individuals and their rights are important is called _____________. A. Individualism B. Rationalism C. Salon D. Social Contract

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