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Bandgap Reference Voltage SVTH:Đặng Thanh Tiền. Bandgap Reference Voltage  Abstract  Introduction  Circuit of the BGR  Simulation  Conclusion  References.

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Presentation on theme: "Bandgap Reference Voltage SVTH:Đặng Thanh Tiền. Bandgap Reference Voltage  Abstract  Introduction  Circuit of the BGR  Simulation  Conclusion  References."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bandgap Reference Voltage SVTH:Đặng Thanh Tiền

2 Bandgap Reference Voltage  Abstract  Introduction  Circuit of the BGR  Simulation  Conclusion  References

3 Abstract  A bandgap reference voltage is an essential component of an analog-to-digital converter.  BGR is often used to supply a reference voltage which is compared with other voltages.  The main design criteria for this project is to achieve PSRR above 60dB and a variation less than 3% resulting from temperature changes between 27 ℃ and 85 ℃.

4 Abstract  Figure 1 Circuit of BGR

5 Introduction  A bandgap reference voltage with low sensitivity to temperature and supply voltage is commonly required in analog or digital circuits.  The base emitter junction used as a core component of the bandgap reference is the most popular approach.  The general bandgap reference voltage is described by a linear combination of base- emitter voltage.

6 Introduction  We can compensate temperature dependent voltage by adding a positive-TC voltage to a negative-TC voltage.  The positive-TC voltage comes from the voltage difference between two pn junctions. The Fig. 2 shows the reason behind positive- TC voltage.

7 Introduction  Figure 2 Generation of temperature independent voltage

8 Introduction  Ideally, adding a positive-TC voltage to a negative-TC voltage can realize a zero temperature coefficient 1.26V at the room temperature.  The reference voltage is required to be robust to the power supply voltage.  An easy way to improve power supply rejection ratio (PSRR) is to increase the open loop gain.

9 Circuit of the BGR  Start Up Circuit  Differential Amplifier  Bandgap

10 Start Up Circuit  The transistors have two states, on and off, when power is provided.  Since M13 is also in saturation, it provides a sufficient gate voltage for M15 to turn on.  When M15 is on, a small current will flow through Op Amp and enable the entire circuit.  M14 will turn on and sink all the current from M13 and disable M15.

11 Start Up Circuit  Figure 3 Start up circuit

12 Differential Amplifier  We use an operational amplifier for this purpose.  It is composed by the common-source stages with diode-connected loads.  Its output provides a bias for the entire circuits, and a feedback loop is formed.

13 Differential Amplifier  Figure 4 Differential gain stage

14 Bandgap  The voltage difference between the two pn junctions is the positive-TC voltage.  A PTAT current can be copied from the current mirror and can be adjusted by changing the width of M12 or the resistance of 1 R.

15 Bandgap  Figure 5 Bandgap circuit

16 Simulation  The reference voltage is required to be 1.26V at the room temperature.  The base-emitter voltage is 0.75V at 25 ℃  We can set the PTAT current going through 2 R to be 54 µ A

17 Simulation

18 Simulation  The exact PSRR and reference voltages for certain values are depicted in the Table 1.

19 Conclusion  A design using bandgap core circuit with Op amp and start-up circuit is presented and simulated.  The overall performance of the BGR circuit is summarized in the Table 2.

20 Conclusion

21 Conclusion  Comparisons with other design are shown in table 3.

22 Conclusion

23 References  [1] D. F. Hilbiber, “A new semiconductor voltage standard”, ISSCC Digest Technical Papers, vol. 7, pp. 32-33, 1964  [2] David Jones, “Analog Integrated Circuit  [3] K. Lasanen, V. Korkala, “Design of a 1-V low power CMOS bandgap reference based on resistive subdivision”, IEEE  [4] T. L. Brooks and A. L. Westwick, “A low-power differential CMOS bandgap reference,” in ISSCC Dig. Tech. Papers, Feb. 1994, pp. 248–249.  [5] Behzad Razavi, “ Design of Analog CMOS Integrated Circuits”, cGRAW-Hill, 2000

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