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January 16, 2014 Holes chapters 33-36 making inferences H omework: W ork on unit 3 vocabulary. Quiz and assignment completion moved Wednesday January 22nd.

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Presentation on theme: "January 16, 2014 Holes chapters 33-36 making inferences H omework: W ork on unit 3 vocabulary. Quiz and assignment completion moved Wednesday January 22nd."— Presentation transcript:

1 January 16, 2014 Holes chapters 33-36 making inferences H omework: W ork on unit 3 vocabulary. Quiz and assignment completion moved Wednesday January 22nd (when you return from long weekend). Holes quiz on chapters 29-39 on Wednesday January 22nd! O bjective: I can make inferences based on textual evidence. Wa rm Up (in your composition book) C opy today's date and the objective into your comp book. Look up the definition for INFERENCE in the back of your Literature book (blue section).

2 Because Stanley wanted to find Zero, He tried to steal Mr. Pendanski's pick up truck, but was not successful since he drove right into a hole!

3 Inference a l ogical guess that is based on facts and one's own knowledge and experience.

4 We make inferences all the time...look at this example. Read the following passages... pg. 66 the paragraph starting with "It didn't take long for the pickup to return." pg. 121 the paragraph starting with "Linda Miller had been in the fourth grade when Kate Barlow was a teacher." This is the textual information

5 What do we know already? Th e text tells us that the Warden has the same turquoise stones in her boots that Kate Barlow used to have in her boots. Also, both Linda Walker (Trout's wife) and the Warden both have red hair and freckles. Also, she made the boys dig once they found the tube with KB engraved on it, so she is obviously interested in Kate Barlow What inference can you make?

6 So based on this...

7 Now I will give your groups a bag with must match them up and, in your composition book, write an inference relating to each scenario. EVERYONE!!!

8 1.

9 Chp. 29 What do you think is the significance of Stanley’s vision of the giant thumb? Explain. Chp. 30 Why doesn’t Stanley fight back when Zigzag taunts him? What would you do in his position? Chp. 31 Why doesn’t Stanley go after Zero? Chp. 32 Thinking about Zero, “what worried (Stanley) the most … was the fear that it wasn’t too late.” What does this mean? Explain. Review questions...

10 We will now read chapters 33-36 together as a class. As we read each chapter, think about the inferences you can make based on the text.

11 Chapter 33 inference Information from the text My knowledge My inference

12 Chapter 34 inference Information from the text My knowledge My inference

13 Chapter 35 inference Information from the text My knowledge My inference

14 Chapter 36 inference Information from the text My knowledge My inference

15 Homework: Unit 3 vocabulary quiz and lesson completion moved to Wednesday January 23rd (when you come back from the long weekend). Holes quiz on chapters 29-39 also on that Wednesday January 22!

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