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Hamot Women’s Hospital Erie, PA Michael Galleher Mechanical Option l AE-Senior Thesis l April 12, 2011 l Advisor Dr. Jelena Srebric.

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Presentation on theme: "Hamot Women’s Hospital Erie, PA Michael Galleher Mechanical Option l AE-Senior Thesis l April 12, 2011 l Advisor Dr. Jelena Srebric."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hamot Women’s Hospital Erie, PA Michael Galleher Mechanical Option l AE-Senior Thesis l April 12, 2011 l Advisor Dr. Jelena Srebric

2 Presentation Outline Building Overview Existing Mechanical System Redesign Analysis Goal of Redesign Redesign Options Energy Recovery System Redesign Results Integration of Systems Architectural Breadth Conclusion

3 Building Overview Location: Erie, PA Size: 163,616 sq. ft. Floors: 5 Floors Project Cost: 50 million dollars Delivery: Design-Bid-Build Opened: January 10, 2011

4 Existing Mechanical System Outline Building Overview Existing Mechanical System Redesign Analysis Goal of Redesign Redesign Options Energy Recovery System Redesign Results Integration of Systems Architectural Breadth Conclusion Variable Air Volume System 3 Air Handling Units 170,000 CFM SA and 35% OA VAV Boxes with Electric Reheat Radiant Panels for perimeter heating Steam and Chilled Water supplied by Main Plant in Hamot Building 40% of Façade is Glass Spaces include : Exam Rooms, Chapel, Neonatal Intensive Care, Administration Offices, Labor and Delivery Rooms, Post-Partum Rooms, Operating Rooms, Recovery Area, Surgical Rooms, Nursery, Waiting Rooms

5 Redesign Analysis Dedicated Outdoor Air System Secondary Systems:  VAV System  Fan Coil Units  Chilled Beams Integrate Fire Suppression System with Secondary System Energy Recovery System Architectural Study Structural Study Outline Building Overview Existing Mechanical System Redesign Analysis Goal of Redesign Redesign Options Energy Recovery System Redesign Results Integration of Systems Architectural Breadth Conclusion

6 Goal of Redesign Implement a new mechanical system that will be an improvement from the existing system. Energy Use Initial Cost Indoor Air Quality Construction Impact Operation and Maintenance Outline Building Overview Existing Mechanical System Redesign Analysis Goal of Redesign Redesign Options Energy Recovery System Redesign Results Integration of Systems Architectural Breadth Conclusion

7 Dedicated Outdoor Air System 100% Outdoor Air Less supply air required for the system  Less Fan Power  Smaller Coils Indoor Air Quality Decouple Latent and Sensible load Typical Maintenance No Impact on Construction Outline Building Overview Existing Mechanical System Redesign Analysis Goal of Redesign Redesign Options Energy Recovery System Redesign Results Integration of Systems Architectural Breadth Conclusion

8 Variable Air Volume System Reliable Efficient Deliver Less Outdoor Air than CB’s and FCU’s Contractors are Familiar with Installation Two sets of supply air ducts Outline Building Overview Existing Mechanical System Redesign Analysis Goal of Redesign Redesign Options Energy Recovery System Redesign Results Integration of Systems Architectural Breadth Conclusion

9 Fan Coil Units Located Directly in the Room Ducted to Multiple Rooms Flexibility of Design Installation Basic Controls Outline Building Overview Existing Mechanical System Redesign Analysis Goal of Redesign Redesign Options Energy Recovery System Redesign Results Integration of Systems Architectural Breadth Conclusion

10 Passive Chilled Beams Higher Water Temperatures No Moving Parts, Minimal Maintenance Less Fan Power Unfamiliar to Contractors Humidity Cost of Units Outline Building Overview Existing Mechanical System Redesign Analysis Goal of Redesign Redesign Options Energy Recovery System Redesign Results Integration of Systems Architectural Breadth Conclusion

11 Energy Recovery System Required for a mechanical system using DOAS Cost Savings Reduce Peak Heating and Cooling Loads Heat Pipes  No Cross Contamination  No moving parts, minimal maintenance  No additional pumps or fan power  45%-65% effective Outline Building Overview Existing Mechanical System Redesign Analysis Goal of Redesign Redesign Options Energy Recovery System Redesign Results Integration of Systems Architectural Breadth Conclusion

12 Redesign Results 2006 AIA Guidelines for Design and Construction of Health Care Facilities Outline Building Overview Existing Mechanical System Redesign Analysis Goal of Redesign Redesign Options Energy Recovery System Redesign Results Integration of Systems Architectural Breadth Conclusion

13 Redesign Results Outline Building Overview Existing Mechanical System Redesign Analysis Goal of Redesign Redesign Options Energy Recovery System Redesign Results Integration of Systems Architectural Breadth Conclusion

14 Redesign Results Outline Building Overview Existing Mechanical System Redesign Analysis Goal of Redesign Redesign Options Energy Recovery System Redesign Results Integration of Systems Architectural Breadth Conclusion

15 Integration of Systems Integrate the Fire Suppression System with the Secondary Mechanical System  Fan Coil Unit’s  Chilled Beams All equipment must meet NFPA 2010  Chapter 7.7 of Section 13 Coordination between contractors Building Code Inspector part of design Flexibility of fire suppression design Biggest negative is RISK Outline Building Overview Existing Mechanical System Redesign Analysis Goal of Redesign Redesign Options Energy Recovery System Redesign Results Integration of Systems Architectural Breadth Conclusion

16 Integration of Systems Outline Building Overview Existing Mechanical System Redesign Analysis Goal of Redesign Redesign Options Energy Recovery System Redesign Results Integration of Systems Architectural Breadth Conclusion

17 Architectural Breadth Modern Hospital Architecture  Architecture is believed to increase a patient’s ability to overcome illness  Patient is the focus of the Design  Feel Comfortable and Safe  Counter the Feeling of Helplessness  Appear Technologically Advanced  Architecture Should not be Intimidating Outline Building Overview Existing Mechanical System Redesign Analysis Goal of Redesign Redesign Options Energy Recovery System Redesign Results Integration of Systems Architectural Breadth Conclusion

18 Architectural Breadth Outline Building Overview Existing Mechanical System Redesign Analysis Goal of Redesign Redesign Options Energy Recovery System Redesign Results Integration of Systems Architectural Breadth Conclusion

19 Architectural Breadth Outline Building Overview Existing Mechanical System Redesign Analysis Goal of Redesign Redesign Options Energy Recovery System Redesign Results Integration of Systems Architectural Breadth Conclusion

20 Architectural Breadth Outline Building Overview Existing Mechanical System Redesign Analysis Goal of Redesign Redesign Options Energy Recovery System Redesign Results Integration of Systems Architectural Breadth Conclusion

21 Architectural Breadth Outline Building Overview Existing Mechanical System Redesign Analysis Goal of Redesign Redesign Options Energy Recovery System Redesign Results Integration of Systems Architectural Breadth Conclusion

22 Architectural Breadth Existing Glass: 3mm Dbl Tinted Glass Redesign: 3 mm Passive Low-e Spectrally Selective Tinted Glass Outline Building Overview Existing Mechanical System Redesign Analysis Goal of Redesign Redesign Options Energy Recovery System Redesign Results Integration of Systems Architectural Breadth Conclusion

23 Architectural Breadth Outline Building Overview Existing Mechanical System Redesign Analysis Goal of Redesign Redesign Options Energy Recovery System Redesign Results Integration of Systems Architectural Breadth Conclusion

24 The best redesign option for the Hamot Women’s Hospital is a Dedicated Outdoor Air System in parallel with Fan Coil Units  Indoor Air Quality  Easy to Maintain  Basic Controls, low risk of failure  Flexibility of design and redesign  Integration with Fire Suppression System  Lowest Peak Heating and Cooling Loads Structural members can be reduced with the redesign Area of penthouse can be reduced by as much as half Outline Building Overview Existing Mechanical System Redesign Analysis Goal of Redesign Redesign Options Energy Recovery System Redesign Results Integration of Systems Architectural Breadth Conclusion The added architectural elements may not decrease the thermal loads by enough to justify the changes; however the added elements may add something to the architecture that make the building more aesthetic and make patients and visitors more comfortable. Specialized glass will allow more natural daylight into patient rooms

25 Thank You Architectural Engineering Department Advisor: Dr. Srebric Brian Iavarone, Hamot Medical Center, Project Manager Matthew R. Sotosky, P.E., CJL Engineering Kim Jefferys, P.E., H.F. Lenz Company Rectenwald Architects Inc My Family and Friends for their Support Outline Building Overview Existing Mechanical System Redesign Analysis Goal of Redesign Redesign Options Energy Recovery System Redesign Results Integration of Systems Architectural Breadth Conclusion

26 Questions Outline Building Overview Existing Mechanical System Redesign Analysis Goal of Redesign Redesign Options Energy Recovery System Redesign Results Integration of Systems Architectural Breadth Conclusion

27 Additional Information Outline Building Overview Existing Mechanical System Redesign Analysis Goal of Redesign Redesign Options Energy Recovery System Redesign Results Integration of Systems Architectural Breadth Conclusion

28 Additional Information Outline Building Overview Existing Mechanical System Redesign Analysis Goal of Redesign Redesign Options Energy Recovery System Redesign Results Integration of Systems Architectural Breadth Conclusion

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