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Knowledge Synthesis & Exchange Forum: Building and Exchanging Knowledge for Reaching Vulnerable Populations Souradet Shaw, Knowledge Translation Officer.

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Presentation on theme: "Knowledge Synthesis & Exchange Forum: Building and Exchanging Knowledge for Reaching Vulnerable Populations Souradet Shaw, Knowledge Translation Officer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Knowledge Synthesis & Exchange Forum: Building and Exchanging Knowledge for Reaching Vulnerable Populations Souradet Shaw, Knowledge Translation Officer Joyce Slater, Senior Project Manager June 4, 2008 | CPHA, Halifax

2 National Collaborating Centre for Infectious Diseases Mandate: Bridge on-going research & evidence in emerging & re- emerging infectious diseases with the program and policy questions of front-line public health practitioners and policy-makers - One of six NCCs -

3 Knowledge Translation Process of enhancing application of research & other knowledge sources to improve health outcomes Includes informing research!

4 Evaluation and Feedback

5 Evidence Reviews Taxonomy of HIV Prevention Methods NCCID Knowledge Translation Model: HIV/STBBI Prevention Networks HIV/STBBI KSE Forums: Outreach for Vulnerable Populations Improving the Impact for Prevention Learning Sites: Knowledge Exchange Hubs Regional Knowledge Exchange Networks Knowledge Synthesis – Knowledge Exchange – Capacity Building Evaluation and Feedback Program-Informed Research Issue & Gap Identification Outreach Resource Manual Proceedings

6 HIV/STI Knowledge Synthesis and Exchange Forum (February 2008): Building and Exchanging Knowledge for Reaching Vulnerable Populations

7 Why are Vulnerable Populations Important? High burden of illness (HIV/STBBI) Critical for achieving reduced health disparities related to infectious diseases Strategically important for interrupting transmission Key component for expanding treatment and care services

8 Why is Outreach Important for Vulnerable Populations? Stigma and discrimination often prevent access to programs and services Programs and services are not always accessible at the right time and place Vulnerable populations often new to an environment (turnover, migration) – may be unaware of local programs and services Risk-reducing commodities (e.g. condoms, clean injecting equipment) often provided within a risky context (time and place)

9 Outreach Forum: Focus Knowledge synthesis & exchange on effective outreach strategies for: MSM IDU FSW Integrated Outreach

10 Outreach Forum: Who 110 participants: Canada, India, Pakistan Front-line outreach workers, planners, researchers: –public health, CBOs, ASOs, government, research institutions

11 Outcomes: What is good outreach? Diversity of approaches to outreach Building rapport with vulnerable populations (VPs) Sharing information on HIV/STBBI prevention/protection & services Linking VPs with programs & services Need credible, trusted outreach workers

12 Outcomes: What is good outreach? Centre on community needs & aware of local situations Involve community in planning Clear program objectives Tools like: social mapping & situational needs assessment tools useful (know size & location of VP) Ongoing monitoring & evaluation

13 Outreach Forum: Lessons Learned Gap: evidence & practice Lack of comprehensive resources OR Lack of awareness of good programs/ strategies Program-to-program knowledge exchange is desired, but few systematic mechanisms exist

14 Outreach Forum: Lessons Learned Opportunities for better knowledge exchange between established and emerging programs Gaps in assessing and translating new and emerging methods into public health practice (e.g. social mapping, peer outreach, internet-based outreach)

15 Moving to Action Outreach resource guide: Gap: evidence & practice National advisory group Case studies

16 Moving to Action Evidence reviews Knowledge exchange network (CNPHI) Taxonomy of HIV prevention initiatives Learning Sites (came from Forum)

17 What people had to say: “the inclusive approach to looking at the work – hearing the collective knowledge of experts across sectors and continents – it reinforces best practices, reveals gaps, and develops support for doing challenging and important work”

18 Proceedings available (see copies – also in French) Sign up for Network! Sign up for NCCID e-news!

19 Thank You

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