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8th Grade Course Selection.  Language Arts or Language Arts PAP  History or History PAP  Math or Algebra  Science or IPC (Integrated Physics and Chemistry)

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Presentation on theme: "8th Grade Course Selection.  Language Arts or Language Arts PAP  History or History PAP  Math or Algebra  Science or IPC (Integrated Physics and Chemistry)"— Presentation transcript:

1 8th Grade Course Selection

2  Language Arts or Language Arts PAP  History or History PAP  Math or Algebra  Science or IPC (Integrated Physics and Chemistry)  Consideration should be given to current grades and level of involvement in extra-curricular activities when selecting classes

3  Math ◦ 8 th Grade Math ◦ Algebra: Students enrolled in accelerated math as a 7 th grader can enroll.  Students must meet grading guidelines for placement in Algebra  Science ◦ 8 th Grade Science ◦ Integrated Physics and Chemistry; Students enrolled in accelerated science and math as a 7 th grader may enroll.  Students must meet grading guidelines for placement  IPC Must be taken with Algebra  EXIT ◦ Students may ONLY exit at first 3 weeks, first 6 weeks and end of the semester.

4  Students enrolled in regular 7 th grade math and science must take the exam for acceleration in order to qualify for Algebra and IPC.  To Request Testing for Algebra or IPC- Contact your counselor by April 15 th.

5 ENTRY  In order for students to qualify for enrollment in the Pre-AP ELA or SS/History courses, students must meet the following criteria: ◦ 85 or higher for yearly average in ELA course preceding year to qualify for ELA Pre-AP ◦ 85 or higher for yearly average in Social Studies/History course the preceding year to qualify for SS Pre-AP ◦ OR Level III on STAAR ELA test the preceding year to qualify for ELA OR SS Pre-AP  EXIT ◦ Students may ONLY exit at first 3 weeks, first 6 weeks and end of the semester.

6  Language Arts- has Summer Reading Assignment ◦ PAP Language Arts can be taken without PAP History and PAP History can be taken without PAP Language Arts.  History- projects, often done in the classroom ◦ However, to take PAP History students must also qualify for PAP Language Arts.

7 Please circle one choice in each column. Language Arts History MathScience ELA 1800 HST 3800 MTH 2800SCI 4800 ** ELA 1830 PAP ** HST 3830 PAP ** MTH 1000 (Algebra)**SCI 1100 IPC ** See PAP/ Accelerated Criteria at (Schools-Willow Wood JH)


9  Physical Education (semester only option)  Boys Athletics  Girls Athletics  Cross Country  Dance I or Dance II  Leadership Officer Training Corp (LOTC)  To participate in Athletics/Cross Country students must have a current UIL physical on file by the first day of school. Physicals must be dated after April 29, 2016

10 1. Touch System Data Entry (if you did not take in 7 th grade and receives high school credit) 2. Business, Finance, and Marketing 3. Exploring Careers 4. Health and Human Services 5. Principles of Information Technology (high school credit)

11 Year Long Elective  Spanish I-This class is intended to enable the student to read and write basic Spanish and to understand and conduct a simple conversation in Spanish. (1 high school credit)  Spanish I and II for Native Speakers (2 high school credits) Half Year Electives  Touch System Data Entry  Principles of Information Technology  Health  Communication Applications (Speech) Successful completion of course will earn high school credit. Credits transfer to high school, but does not factor into GPA.

12 Theater Choir Art

13 Orchestra Band

14  Spanish *  Spanish for Native Speakers 1 & 2*  Art year 1  Art year 2 (prerequisite Art 1)  Art year 3 (prerequisite Art 2)  Theater I or  Theater II (prerequisite Theater 1)  Band  Orchestra  Choir - Boys  Choir - Girls * High School Credit

15  Touch System Data Entry*  Principles of Information*  Health*  Comm App (Speech)*  Health and Human Services  Exploring Careers * High School Credit  Crafts  Creative Writing  Exploring Languages  Intro to Spanish  Business Finance Marketing  Yearbook

16  English 4.0  Mathematics3.0  Science3.0  Social Studies3.0  Foreign Language 2.0 (same language)  Physical Education1.0  Fine Arts1.0  Communications Applications0.5  Health0.5  Additional Electives 4.0  Endorsement Courses4.0 26.0

17  Science/Technology/Engineering/Mathematics STEM  Business & Industry  Public Services  Arts & Humanities  Multidisciplinary

18  Schedules (Rigor)  Naviance ◦ Explore Career Clusters & Careers ◦ Endorsement Selection ◦ Course Plan  Parent Night for 8 th to 9 th Grade  Course Selection for 9 th Grade  Summer School options for High School Credit (Summer prior to 9 th grade) ◦ Health ◦ Communication Application ◦ Medical Terminology ◦ Principals in Health Science ◦ Physical Education

19  Orientation/Camp & Schedule Pick up in August  Freshman Portfolio Meeting

20 Course Verifications of selected classes (These are not schedules) February 3rd, verification sheets showing student course selections will be sent home with students for parent review. If any changes to your child’s course selections are needed, indicate the changes on the verification sheet and return it to WWJH by February 11 th.

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