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Presentation on theme: "THE OFFICE OF ACADEMIC AFFAIRS HR SERVICE CENTER Student Hire Process October 21, 2015."— Presentation transcript:


2 Scenario #1 – Hiring OSU Students on General Student Funds (60131) Supervisor would like to hire OSU student, Brutus Buckeye, to work as a Student Assistant in the Eighteenth Avenue Library. Things to Know Before Making An Offer: 1.Must be an enrolled OSU student 2.Must be appointed in an OSU Student Position (job code 7968) 3.Rate of Pay Cannot exceed $13/hour and should be no less than minimum wage ($8.10) 3.Standard Hours Domestic students allowed to work 28/hours per week International and FWS students allowed to work 20/hours per week During off academic term and official school breaks, hours can be increased to 38. This includes international students who attend class in the summer

3 Hiring the Student Information to Tell the Student in order to make the Hiring Process go Smoothly: Offer Letter, if applicable  Please discuss possible start dates Inform student of their rate of pay Ask if they have any other positions on campus Watch for email from Service Center regarding next steps (within 1-2 business days)  Prepare documents for I-9 Completion. Possible documentation to bring can be found: May not begin working until all necessary hiring paperwork is completed Service Center will send email to Student (copy supervisor/HRP) when hiring process is complete and work may begin

4 HRA Submission Go to: Click: Create a New HR Action Request

5 HRA – Hire Details Position details will automatically populate with position number. This information can be overridden, if needed Please discuss start date with student. Require at least 3-5 days notice in order for all documentation to be completed on time. Name will automatically populate with Employee ID (can be found with Lookup link or student’s BuckID, if unknown)

6 HRA – Additional/Chartfield Information

7 HRA – Documentation Other student appointments Signed offer letter (recommended) Minor documentation (if needed) Other student appointments Signed offer letter (recommended) Minor documentation (if needed)

8 Scenario #2 – Hiring OSU Students on Federal Work Study Funds (60155) Supervisor would like to hire OSU student, Scarlet Gray, to work as a FWS Student Assistant in the Thompson Library Things to Know Before Making An Offer: 1.Must be an enrolled OSU student 2.Rate of Pay Must be within allowable pay range of position 3.Standard Hours Maximum of 20 hours for FWS position Can hold another concurrent position within the University as long as standard hours remain within student employment policy

9 Hiring the Student Information to Tell the Student in order to make the Hiring Process go Smoothly: FWS referral form, signed  Please discuss possible start dates Inform student of their rate of pay Ask if they have any other positions on campus Watch for email from Service Center regarding next steps (within 1-2 business days)  Prepare documents for I-9 Completion. Possible documentation to bring can be found: May not begin working until all necessary hiring paperwork is completed Service Center will send email to Student (copy supervisor/HRP) when hiring process is complete and work may begin

10 HRA – Hire Details Name will automatically populate with Employee ID (can be found with Lookup link or student’s BuckID, if unknown) Please discuss start date with student. Require at least 3-5 days notice in order for all documentation to be completed on time. Position details will automatically populate with position number. This information can be overridden, if needed

11 HRA Review – FWS Student Hires Position Number Match FWS form Verify title Pay rate FWS range on referral form Standard hour considerations FWS – 20 hours Chartfield Fund: 014002 Account: 60155 Documentation Signed FWS Referral form by student /supervisor

12 HRA – Additional/Chartfield Information

13 HRA – Documentation Other student appointments Signed FWS referral form by student/supervisor (required) Minor documentation (if needed) Other student appointments Signed FWS referral form by student/supervisor (required) Minor documentation (if needed)

14 HRA Submissions for FWS Students When dealing with General to FWS funding, please enter HRA as a ‘hire’ and attach signed FWS referral form. This helps us: Verify student is in correct position Verify student is being paid at the correct hourly rate Correct approval is received if changes are needed

15 Example: In this example, the position number on the FWS referral form and the position in Job Data do not match. This would be considered a transfer in addition to the funding updates In this example, the position number on the FWS referral form and the position in Job Data do not match. This would be considered a transfer in addition to the funding updates

16 FWS Referral Form The presence of the form is confirmation that the student has a work-study award You may choose any rate within the range displayed on the referral form that corresponds with the work category selected for the position

17 SC HR Specialist – Final Approvers Reviews HRA – sends to HR Associate for entry Unit HR – Level 1 and 2 Approvers Reviews HRA submission HRA Submitted Appropriate information and documentation attached HRA Workflow

18 THE OFFICE OF ACADEMIC AFFAIRS Service Center New Hire Process for Students Final Steps HR Associate enters hire into system HR Associate sends final follow up email to student employee and supervisor Steps for Employee Complete DocuSign Visit Service Center – Fill out final paperwork and review new hire packet HRA Submitted and Approved HR Associate sends out welcome email and DocuSign. Welcome Email includes information about DocuSign and Service Center Appointment.

19 THE OFFICE OF ACADEMIC AFFAIRS Student Hire Timeline Hire HR Action request will begin the hire process Please provide the following notice for student hire requests: 10 business days – background check required. 3-5 business days – no background check required Complete hire process timeline will vary based on student response and availability

20 THE OFFICE OF ACADEMIC AFFAIRS Service Center Steps Review OSU work history. Hiring documents needed. Determine student employee’s next steps Includes all steps required prior to beginning work. Sent to employee, supervisor, and HR Professional. Send Welcome Email Packet contents based on employee appointment type and work history. Send DocuSign Packet

21 THE OFFICE OF ACADEMIC AFFAIRS Welcome Email – New Hire Example Good morning! Congratulations on your upcoming student position! I will be working with your department to assist you through the new hire steps leading up to your first day of work. All steps must be completed before you may begin working in your new student employee role. Here are your next steps: DocuSign Electronic Hire Packet: The hire packet from DocuSign, our secure hiring system, will be sent to your email shortly. (If you do not receive the email please check your spam folder.) Please be aware that as you begin to complete your documents, this system will time out after 30 minutes. If you currently forward your OSU email to a non-OSU email address, Set up an appointment to visit the service center: Please visit to set up an appointment to complete your final hiring documents, including the I-9, on or before your first day of work. This visit will take approximately 15 minutes. We are located in Bricker Hall, Room 395 and our street address is 190 N. Oval Mall, Columbus, OH 43210. Parking is available in the Union or Tuttle garages. For your convenience here is a link to the campus map: Employment Eligibility Verification (I-9) Form: During your visit to the service center, you will be completing the I-9 form. Please note that as a part of this form, identification documents will be required to establish your identity and eligibility to work in the United States. Examples of acceptable documents for the I-9 Form are provided below and the full list is attached. US passport Driver’s License and Social Security Card Driver’s License and Birth Certificate Foreign Passport, I-20, and I-94 card - You can print the electronic version of your I-94 card at Once you complete these steps, you will receive an email confirming you are ready to work. Please let me know if you have any questions in the meantime. Thank you!

22 THE OFFICE OF ACADEMIC AFFAIRS Student Employee’s Steps Student completes electronic DocuSign Packet. Complete DocuSign Packet Student schedules an appointment to visit the Service Center. Schedule Service Center Appointment Completes all necessary hiring forms Includes bringing required identification documents. Completes Service Center Appointment

23 THE OFFICE OF ACADEMIC AFFAIRS DocuSign Example: Designates required fields Confirm appears when all required fields are complete

24 THE OFFICE OF ACADEMIC AFFAIRS Acuity Scheduling Website for Service Center Appointments: Calendar provides all available appointment times for the HR Associate assisting with the hire process beginning next day.

25 THE OFFICE OF ACADEMIC AFFAIRS Appointment Confirmation:

26 THE OFFICE OF ACADEMIC AFFAIRS New Hire Appointment Details Student will fill out final paperwork and HR Associate will review the New Hire Packet with the student. New Hire Packet: How to set up Direct Deposit Where to fill out W-4 Form online eTimesheet Instructions and Deadlines Biweekly Pay Period Schedule OPERS Exemption Details Maximum number of hours for students

27 THE OFFICE OF ACADEMIC AFFAIRS Final Steps Review at Service Center Visit. Sent electronically in follow up email. New Hire Information Packet Sent to student, supervisor and department HR Professional. This confirms student is ready to begin work. Final Follow Up Email

28 THE OFFICE OF ACADEMIC AFFAIRS Final Follow Up Email Example Hello, Thank you for completing your DocuSign hire packet and Service Center visit. Attached is a new hire checklist and new employee information packet; please review and let me know if you have any questions. You will have access to Employee Self Service and eTimesheet beginning tomorrow. This completes your hiring process, and you may now begin working in your new student employee role. Thank you! Alyssa Kitchen HR Associate Office of Academic Affairs HR Service Center 395 Bricker Hall, 190 N. Oval Mall, Columbus, OH 43210 614.292.5421 Office

29 THE OFFICE OF ACADEMIC AFFAIRS Follow up Conversations with Student 1.Students should submit timesheets weekly for approval in order to avoid delay in pay For FWS students, if a student misses the timesheet deadline, FWS allows for students to submit timesheets for one pay period back. Anything further than that has to be paid on department funds. 2.Ensure direct deposit is set up

30 THE OFFICE OF ACADEMIC AFFAIRS Frequently Asked Questions 1.Can a newly admitted undergraduate start as a student employee prior to the first day of classes? Yes. Newly accepted student at the University can start in a student employee position no earlier than four weeks prior to the first day of classes. 2.Can a student hold a FWS and REG position concurrently? Yes. FWS office has requested that these be entered using separate position numbers. Students may work up to 20 standard hours in a FWS position and up to 8 hours in a REG position 3.Can student employees continue to work past graduation? Student employees may work through the last day of final exams of the first session of the semester following graduation 4.Does a FWS referral form need attached when changing an active student from general funds (60131) to FWS funds (60155)? Yes. The referral form helps us ensure that a student is in the correct position and receiving the correct rate of pay. A good rule of thumb is to submit these requests as hire HRAs so that proper approval is received.

31 THE OFFICE OF ACADEMIC AFFAIRS HRA Activity Status/Meanings Additional Information Requested - service center has contacted supervisor or HRP to request additional information/clarification to process request Background Check Pending - Background check has been ordered Background Check Complete - Background check completed and request is assigned back to the service center for next steps in hire process Complete - this confirms that the hire process is now complete and employee has no further actions needed HR Paperwork Pending - Pending the DocuSign paperwork or SSA form that was emailed to employee if no visit is necessary In Process - HRA received at service center but no action has yet been taken. If it is assigned to the OHR Background check team (Gina Thorpe), it is pending authorization to begin the check Future Action Needed - Ready for system entry, possibly too early to enter or prioritized after other active requests with deadline implications Personnel File/I-9 Requested - Pending completion or transfer of the I-9 document. If it is an internal OSU staff/faculty transfer, it can take up to several weeks to obtain the document, but will not delay the hire process. For students/fellows/trainees, this means we are waiting for them to visit the service center and complete the I-9 document. HRA Reopened - This status means that there is a detail in the HR database that is being changed/corrected, but no further HRP, supervisor or hire actions are required Under Compliance Review - Review/Adjustment needed to entry, but initial entry is complete

32 THE OFFICE OF ACADEMIC AFFAIRS HRA Activity Log Comments/Notes SC Appt/Visit - Service Center visit is required for the completion of the Social Security Acknowledgement (SSA) form and I-9 document BGC or Background Check - Background check required for hire process. Background Check Cleared/Completed - Candidate is cleared for hire DS or DocuSign - Electronic hiring paperwork packet sent to hires that includes some or all of the following: Hire data worksheet, policy and ethics acknowledgement, fraud acknowledgment form, voluntary self-disclosure of disability, Payroll Deduction for Graduate Fees. Packets organized and sent by hire type. Follow up email sent - For staff/faculty, the follow up email contains employee ID & name.# along with service center appointment details (if scheduled or needed), and confirmation that the background check has cleared and position has been entered into the HR database Hire Complete - this confirms that the hire process is now complete and employee has no further actions needed I-9 - Federally required Employment Eligibility Document, required for all active OSU employees within 3 business days of start date

33 THE OFFICE OF ACADEMIC AFFAIRS HRA Activity Log Comments/Notes NCNS/No Call, No Show - Hire was a no call, no show to service center appointment, and needs to be rescheduled to complete paperwork OPERS Needed/OPERS Exempt / Non-exempt - OPERS Student Exemption form, student is eligible to choose to complete this document or opt in to OPERS deductions, only available with original student hire or with 12+ month break in service. Note may also list if student is “exempt/not exempt” from OPERS based on original decision, and then new decision is not possible. Pending I-9 Documentation - Employee visited service center for appointment, but must return with I-9 Identification documents to complete hire process. Students may not begin working until identification documents are returned. Staff must return them within 3 business days of hire. SSA form - Social Security Acknowledgement form, required for all new employees and rehires with any break in service Welcome email sent - This begins the hiring process by detailing the steps required (DocuSign, Background Check, Service Center appointment, etc.)

34 THE OFFICE OF ACADEMIC AFFAIRS HR Specialists – Contact for assistance with HR Action requests and approval, transaction planning, commitment accounting and direct retro distributions, policy interpretation, HR reporting Ben Moore (, Ext. 2-3018) Units: Graduate School, Enrollment Services and Undergraduate Education, Office of Human Resources, Office of International Affairs, and Office of Research Chrissy Sprouse (, Ext. 7-6018) Units: John Glenn College of Public Affairs, University Libraries, Office of the CIO, OSU On-Line, OAA Administration, Office of Diversity and Inclusion, Office of Outreach and Engagement, and Wexner Center for the Arts OAA HR Service Center Contacts:

35 THE OFFICE OF ACADEMIC AFFAIRS HR Associates– Contact for assistance with HR Action entry, new hires during background check and employee hire process, timekeeping and leave, payroll questions, PeopleSoft entries Stephanie Gluck (, Ext. 7-8009) Units: Enrollment Services and Undergraduate Education, John Glenn College of Public Affairs, and Office of Research. Alyssa Kitchen (, Ext. 2-5421) Units: University Libraries, Office of International Affairs, Office of the CIO, and OSU On-Line Diane Pocius (, Ext. 2-3831) Units: Graduate School, OAA Administration, Office of Human Resources, Wexner Center for the Arts, Office of Diversity and Inclusion, and Office of Outreach and Engagement. HR Service Center Manager Allyse Degenhardt (, Ext. 7-4268)


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