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South Dakota State Spotlight 2013 Cohort. One Initiative We Have Been Working On  Developing a set of “Core Competencies” –focused on literacy grades.

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Presentation on theme: "South Dakota State Spotlight 2013 Cohort. One Initiative We Have Been Working On  Developing a set of “Core Competencies” –focused on literacy grades."— Presentation transcript:

1 South Dakota State Spotlight 2013 Cohort

2 One Initiative We Have Been Working On  Developing a set of “Core Competencies” –focused on literacy grades 4-12 –all programs include in their curricula for general and special education candidates and school leaders

3 What We Have Accomplished  Established state goals  Utilized ICs  Ongoing program reform  Summer Work Session  Define core competencies  Integrate into literacy programs, 4-12  Revise syllabi, assignments, lesson plans

4 How We Achieved Our Accomplishment  Began with one IHE  Inclusive planning committee for scaling-up  BoR, SEA, IHE representation  Determined objectives & outcomes  IHE faculty invited & confirmed  State leadership guiding the work

5 Take Aways:  Establishing goals addressing the divergent demographic and economic needs of a large, sparsely populated, rural state such as South Dakota requires open, honest dialogue.  Each campus has a unique set of needs and goals! Deciding on goals & objectives that address our state vision as well as each campus’ is a challenge requiring time, trust, diligence, and patience.

6 Our Next Steps  Develop a common understanding of the “Core Competencies”  Focus activities on literacy grades 4-12  Integrate competencies into identified courses (at least 4 courses per IHE) to be piloted by fall, 2016  Identify necessary professional learning opportunities for faculty  Plan a collaborative research project with participating CEEDAR IHEs that would result in research, presentations, and publications

7 SD Convening Team  Linda Turner, SD Director Sp. Ed. Programs  Therese Berndt, SD Reading Specialist, Division of Learning & Instruction  Rick Melmer, Board of Regents Senior Advisor  Andy Stremmel, Head, Department of Teaching, Learning, & Leadership, South Dakota State University  Cheryl Wold, Special Education, Northern State University

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