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Module 6 MM5: Overview William J. Gutowski, Jr. Iowa State University.

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Presentation on theme: "Module 6 MM5: Overview William J. Gutowski, Jr. Iowa State University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Module 6 MM5: Overview William J. Gutowski, Jr. Iowa State University

2 GOALS: Flow of information in MM5 system Tasks of individual codes Emphasis on climate simulation Module 6 MM5: Overview

3 OUTLINE:  Overall System  Preprocessing  MM5 details Module 6 MM5: Overview

4 OUTLINE:  Overall System Module 6 MM5: Overview

5 REGRID INTERPF MM5 Modeling System Preprocessing TERRAIN

6 REGRID INTERPF MM5 MM5 Modeling System Preprocessing Simulation TERRAIN

7 MM5 REGRID INTERPF Output Analysis MM5 Modeling System Preprocessing Simulation Postprocessing TERRAIN GRAPH/RI P


9 MM5 Coordinates: Vertical


11 MM5 Coordinates: Horizontal I J (1,1) (IMAX,JMAX)

12 MM5 Coordinates: Horizontal XXX XXX XXX I J (1,1) (IMAX,JMAX)

13 MM5 Coordinates: Horizontal XXX XXX XXX I J (1,1) (IMAX,JMAX) u,v T,q,p’,w Arakawa B-grid

14 MM5 Modeling System How does a “flat” grid... XX XX

15 MM5 Modeling System How does a “flat” grid......represent part of the spherical earth? XX XX ?

16 MM5 Modeling System By projection to a flat plane

17 MM5 Modeling System Polar Stereographic True at 90 o

18 MM5 Modeling System Lambert Conformal True at, e.g., 30 o and 60 o

19 MM5 Modeling System Mercator True at 0 o

20 MM5 Modeling System Map Factor: m = (distance on grid)/(distance on earth)

21 MM5 Modeling System Forcing Frame: for lateral boundary conditions “free” interior

22 MM5 Modeling System Other Features: Nonhydrostatic Grid nesting

23 OUTLINE:  Overall System  Preprocessing Module 6 MM5: Overview


25 Preprocessing Data preparation:  topography  land use  gridded, 3-D atmospheric fields  wind  temperature  humidity  geopotential height  initial surface conditions  soil moisture  soil temperature  (direct observations)

26 Preprocessing TERRAIN (1) establishes model domain and grid (2) interpolates topographic and land use data to model grid

27 Preprocessing TERRAIN domain specifications: projection

28 Preprocessing TERRAIN domain specifications: projection central latitude/longitude

29 Preprocessing TERRAIN domain specifications: projection central latitude/longitude # of grid points (IMAX,JMAX)

30 Preprocessing TERRAIN domain specifications: projection central latitude/longitude # of grid points grid spacing (IMAX,JMAX)  X,  Y

31 Preprocessing TERRAIN input: 1. Topographic data 1 o 30 min. 10 min. 5 min. 30 sec.

32 Preprocessing TERRAIN input: 2. Land use/vegetation data PSU/NCAR (13 categories, global) SiB (17 categories, North America) USGS (25 categories, global)

33 Preprocessing TERRAIN input: 3. Land/water mask SiB (North America) USGS (global)

34 Preprocessing TERRAIN input: 4. Soil texture 5. Monthly vegetation fraction 6. Deep soil temperature

35 Preprocessing TERRAIN interpolation options: 16-point, 2-D overlapping parabolic fit (all TERRAIN fields) Cressman-type objective analysis (topography only)

36 Preprocessing TERRAIN output files:  terrestrial data files  printout (run information) file  plot file in NCAR Graphics format


38 Preprocessing REGRID Interpolates gridded atmospheric data horizontally to model grid

39 Preprocessing REGRID input: TERRAIN output Atmospheric analysis on pressure levels

40 Preprocessing REGRID output: Atmospheric data on model’s horizontal grid (on pressure levels)


42 Preprocessing INTERPF Interpolates atmospheric data vertically to model grid Generates surface fields: pressure, air temperature Initializes nonhydrostatic model

43 Preprocessing INTERPF 1. Ingest REGRID output 2. Interpolate vertically to  coordinate 3. Output initial conditions & lateral boundary conditions

44 OUTLINE:  Overall System  Preprocessing  MM5 details Module 6 MM5: Overview

45 REGRID INTERPF MM5 MM5 details Preprocessing Simulation TERRAIN

46 Conservation laws: (1) Projected to model grid (2) Transformed to sigma coordinates MM5 details Earlier: Tutorial, p.8-4:

47 Conservation laws: (1) Projected to model grid (2) Transformed to sigma coordinates MM5 details Earlier: Tutorial, p.8-4:

48 Time Stepping: MM5 details tt tt n-1nn+1 T, q, advection, physics, boundary, coriolis, diffusion terms Long (leapfrog) step

49 Split-explicit Time Stepping: MM5 details tt tt  n-1nn+1 T, q, advection, physics, boundary, coriolis, diffusion terms pressure gradients, divergence terms Short (forward) step Long (leapfrog) step

50 MM5 details Convection parameterization Options - None Anthes-Kuo Grell Arakawa-Schubert Fritsch-Chappell Kain-Fritsch Betts-Miller Shallow Cumulus

51 MM5 details Explicit Moisture Schemes Options - Dry Stable Warm microphysics Simple ice Mixed phase Goddard Reisner graupel Schultz microphysics

52 Planetary Boundary Layer Schemes MM5 details Options - None Bulk High-Res. Blackadar Burk-Thompson Eta MRF Gayno-Seaman

53 MM5 details Radiation Schemes Options - None Simple cooling Cloud-radiation CCM2 RRTM longwave

54 MM5 details Land Surface Schemes Options - None Force-Restore Five-Layer Soil OSU/Eta Land-Surface Model

55 MM5 details Scheme Couplings Radiation Surface Explicit Moisture Convection PBL cloud moistening downward SW & LW upward LW & albedo sfc. fluxes sfc. T,q,wind

56 REGRID INTERPF MM5 Output Analysis MM5 Modeling System Preprocessing Simulation Postprocessing TERRAIN GRAPH/RI P

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