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Medical Terminology Organization of the Body. Organization of the Body Objectives:  To name the body systems and their functions  To identify body cavities.

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Presentation on theme: "Medical Terminology Organization of the Body. Organization of the Body Objectives:  To name the body systems and their functions  To identify body cavities."— Presentation transcript:

1 Medical Terminology Organization of the Body

2 Organization of the Body Objectives:  To name the body systems and their functions  To identify body cavities and specific organs within them  To list the divisions of the back  To identify three planes of the body  To analyze, pronounce, and spell new terms  To apply medical terms in real-life situations

3 Levels of structure (Part 1)  Cells  Smallest units in the body, specialized  Different types:  Muscle cells  Nerve cells  Skin (epithelial) cells  Bone cells  And many more!

4 Levels of structure (Part 2)  Tissues  Similar cells that are grouped together  Examples: muscle tissue, epithelial tissue

5 Levels of structure (Part 3)  Organs  Several tissues working together to perform a function  Example: Stomach (muscle tissue, epithelial tissue, nerve tissue)

6 Levels of structure (Part 4)  Systems  Groups of organs working together  11 major systems in the body

7 Circulatory (Cardiovascular) System  Transports blood throughout the body and regulates body temperature  Composed of:  Heart  Blood  Blood vessels  arteries,  veins,  capillaries

8 Lymphatic System  Helps to fight disease aides in immunity and returns fluid to the circulatory system  Composed of:  Spleen, thymus  lymph vessels  Lymph nodes  Lymph, clear fluid containing lymphocytes (WBC)

9 Digestive System  Brings food into the body and breaks it down so it can be used by the body then eliminates the waste  Composed of:  Mouth  Esophagus  Stomach  Intestines  Accessory Organs

10 Endocrine System  Controls glands and organs by hormones to regulate growth, development, metabolism and reproduction  Composed of:  Hypothalamus  Pituitary gland  Adrenals  Ovaries and testes  Various Hormones

11 Reproductive Systems (2)  Male and female systems that are designed to produce reproductive cells  Composed of:  Male:  Organs: Testis, vas deferens, prostate, penis  Hormones: Testosterone  Cells: Sperm  Female:  Organs: Ovaries, fallopian tube, uterus, vagina  Hormones: Estrogen, Progesterone  Cells: Ova


13 Muscular System  Works with skeletal system to produce movement and helps with digestion by moving food  Composed of:  Skeletal muscle  Smooth muscle  Cardiac muscle

14 Skeletal System  Supports body, protects the organs, is the site for blood formation and works with the muscular system to produce movement.  Composed of:  Bones  Cartilage  Ligaments (bone to bone)  Tendons (bone to muscle)

15 Nervous System  Coordinates the body’s response by carrying electrical messages to and from the brain and spinal cord.  Composed of:  Brain  Spinal cord  Nerves  Spinal nerves  Carry messages to/from spinal cord  Cranial nerves  Carry messages to/from the brain

16 Respiratory System  Controls breathing and transports oxygen and carbon dioxide in and out of the body  Composed of:  Lungs  Bronchioles  Trachea  Larynx (voice box)  Nose/mouth

17 Excretory (Urinary) System  Elimination of waste products from the body  Urea (nitrogenous waste) is removed from the cells and urine is formed and eliminated.  Composed of:  Skin/Lungs  Kidneys  Ureters  Bladder  Urethra

18 Integumentary System  Receive messages from the environment and send them to the brain to help regulate body temperature and protect against infection and injury.  Composed of:  Eyes (sensory organ)  Ears (sensory organ)  Fingers/nails (sensory organ)  Hair  Skin (sweat and oil glands)

19 Organs/Structures and Systems  Bronchial tubes  Respiratory  Cerebrum  Nervous  Coccyx (tailbone)  Skeletal  Colon (large intestine)  Digestive  Esophagus (food tube)  Digestive  Kidneys  Excretory  Larynx (voice box)  Respiratory  Lungs  Respiratory  Ovaries  Female Reproductive  Endocrine  Pharynx (throat)  Digestive  Respiratory  Pituitary gland  Endocrine  Prostate Gland  Male Reproductive  Spinal cord  Nervous  Trachea (windpipe)  Respiratory  Ureters  Excretory  Uterus  Female reproductive  Vertebra (backbone)  Skeletal

20 Assignment  Body System 1 Worksheet  Body System 2 Worksheet

21 Body Cavities (Part 1)  Cranial Cavity  Head, surrounded by the skull  Contains brain, pituitary gland  Thoracic Cavity  Chest cavity, surrounded by the breastbone and ribs  Contains lungs, heart  Abdominal Cavity  Area below the thoracic cavity, below the diaphragm (muscle)  Contains stomach, liver, gallbladder, intestines

22 Body Cavities (Part 2)  Pelvic Cavity  Below the abdominal cavity, surrounded by the pelvis  Contains bladder, ureters, urethra, rectum, anus and uterus (in females)  Spinal Column  Surrounds the spine  Contains the spinal cord

23 Thoracic Cavity  Pleura  Double membrane that surrounds the lungs  Pleural cavity  Space between the pleura  Pleural effusion  Collection of fluid in the pleural cavity  Mediastinum  Area between the lungs  Contains: heart, esophagus, trachea and bronchial tubes

24 Abdominal cavity  Diaphragm  Muscle that separates the thoracic cavity and the abdominal cavity  Creates a negative pressure so the lungs will inflate  Peritoneum  Double membrane that covers organs and attaches them to the muscles  Ascites  Collection of fluid in the peritoneal cavity

25 Assignment  Body Cavities  Cut out and paste diagram of body cavities into notebook  Label cavities  Page 53  Write out the 10 meanings, matching them up with the correct term. Do all work in your notebooks – Put today’s date, and what you are working on at the top of the page.

26 Divisions of the Back  Cervical region  Neck  7 bones (C1-C7)  Thoracic region  Chest  12 bones (T1-T12)  Lumbar region  Waist  5 bones (L1-L5)  Sacral region  Lower Back  5 fused bones (S1-S5)  Coccygeal region  Tailbone (Coccyx)  4 fused bones

27 Spinal Column  Vertebra  (Plural)Vertebrae  Bones from the neck to the tailbone that make up the spinal column  Disk/disc  Flexible connective tissue (cartilage) found between each vertebra

28 Planes of the body  Frontal (Coronal) Plane  Vertical plane  Separates front to back  Anterior - front  Posterior - back  Sagittal (Lateral) Plane  Vertical plane  Seperates right to left  Midsagittal plane – equal right and left halves  Transverse (Axial) Plane  Horizontal plane  Cross section – upper and lower sections

29 Planes of the Body

30 Assignment  Divisions of the back  Cut out and paste diagram of the back into notebook  Label divisions  Planes of the body  Cut out and paste diagram of planes of the body into notebook  Label planes Do all work in your notebooks – Put today’s date, and what you are working on at the top of the page.

31 X-ray and MRI

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