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Presentation on theme: "2014-2015 SYLLABUS DESERT MOUNTAIN PHYSICAL EDUCATION."— Presentation transcript:


2 Mr. Booth Mrs. Maas Introductions

3 A = 100% - 90% B = 89% - 80% C = 79% - 70% D = 69% - 60% F = 59% & below Grading Scale

4 Students will participate fully in all activities. Points will be given daily for participation in class activities. If the student decides not to be abide by the participation policy, they will lose their participation points. All students must wear the recommended P.E. uniform every day, or a plain grey shirt and black shorts (with no logos). Students must have athletic/tennis shoes with non marking soles. Students will not be able to participate in P.E. with sandals, boots, or shoes with any heels. PARTICIPATION/DRESSING OUT

5 Not dressing out will result in a loss of 2.5 points of your daily 5 points if you participate. If you choose to not dress out or participate you will lose 5 points. PARTICIPATION/DRESSING OUT

6 1 day: Written excuses from the parent. (Parents may be called for verification) 2-5 days: A written note from the nurse stating reason for excuse. Longer than 5 days: Written excuse from your doctor stating problem and how long you will possibly be out. EXCUSES FROM PE

7 Students will follow directions the first time they are given. Students will have five minutes to get dressed in and out. At the beginning and the end of PE, students will remain in the locker room until the teacher dismisses the class. Materials that do not pertain to PE are not allowed inside or outside of the gym/locker room. (IE- food, drinks, gum, candy or anything made of glass) Students will treat teachers and equipment with respect. GYM/LOCKER ROOM RULES

8 Each student will be issued a lock for their locker. Lost locks will cost $4.00 to replace. Profanity or abusive language will not be tolerated. Horseplay in the locker room will not be tolerated (IE- chasing people, throwing or wiping deodorant on someone, and slamming lockers). PE equipment will not be handled until teacher is present. GYM/LOCKER ROOM RULES

9 On the first minor incident, the student will talk with the teacher about classroom expectations. On the second minor incident, the student will have to fill out a reflection sheet while sitting in recovery. The teacher then will talk to the student about classroom expectations. The parents will be notified. On the third minor incident, the students will have to fill out a reflection sheet while sitting in recovery. The teacher then will talk to the student about classroom expectations. The parents will be notified. The student will be seen by the administration. Minor’s and Major’s

10 H.A.W.K Expectations H. A. W. K

11 Honorable Take care of property Be prepared Be on time Be honest H. A. W. K

12 Accountable Keep hands, feet and objects to yourself Raise your hand to share ideas Complete work on time H. A. W. K

13 Willing Attitude Be where you are supposed to be Listen and follow adult directions H. A. W. K

14 Kind Use positive words and actions Listen to all instructions and ideas Support each other H. A. W. K


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