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Observation Presentation. 5 TIPS FOR BEING A GOOD WITNESS 1. Do not jeopardize your safety 2. Pay close attention to details 3. Report only what you observe.

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Presentation on theme: "Observation Presentation. 5 TIPS FOR BEING A GOOD WITNESS 1. Do not jeopardize your safety 2. Pay close attention to details 3. Report only what you observe."— Presentation transcript:

1 Observation Presentation

2 5 TIPS FOR BEING A GOOD WITNESS 1. Do not jeopardize your safety 2. Pay close attention to details 3. Report only what you observe and hear 4. Write down observation details as soon as possible 5. Report your observations in a timely manner

3 Suspect Description Form EMERGENCIES CALL 911 Non-Emergencies: (570) 348-4134 Event Date:_____________ Location:____________ Time of Event:______________ Sex: ___________ Eyes:_______________ Hair:___________________ Approximate Age:___________ Weight: ___________ Height: _________________ Race: _______________ Complexion:________________ Jacket /Coat: ___________ Eye/Sun Glasses: __________Pants: ______________ Shirt: ____________ Hat: _____________Weapons if any:______________________ Vehicle: ___________________________Color: ______________________________ Make/Model: ___________________________________________________________ License Plate: ________________________State of Registration: _______________ Identification features like damage, stickers, after market items, etc: Any additional suspect information:

4 Observation 1

5 Observation 2

6 Observation 3

7 Observation 4

8 Observation 5

9 Observation 6

10 Observation 7

11 Observation 8

12 Observation 9

13 Observation 10

14 Drug Activities Observation 1 Observation 4 Observation 6

15 Prostitution Activities Observation 5 Observation 9

16 Theft Activities Observation 2 Observation 7 Observation 8

17 Unknown/Suspicious Vehicles Observation 2 Observation 3 Observation 10

18 CONTACT INFORMATION EMERGENCIES CALL 911 Non-Emergencies: 570-348-4134 West Scranton Hyde Park Neighborhood Watch Email: Facebook Link: West Scranton Hyde Park Neighborhood Watch President Karin Foster: 570-878-7368 Scranton Police Department Crime Prevention Officer Lieutenant Leonard Namiotka: 570-558-8332

19 Citizens Police Academy Crime Prevention Lieutenant Leonard Namiotka The Citizens Police Academy is an opportunity to build lasting relationships between citizens who live and work in Scranton and the Scranton Police Department. The Academy is an eleven week program where the student will receive information on police policies and procedures, the judiciary system and constrains, special skills, training and tools of the police department, police budget and much more. The Scranton Police will also teach how to be proactive in your community through crime watch, and neighborhood watch programs.

20 Credits Google Images National Crime Prevention Council Scranton Police Department

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