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NEAREST Kick Off Meeting Bologna, 09/10/2006 WP2 Tsunami source characterisation.

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Presentation on theme: "NEAREST Kick Off Meeting Bologna, 09/10/2006 WP2 Tsunami source characterisation."— Presentation transcript:

1 NEAREST Kick Off Meeting Bologna, 09/10/2006 WP2 Tsunami source characterisation

2 OBJECTIVES Collect wide-angle seismic profiles across the continental margin and basins offshore SW Iberia to obtain 2-D velocity models and constrain the geometry of the main boundaries. Integration of existing MCS depth images and WAS velocity models must allow to: 1)Map the deep crustal and upper mantle structure, so that geodynamic models of the area can be tested; 2) Determine the location and crustal-scale geometry of the main fault surfaces accommodating plate convergence; 3) Construct coarse 3-D velocity models to be used to relocate local seismicity recorded in WP3; 4) Constrain physical properties (  ) to characterise the main structural domains and tectonic features.

3 TASKS Task 2.1 Reprocessing and pre-stack depth migration of existing MCS data Participating: CSIC/ICREA, ISMAR,UBO Task 2.2 Wide-Angle reflection/refraction acquisition experiment Participating: CSIC, ISMAR,UBO, CNRST, INGV, AWI, FFCUL Task 2.3 Processing and modelling of acquired wide- angle seismic data Participating: CSIC,UBO, AWI, FFCUL 1 Pre-doc student (36 months)

4 Task 2.1 Reprocessing and pre-stack depth migration of existing MCS data What profiles are worth to be depth-migrated? What are the criteria to select them?

5 Task 2.2 Wide-Angle reflection/refraction acquisition experiment CSIC request for ~30 days shiptime with BIO Hesperides (WAS only) Profile 1: 295 km, Horseshoe Abyssal plain to accretionary wedge. To characterize E-W dipping subduction zone under the Gibraltar arc Profile 2: 305 km, Iberian to the Moroccan margin. To constrain 3-D geometry of plate boundary, lineament of Portimao-Guadalq. Banks, nature and variability of the crust under the prism Profile 3: 275 km, NE limit of Gorringe Bank to E Coral Patch Ridge To characterize deep structure of Marques de Pombal and Horseshoe fault system ~25-30 OBS/H each profile > LSF IFM- GEOMAR + CSIC, UBO-Ifremer, FFCUL?

6 Task 2.2 Wide-Angle reflection/refraction acquisition experiment BB AWI-OBS network location? Shot over the BB AWI-OBS network that will be deployed as part of WP3: Network location and consequent airgun shot locations to be defined Ship schedules to be defined and coordinated (09/2007 difficult for Hesperides)

7 Task 2.3 Processing and modelling of acquired wide-angle seismic data Data pre-processing, phase picking 2-D refraction/reflection travel-time inversion along profiles (velocity, reflector’s geometry) Estimation of model parameters uncertainty > Monte-Carlo type Construction of a 3-D block using 2-D profiles 3-D first arrival inversion at the BB AWI-OBS network sub-region > to be used joint inversion of local earthkaques location SUB-TASKS

8 WP2 DELIVERABLES D4 - Reprocessing of existing MCS data D5 - Cruise for reflection/refraction experiment at sea D6 - Processing of wide-angle seismic data WP2 MILESTONES M2 – End of the processing of reflection/refraction data, end of experiments at sea

9 Proposal for funding and shiptime with Hesperides(?) submitted to Spanish Agency (Acciones Complementarias to EU Projects) in July 20th 2006 Max. Budget is 25% of EU contribution to CSIC Response expected by the end of this year ACTIONS MADE TO DATE NEAREST-SEIS (WP2) 29 days shiptime Dates: 09/2007 – 09/2008 MCS + WAS + Multibeam + Potential fields NEAREST-CORE (WP6) 21 days shiptime Dates: 09/2007 – 09/2008 Coring + HRS + Multibeam + Heat flux

10 NEAREST-SEIS 7 days MCS 20 days WAS Port call in Cadiz between the 2 legs

11 PROPOSED SCHEDULE AND POTENTIAL ISSUES WP2 Objectives & Tasks Accomplishment Pre-doc (asap!) MCS > OKWAS? > Survey! Approval (12/2006)Available shiptime slot? OBS/H Hespérides > not before 11/2008! Sarmiento de Gamboa > operative by 01/2008(?) LSF-GEOMAR once shiptime allocated CSIC funding for 10-15 requested in 08/2006 Other OBS?

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