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Robot Physics MVRT 2011 – 2012 Season. Overview Mass vs. Weight Velocity Force Torque.

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Presentation on theme: "Robot Physics MVRT 2011 – 2012 Season. Overview Mass vs. Weight Velocity Force Torque."— Presentation transcript:

1 Robot Physics MVRT 2011 – 2012 Season

2 Overview Mass vs. Weight Velocity Force Torque

3 Mass vs. Weight MASS DOES NOT = WEIGHT Mass –The amount of matter/stuff that makes up an object Weight –The force of gravity acting upon an object Ex. –You weigh less on the moon but you have the same amount of matter within you

4 Speed –How long it takes an object takes to travel a certain distance Velocity  Speed with direction Velocity Car A Car B Car A travels a smaller distance in the same time so car A has a slower speed

5 Acceleration Acceleration is the change in velocity and there are two types of acceleration –when an object moves forward and slowly increasing its speed that is acceleration –when a motor is spinning it is constantly changing direction and as it goes faster and faster it is accelerating

6 Force Forces change the speed of an object There are many forces ex: –Friction –Torque Two factors determine it: –Mass - how much stuff is in something –Acceleration – how much the speed of the object changes

7 Friction When something is moving across a surface, friction prevents it from sliding Activity: –Move two objects across the gravel outside and on the tile floor –Heavier = harder = more friction = can’t get pushed around

8 Torque Torque gives more power for less energy(Is that right) but the tradeoff is that the max speed is really low Speed allows you to go really fast but it takes more energy to start (more taxing on the person to pedal especially uphill)

9 Torque Activity Activity one: –Drag race idea –Have 2-3 people race across the parking lot with the rest watching forming a hypothesis based on what they have learned Activity two: –Bring in a bike and show that one pedal in low gear = 1 rotation (or very few) –Show that one pedal in high gear = more than one rotation(but harder to start)

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