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1 The Collaborative, Systemwide Monitoring and Evaluation Project (CSMEP) CBFWA – Ken MacDonald ESSA Technologies Ltd. - Marc Porter State Agencies IDFG.

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Presentation on theme: "1 The Collaborative, Systemwide Monitoring and Evaluation Project (CSMEP) CBFWA – Ken MacDonald ESSA Technologies Ltd. - Marc Porter State Agencies IDFG."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 The Collaborative, Systemwide Monitoring and Evaluation Project (CSMEP) CBFWA – Ken MacDonald ESSA Technologies Ltd. - Marc Porter State Agencies IDFG ODFW WDFW Federal Agencies NOAA USFWS EPA DFO Tribal Agencies CRITFC Nez Perce Tribe Colville Tribes Yakama Nation Umatilla Tribes Consultants Eco Logical Quantitative Consultants PER WEST

2 2 1.Getting buy-in from all M&E entities; 2.Ensuring collection of consistent, high quality monitoring data to better inform Basin decisions; 3.Creating cost-effective M&E alternatives to address multiple agency data needs at multiple spatial / temporal scales; and 4.Determining the trade-offs that make most sense Challenges and problems recognized at the beginning of CSMEP:

3 3 Steps CSMEP has taken to resolve problems: Build collaboration across agencies Focus systematically on key decisions of federal, state, tribal, intergovernmental entities (S&T; 4 H’s) Inventory and assess adequacy of existing fish monitoring data (cost, accuracy, precision) for these decisions Design and evaluate alternative M&E methods that build on strengths & overcome weaknesses of existing data, integrate Implement and evaluate pilot M&E approaches

4 4 CSMEP’s Organizational Structure Representatives from participating entities plan CSMEP workgroup activities/products and evaluate progress towards CSMEP objectives

5 5 Key Management Decisions of Current CSMEP Focus Status and Trends Has there been sufficient improvement in the status of salmon ESUs to delist and remove ESA restrictions? Hydrosystem Operations Has the hydrosystem complied with performance standards set out in the BiOp? Should the FCRPS change the timing of transportation of some species within the season to improve survival?

6 6 Key Management Decisions of Current CSMEP Focus Habitat Action Effectiveness What are the most helpful approaches to developing habitat effectiveness M&E designs for Columbia watersheds? Harvest Management Are fisheries related mortalities exceeding prescribed levels for conservation of weak or ESA-listed salmon populations, or predetermined allocation rates among user groups? Hatchery Management What is the distribution, magnitude & impact of straying from harvest augmentation and supplementation hatcheries?

7 7 FY 07-08 CSMEP Products Strengths and Weakness Assessments for Chinook and Steelhead SOTR Data Quality Guide Pilot subbasin High, Medium and Low design templates and recommendations for integration – Snake Pilot Support for John Day Pilot Recommendations for hybrid fish population abundance designs Designs for using PIT-tags to address multiple S&T, 4 H questions Supplementation Hatchery Effectiveness Designs for straying and productivity Simulation Model for assessing TRT decision rules Improved harvest impact models assessing “Take” Assessment of cumulative benefit of habitat restoration actions Database to calculate costs of integrated S/T and 4H monitoring designs Recommendations for Regional Monitoring Framework

8 8 CSMEP Impact on Member Programs WDFW New survey designs that contain variance estimates for Chinook & steelhead populations based on MRC methods Increased sampling sizes for fall Chinook monitoring to better detect CWT strays from hatcheries IDFG Integration of monitoring across fish species Development of probabilistic sampling for juvenile monitoring ODFW Development of a monitoring program for mid Columbia steelhead based on hybrid of EMAP & existing routine surveys Development of a broad-scale monitoring design proposed to the “BiOp remand” group

9 9 CSMEP Impact on Member Programs Technical Recovery Teams (TRTs) CSMEP models and analyses are helping to assess consequences of different M&E strategies on accuracy of viability assessments US vs. Oregon Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) CSMEP analyses are being used to review plans for monitoring mortality rates of listed species caught in various fisheries

10 10 CSMEP provides a collaborative forum to: Assess strengths and weaknesses of existing data for making decisions Evaluate cost trade-offs of different M & E approaches Promote integration of M&E for Status & Trends with action effectiveness monitoring (Habitat, Harvest, Hydro and Hatcheries) Integrate across spatial scales (project, population, subbasin, Province, ESU, Basin) and species Provide guidance on how to make M&E more cost- effective and reliable

11 11 Future of CSMEP? Collaborative monitoring will become increasingly important as recovery plans are implemented Coordination among federal, state and tribal agencies remains critical for developing logical, cost- effective M&E (especially for fish populations that cross state and tribal boundaries) CSMEP can potentially inform and implement Council program amendment monitoring measures

12 12 Consequences of Reduction/Loss of Funding Limited strengths and weaknesses data assessments for additional species and subbasins No further development (through CSMEP) of integrated High, Medium and Low M&E designs in additional pilot areas Reduced work on habitat action effectiveness design processes and analyses No integration of CSMEP salmon/steelhead population M&E designs with resident fish or fish habitat M&E/Wildlife Loss of a currently functional forum for the dialogue and technical analyses needed for coherent, consistent regional M&E

13 13 Questions?

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