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VANXY PPTPPT 9-8007. What is an Adaptive Leadership? Adaptive capacity allows leaders to respond quickly and intelligently to constant change identify.

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2 What is an Adaptive Leadership? Adaptive capacity allows leaders to respond quickly and intelligently to constant change identify and seize opportunities act and then evaluate results instead of analyzing all the data before acting

3 VANXY PPTPPT 9-8007 Becoming an Adaptive Leader 1 23 4 Boundary Fludity Sense-and-Respond Capacity Information Processing Freedom with in Framework Adaptive teams can move bot h horizontally across roles and vertically to connect with the n ext level of leadership down fr om them. Team members can play out of position and pinch -hit for others at a moment’s notice, regardless of their role or how long they have been o n the team. use multiple real-time filters and a mplifiers of information to monito r the external forces that drive cha nge in their business environment. Adaptive teams are able not ju st to sense when change is ne eded; they are also able to syn thesize complex insights and make high-quality decisions q uickly. They identify leading an d lagging metrics that enable everyone to monitor progress i n a way that is transparent an d aligned with the company’s strategy and performance obje ctives Within the organization, the le aders delegate some tasks alo ng with the timeline. They pro vide the mutual respect and tr ust as well as the distributed l eadership.

4 VANXY PPTPPT 9-8007 Preparing an Adaptive Leader 01 Ambiguity Officers in the COE deal every day with the unpredictability of t he asymmetrical environment. While planning is critical to your mission, you should not develop overly detailed plans. You nee d to look at your commander’s strategic point of view, consider the commander’s intent, and build a workable plan for your tea m. 01 Complexity As an adaptive leader, you will not just go over and fight a war. One minute you may lead a raid and, as soon as that mission is complete, you might start rebuilding a water treatment plant th at serves a network of villages. Adaptive leaders switch gears qu ickly to deal with the complexity of the COE and asymmetrical warfare. 01 Change This is the only constant. As an adaptive leader, you must antici pate and master transitions. Assignments can be simultaneous, distributed, and continuous—and each assignment is constantly changing. You must manage and adapt to this aspect of operati ons while leading and motivating your team.

5 VANXY PPTPPT 9-8007 Characteristics of Adaptive Leaders Mentally FlexibleCultivateProficientPoise CEOCFOWeb DesignerDirector need to be mentally flexible and agile must cultivate strong conceptual skills along with speed and precision in your decision making. You must become technically and tactically proficient and model this behavior for your subordinates. Adaptive leaders exhibit poise under pressure and are able to operate aut onomously under the general frame work of the superior officer’s intent.

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