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Review SMOT project Jesús Diz Director Planning and Control Area SADECO.

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1 Review SMOT project Jesús Diz Director Planning and Control Area SADECO

2 KICK OFF MEETING AL SALT JORDAN 1. SMOT ·“History” of the project 2. PARTNERS 3. OBJECTIVES ·General Objective ·Specific Objectives · Tasks 4. STRUCTURE OF THE PROJECT ·Work Packages · Allocation of Responsibilities/Partners 5. EXPECTED RESULTS 6. INDICATORS ·Indicators for Objectives · Indicators for Results ·Indicators for Activities 7. TIMETABLE 8. TASKS AND DELIVERABLES REVIEW SMOT PROJECT

3 KICK OFF MEETING AL SALT JORDAN 1.What is SMOT ?: European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument, ENPI. The “ENPI CBC Mediterranean Sea Basin Programme 2007/2013” is a multilateral cross- border cooperation programme co-financed by the European Union under the European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument (ENPI), involving EU Mediterranean Countries and Mediterranean Partner Countries in joint projects. REVIEW SMOT PROJECT Project itinerary: SADECO. Public company oriented to services, cooperation and progress.SADECO 2011: Decission taken concerning the submission of a project proposal to the ENPI CBCMED call of the 21st December 2011. Ambitious project consisting of key interventions in historical centres and medinas of the Mediterranean Basin; the aim is improving the deposit and collection of waste in such valuable sites, preserving simultaneously the historical, artistic and environmental heritage and promoting an increasingly clean environment in the usually polluted cities of the Mediterranean Basin. February 2012: Concept Note submitted. More than 1.000 project proposals submitted. December 2012: SMOT pre-selected for second stage: full proposal to be submitted. 8 February 2013: SMOT Project Full Proposal is submitted. June 2013: ENPI communicates SADECO – as Applicant- that SMOT is one of the 39 projects to be financed. 30 December 2013: After the signature of the Partnership Agreement and once the negotiation period is completed, Grant Agreement is signed and SMOT implementation in terms of elegibility starts.

4 KICK OFF MEETING AL SALT JORDAN - University of C ó rdoba (UCO) -Municipality of Ragusa -Euro Mediterranean Centre for the Sustainable Development (SVIMED) -Municipality of Sfax -Association of Research for Economic & Social Development (ARDES) -Ministry of Municipal Affairs of Jordan (MOMA) -University of Jordan (UJ) -Alexandria University (Alex.Uni) Applicant: Sanitation Córdoba (SADECO) REVIEW SMOT PROJECT Partners:

5 KICK OFF MEETING AL SALT JORDAN General Objective In line with strategic objectives of ENPI call for proposal: To contribute to reduction of risk factors for the environment through the development of projects on urban waste management in the Mediterranean Sea Basin. Specific Objective To improve solutions and policies for waste management - of applicability throughout the Mediterranean Basin - in medinas /city centres of different Mediterranean countries. 2. Objectives REVIEW SMOT PROJECT

6 KICK OFF MEETING AL SALT JORDAN REVIEW SMOT PROJECT Main tasks Situational analyses of state of waste deposit and collection in medinas. Identification of limiting factors and target groups. Assessment of different positive alternatives. Selection of pilot options by partner. Participative processes in the medinas. Implementation of the pilot experiences in the 5 partner medinas. Assessment of results. Participation processes continue. Drafting of a set of Policy Guidelines for Sustainable Waste Management in Mediterranean medinas/city centres, of applicability in most of Mediterranean cities. Capitalisation of the results.

7 KICK OFF MEETING AL SALT JORDAN 3. Structure of the project/ work packages: Work Packages WP1. Management and Coordination WP2. Communication WP3. Capitalisation of the results WP4. Situational Analyses. WP5. Pilot experiences WP6. Participation Process WP7. Elaboration of Policy Guidelines REVIEW SMOT PROJECT

8 KICK OFF MEETING AL SALT JORDAN 3. Organization of the project Distribution of responsibilities REVIEW SMOT PROJECT PartnerMeetingWP Otros Capitalizaci ó n de resultados Pilot experiences Appl SADECO Final Conf. WP1, WP2, WP3, WP7XX P1 CÓRDOBA Univ. M 1WP5 Usability tests Evolutive development X X P2 RAGUSA Mun. M3 XX P3 SVIMED M3WP4 P4 SFAX Mun. M 2 XX P5 ARDES M 2WP6 6 digital newsletters X X P6 JORDAN Ministry M. A. Kick-off XX P7 JORDAN Univ. Kick-off XX P8 ALEXANDRIA Univ. M4 X X ALEXANDRIA Mun. XX AL SALT Mun. XX

9 KICK OFF MEETING AL SALT JORDAN 4. Main expected results out of SMOT: R.1. Problems of Mediterranean Sea Basin medinas /city centres - concerning waste management- identified; good practices and tailored solutions provided. R.2. 5 Solutions (with potential of replicability) for waste deposit and collection in medinas/city centres developed, tested and validated. R.3. Stakeholders of the 5 partner medinas/city centres aware of the importance of sustainable waste management and engaged with the use of new solutions. R.4. Policy Guidelines for Waste Management in Mediterranean Sea Basin medinas/city centres produced. REVIEW SMOT PROJECT

10 KICK OFF MEETING AL SALT JORDAN Intervention logic Indicators Sources and means of verification Specific objective To improve solutions and policies for waste management - of applicability throughout the Mediterranean Basin - in medinas /city centres of different Mediterranean countries. - By the end of the project at least 3 of the 5 different tailored solutions for waste deposit and collection in medinas are mainstreamed to local action plans. - By the month 18 of the project at least a 30% of the 155.000 inhabitants (average) of the medinas of C ó rdoba, Ragusa, Sfax, Alexandria and Al-Salt begin to use daily the new solutions for waste deposit and collection in medinas. Policies, Plans, Specific Interventions, Agreements and Commitments in the urban waste management field signed by local, regional and national authorities of the 5 partner territories. Evaluation reports periodically produced REVIEW SMOT PROJECT 5. Indicators- Objectives

11 KICK OFF MEETING AL SALT JORDAN REVIEW SMOT PROJECT 5. Indicators- Results Intervention logic Objectively verifiable indicators of achievement Sources and means of verification Main expected results R.1. Problems of Mediterranean Sea Basin medinas /city centres concerning waste management identified and good practices and tailored solutions provided. R.2. 5 Solutions (with potential of replicability) for waste deposit and collection in medinas/city centres developed, tested and validated. R.3. Stakeholders of the 5 partner medinas/city centres aware of the importance of sustainable of waste and engaged with the use of new solutions. R.4. Policy Guidelines for Waste Management in Mediterranean Sea Basin medinas/city centres produced. - 5 local analyses of the partner medinas produced at month 8; - At least 10 pilot experiences concerning waste deposit and collection tested & validated in situ scenarios of the 5 partner medinas at month 24. - At least 46.500 people are reached by the awareness campaign, including citizens, economic operators, civil society organisations and tourists. - At least 90 decision-makers and high level technical experts aware of the new solutions and policies proposed and tested by the project. - Monitoring and evaluation reports; Reports to JTS. - Questionnaires and interviews to partners, beneficiaries and participants in actions - Minutes of meetings. - At least 10 pilot experiences sites suitable for visit in the 5 partner medinas. - Final Reports, Data Bases and Policy Guidelines produced. - Samples of communication materials and dissemination items produced.

12 KICK OFF MEETING AL SALT JORDAN REVIEW SMOT PROJECT 5. Indicators - Activities Intervention logicIndicatorsMeans of verification ActivitiesWP1. Management and coordination Ongoing project management, coordination, monitoring and evaluation. WP2. Communication Creating website, fan page and a database for the dissemination of brochures, newsletters and merchandising, working with the media, organizing briefings, including the holding of a final conference and participation in external events related. WP3. Capitalization Political workshops and networking activities with Mediterranean networks and financial organizations representatives. WP4. Situational analysis Drafting of the analysis of the medinas partners, developing a Framework Document scope Medi- terranean WP5. Pilot experiences Design, implementation and validation of new solutions for the deposit of waste in the medinas. WP6. Participatory processes in the medinas WP7. Development of Policy Guidelines of applicability in medinas / city centres in the whole area of the Mediterranean Sea WP1: 6 Steering Committees, 1 project monitoring & evaluation plan. WP2: 1 communication plan including 1 webpage, 1 fan page, 1 database of 900 contacts, 54 press releases, 6 press conferences, 6 newsletters, 36 announcements in media, 9 info days, 9 external events attended, 18 different merchandising items, 1 Final Conference. WP3: 1 capitalisation plan, 17 capitalisation meetings. WP4: 1 collection of 36 Good Practices of applicability in Mediterranean medinas framed into a situational precise context. WP5: 5 solutions designed, 10 pilots carried out in the medinas. WP6: 5 participation processes celebrated, 200 participants involved. WP7: 1 set of Policy Guidelines produced, 900 addressees reached. On-going monitoring and evaluation foreseen will be a major reliable source to assess the state of development of project activities and the corresponding assigned costs. WP1. Management and Coordination: 217.962,47 € WP2. Communication: 141.710,20 € WP3. Capitalisation: 41.779,41 € WP4. Situational Analyses: 55.408,83 € WP5. Pilot experiences: 647.322,82 € WP6. Participation processes: 73.059,26 € WP7. Elaboration of Policy Guidelines: 49.672,88 €

13 KICK OFF MEETING AL SALT JORDAN REVIEW SMOT PROJECT SMOT TIMETABLE mes 123456789101 1212 1313 1415 1616 1717 1818 1920 21212 23 2424 WP1. Management and Coordination Kick-off Al- Salt WP2. Communication Final Conference Cordoba WP3. Capitalisation of the results WP4. Situational Analyses. WP5. Pilot experiences Meeting in Cordoba Meeting in Sfax Meeting in Ragusa Meeting in Jordan WP6. Participation Process 1st. Meeting Participation process 2nd. Meeting Participation process 3rd. Meeting Participation process 4th. Meeting Participation Process WP7. Elaboration of Policy Guidelines


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