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Next Generation Media? Film 2D GUIs WWW Enabling technology Breakthrough design Tools/ conventions “Reality” Interfaces Cinematographe (Lumiere 1895) Graphics.

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Presentation on theme: "Next Generation Media? Film 2D GUIs WWW Enabling technology Breakthrough design Tools/ conventions “Reality” Interfaces Cinematographe (Lumiere 1895) Graphics."— Presentation transcript:

1 Next Generation Media? Film 2D GUIs WWW Enabling technology Breakthrough design Tools/ conventions “Reality” Interfaces Cinematographe (Lumiere 1895) Graphics APIs ?? HTTP/HTML (Berners-Lee 1980) Dynabook (Kay 1970) WIMP, VB.NET Film grammer (Griffith ~1910) iMovie, Final Cut Pro e.g. Émigré Magazine (1984) Flash, Illustrator Dreamweaver VR, AR, tangible, ubiquitous, ambient, etc.

2 Wizard of Oz throughout an Iterative Design Cycle (IEEE Pervasive Nov. 2005) Dealing with Uncertainty (UIST 2005) Capture Facilities (UbiComp 2004) DART: Designer ’ s Augmented Reality Toolkit (UIST 2004) The Voices of Oakland (ACE 2005) AR Karaoke (ISMAR 2005) Our Approach to Reality-Based Interfaces Production Tools Experience Design AR Fa ç ade (ACE 2006) Design Theory & Methods

3 Many Fruitful Collaborations Dr. Blair MacIntyre Dr. Jay David Bolter Dr. Michael Mateas Fellow students: Maribeth Gandy, Manish Mehta, Jaemin Lee, Christopher Oezbek, Annie Lausier, Peter Presti, Danny Muller, Tom Amundsen Contact:

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