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THIS IS. With Hosts... Your 8th Grade Social Studies Teachers.

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2 With Hosts... Your 8th Grade Social Studies Teachers

3 100 200 300 400 500 Vocab. More Vocab. Roosevelt, Taft, or Wilson Act or Amendme nt Misc. Expansionism, Imperialism, or Isolationism Final Jeopardy 500 400 300

4 the body of nonelected government workers A 100

5 What is civil service? A 100

6 the passing of laws to prohibit the making or selling of alcohol A 200

7 What is prohibition? A 200

8 Investigative reporters who wrote newspaper and magazine stories that brought injustices and corruption to the attention of the public A 300

9 Who are the muckrakers?

10 A 400 representative who controlled jobs and services and gained votes for their parties by doing favors for the people

11 A 400 Who is the political boss?

12 the promise by Roosevelt for fair and equal treatment for all A 500

13 What is the square deal? A 500

14 an organization linked to a political party that often controlled local government B 100

15 What is the political machine? B 100

16 Men and women who fought for women’s right to vote B 200

17 Who were the suffragists? B 200

18 An arrangement where the contractors added to the amount of the bill for work done for the city and paid a percentage of that money to the bosses B 300

19 What is a kickback? B 300

20 A French term that means let people do as they please B 400

21 What is laissez- faire? B 400

22 Another name for the Progressive Party B 500

23 What is Bull Moose?

24 C 100 Formed the Progressive Party

25 Who is Theodore Roosevelt? C 100

26 Supported the Federal Reserve Act C 200

27 Who was Woodrow Wilson? C 200

28 Considered a trust- buster, even though he was against breaking up all trusts C 300

29 Who was Theodore Roosevelt? C 300


31 The first, middle, and last name of the president who disappointed progressives in the areas of tariffs and conservation C 400

32 Who was William Howard Taft? C 400

33 Supported labor in the United Mine Workers’ strike in 1902 C 500

34 Who was Theodore Roosevelt? C 500

35 Piece of legislation that restricted Japanese immigration to the United States D 100

36 What was the Gentleman’s Agreement? D 100

37 Required the railroads to change and publish “reasonable and just” rates D 200

38 What is the Interstate Commerce Act? D 200

39 Established the Civil Service Commission to set up competitive examinations for federal jobs D 300

40 What is the Pendleton Act? D 300

41 D 400 The amendment that allowed woman suffrage

42 What is the 19th Amendment? D 400

43 The amendment, known as the Prohibition Law that that made it illegal to make, transport, or sell alcohol in the United States D 500

44 What is the 18th Amendment? D 500

45 The first state to give women the right to vote E 100

46 What is Wyoming? E 100

47 E 200 A group formed when women’s groups joined with the working-class to encourage working women to form labor unions

48 E 200 What is the Women’s Trade Union League?

49 A policy by which a country increases its power by using force to control other area of the world E 300

50 What is Imperialism? E 300

51 E 400 A policy of increasing a country’s size by expanding its territory without using force

52 What is Expansionism? E 400

53 The policy of seeking to advance a country’s advancement without getting involved with the interference of other nations… no alliances, no international agreements E 500

54 What is isolationism? E 500

55 F 100

56 What is Imperialism? F 100

57 F 200 U.S. Land Purchases

58 What is Expansionism? F 200

59 F 300

60 What is Imperialism?

61 F 400

62 What is Isolationism?

63 F 500

64 What is Expansionism? F 500

65 The Final Jeopardy Category is: A question from the PowerPoint on Isolationism, Expansionism, and Imperialism Please record your wager. Final Jeopardy

66 Name the term that describes how the U. S. gained control of Hawaii. Answer

67 What is Imperialism? The End

68 Thank You for Playing Jeopardy! Game Designed By C. Harr-MAIT

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