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NA-MIC National Alliance for Medical Image Computing Engineering a Segmentation Framework Marcel Prastawa.

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Presentation on theme: "NA-MIC National Alliance for Medical Image Computing Engineering a Segmentation Framework Marcel Prastawa."— Presentation transcript:

1 NA-MIC National Alliance for Medical Image Computing Engineering a Segmentation Framework Marcel Prastawa

2 National Alliance for Medical Image Computing Need for Segmentation Applications Longitudinal analysis of growth Preprocessing for shape analysis Detect pathology Fully automatic, reproducible Allow fast prototyping Execute on hundreds of datasets

3 National Alliance for Medical Image Computing Our Method: Atlas-based Brain Segmentation T1T2TissueCortex

4 National Alliance for Medical Image Computing Quick Demo

5 National Alliance for Medical Image Computing Engineering Components Filtering Inhomogeneity Correction Affine Registration Deformable Registration Segmentation Statistics Pathology Atlas

6 National Alliance for Medical Image Computing Shared Components (EMSegment) Filtering Registration Inhomogeneity Correction Statistics Atlas Pathology

7 National Alliance for Medical Image Computing Future Components New modality / information –DTI –Vessels / MRA Pathology model –Tumor biomechanical model –Lesion model New classifiers

8 National Alliance for Medical Image Computing GUI vs Batch Mode GUI for prototyping Command line for batch processing: –Use automatically generated XML file –Different input images, same parameters –Python or shell scripts

9 National Alliance for Medical Image Computing Sample XML Input [1/2] EMS /scratch/prastawa/atlases/adult-atlas RAI /scratch/prastawa/test/out GIPL /scratch/prastawa/test/T1_Orig.nrrd ASR /scratch/prastawa/test/T2_Orig.nrrd ASR...

10 National Alliance for Medical Image Computing Sample XML Input [2/2]... 1 0.01 Curvature flow 4 1.2 1 0.7 1 5

11 National Alliance for Medical Image Computing Smart Execution Fast prototyping by storing results at different stages Examples: –Store registration transforms –Store estimated intensity distributions Write new results when input parameters changed

12 National Alliance for Medical Image Computing Tumor Segmentation T13DT2 T13DT2

13 National Alliance for Medical Image Computing Neonate Segmentation T1T23D T1 T2 3D

14 National Alliance for Medical Image Computing Lupus Lesion Segmentation T2 FLAIR 3D

15 National Alliance for Medical Image Computing Discussion Integrated system for registration, bias correction, segmentation Implemented using ITK classes Cross-platform: Linux, Windows, Solaris Smart execution: stored states Shared components Slicer integration?

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