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Физика плазмы в солнечной системе – 10-я конференция, ИКИ РАН, 16-20.02.2014 Эксперимент ФИЛА-РОМАР – плазменные измерения на поверхности кометы 67Р/ Чурумов-Герасименко.

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Presentation on theme: "Физика плазмы в солнечной системе – 10-я конференция, ИКИ РАН, 16-20.02.2014 Эксперимент ФИЛА-РОМАР – плазменные измерения на поверхности кометы 67Р/ Чурумов-Герасименко."— Presentation transcript:

1 Физика плазмы в солнечной системе – 10-я конференция, ИКИ РАН, 16-20.02.2014 Эксперимент ФИЛА-РОМАР – плазменные измерения на поверхности кометы 67Р/ Чурумов-Герасименко А. Ремизов 1, Г-У. Аустер 2, И. Апати 3, Г. Бергхофер 4, М. Хильхенбах 5, К-Х. Форнасон 2, Г. Херендал 6, Ф. Хейниш 2, Е. Курт 7, В. Магнес 4, У. Мочман 7, И. Рихтер 2, Х. Рассел 8, А. Прзикленк 2, К. Швингеншу 4, К-Х. Глассмайер 2 1 ИКИ РАН, Москва, Россия 2 Технический университет, Брауншвайг, ФРГ 3 Центральный институт физики, Будапешт, Венгрия 4 ИКИ АНА Грац, Австрия 5 МПС, Геттинген, ФРГ 6 МП институт внеземной физики, Гархинг, ФРГ 7 Институт физики планет, Берлин, ФРГ 8 Институт геофизики и физики планет, Лос-Анжелес, США


3 ROMAP on the boom, electronics and HV part


5 ROMAP sensors

6 Fluxgate Magnetometer: Range = +/- 2000 nT Res = 10 nT F = 0..32 Hz SPM : Ion Analyzers Faraday Cup Electron Analyzer Energy range 40-8000 eV 0-2000 eV 0.3-4200 eV Field of View 90 o x 90 o 140 o x 140 o 15 o x 60 o Energy resolution 7% ~30% 12% Energy steps 64/32 (default) 32/16 (default) 64/32 (default) Angle steps 16 Cycle Time (one cycle measurement) from 67.2 sec to 704.2 sec Dimension: Ф120 x 80 mm - on the 600 mm boom Mass: 280 g - together with magnetometer and boom 800 g - together with electronics Power Consumption: 800 mW Main ROMAP parameters

7 PHILAE’s trajectory on the surface of 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko taking from OSIRIS images during the descent and landing on November 12, 2014.. The ballistic trajectory (dark blue) as well as the surface profile (black) relative to a sphere fitted to the nucleus surface as defined by the OSIRIS SHAP5 model indicates the shallow flight of PHILAE above the surface (bottom).

8 Magnetic field measurement during descent and ascent. The blue curve gives the magnitude during each descent, the red during ascent. Panel TD1 displays measurements taken during descent and ascent to the first apex, COL shows data taken from the first apex down to the cliff collision point and the second apex, TD2 gives the observations from the second apex to the second touch-down point and the third apex, and panel TD3 displays measurements taken along the short trajectory to the final landing side.

9 Magnetic field magnitude determined from measurements of the ROMAP instrument onboard the lander PHILAE (red line) and RPC- MAG of the ROSETTA orbiter (blue line) for the timereason of enhanced visibility the RPC-MAG interval around the second touchdown. For data are shifted by 10 nT. Resume: ROMAP MAG didn’t fix any evidence of remnant magnetic field of the comet

10 HV Energy and Elevation steps

11 FoV of two ion spectrometers as function of deflector step number Results of calibration (5 steps of 16)

12 First ROMAP results at 12.11.2014 on the comet surface: Ion-1,-2 Energy & Elevation Data, Faraday Cup Energy Data, Electron Energy Data and estimated plasma parameters (by Maxwell fitting)

13 Ion-1 (red) & Ion-2 (blue) Energy Data Average for 5 cycles

14 Electron Energy Data Comparison with Electron data on ROSETTA ( ~ 10 km from Comet): (T. Cravens ) Densities derived by integrating differential electron fluxes measured by IES and assuming isotropy are typically ~ 10 - 100 cm^-3 Flux drop-offs are at ~ 100 eV.



17 Comparison with RPC

18 Comparison of SPM and RPC electron data

19 Commissions: SPM electron main parameters page 27

20 Ion1&2 Deflector parameters Exp.grf page 11a

21 CEM’s ThermoVacuum Tests Cem62-Q.grf; T-Test.grf page 15 CEMe #51 CEMi #52 & #53


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