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By Brandon Popham and Ashleigh Cheatham.  The Iroquois lived long houses, they were made of bark, logs, and cedar planks.

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Presentation on theme: "By Brandon Popham and Ashleigh Cheatham.  The Iroquois lived long houses, they were made of bark, logs, and cedar planks."— Presentation transcript:

1 by Brandon Popham and Ashleigh Cheatham

2  The Iroquois lived long houses, they were made of bark, logs, and cedar planks.

3  The homes of the creek were called daubs they were made from wood dead grasses and animal skins.

4  They wore deerskin leggings, they used elk to make shirts, pants, moccasins, and dresses.

5  The Iroquois whore deer elk and bear skins they would use beads they made to decorate. They used skins to make clothing.

6  The creek ate beans, corn, and squash they killed deer and fish.

7 Iroquois ate corn, beans, deer, fish, squash, and pumpkin.

8 They had trees wood they used the trees to make there houses. they also flint used flint, the flint to make tools like knifes.

9  They gave the settlers food to get through the winter. The white man gave the Indians guns and axes.

10  The Iroquois fact is that in the 20 th there were 80,000 Iroquois.  The creeks fact is that in the 20 th century there were 40,000 creek.

11  the web sites we used were eb. com/elementary/ar ticle? articeld = 390018 eb article?articleId=39 0018

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