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"Art needs an operation." - Tristan Tzara, 1919 "Before Dada was there, there was Dada." - Hans Arp, 1919 "The normal state of man is Dada." - First International.

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Presentation on theme: ""Art needs an operation." - Tristan Tzara, 1919 "Before Dada was there, there was Dada." - Hans Arp, 1919 "The normal state of man is Dada." - First International."— Presentation transcript:

1 "Art needs an operation." - Tristan Tzara, 1919 "Before Dada was there, there was Dada." - Hans Arp, 1919 "The normal state of man is Dada." - First International Dada Fair poster, 1919 "The true dadas are against Dada." - First International Dada Fair poster, 1919 "Trespassers will not be prosecuted." - Inscription on drawing exhibited at Dada- Early Spring exhibition, 1920 "Dada has never claimed to have anything to do with art." - Max Ernst, 1920 Case Study 3: CURIOUS VISIONS - Introducing Dada Marcel Duchamp (French, 1887–1968) L.H.O.O.Q., 1919, rectified readymade: pencil on reproduction of Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa

2 Dada started in 1916 (during WW I) in Switzerland, where many were seeking refuge the war. The name ‘Dada’ means ‘rocking horse’ and was found by dropping a pin into a dictionary. (Typical of Dada, to find the name of an art movement by the laws of chance.) The Café Voltaire, started by Hugo Ball, became a venue for all sorts of performances with dance, spoken word, costumes. Ball is seen here wearing a weird costume, performing a sound poem which has no meaning. This kind of artmaking was totally new.

3 Gustave Courbet (French 1819-1877), A Burial at Ornans, 1849-50, oil on canvas, 315 x 668 cm Eduard Manet (French 1832-1883), Luncheon on the Grass, 1862-3, oil on canvas, 208 cm × 266 cm Honore Daumier (French, 1808 – 1879) The Laundress, 1863(?) oil on wood, 49 x 33cm Review of The Body: session 2

4 Claude Monet (French, 1840-1926) Woman with a parasol, 1875, oil on canvas, 100 x 81cm Auguste Renoir (French,1841-1919) Luncheon of the boating party, 1880-81, oil on canvas, 130 x 176cm Berthe Morisot (French, 1841-1895) Young woman knitting, c. 1883, oil on canvas, 50 x 60cm.

5 Mary Cassatt, Woman Bathing, 1890–91, drypoint and aquatint ( a printing process) 36 x 27 cm. Mary Cassatt (American, 1844–1926) Maternal Caress, 1891, Drypoint and soft- ground etching, 37 x 27cm. Utamaro, (Japanese) Midnight, Hours of the Rat, mother and sleepy child, woodblock print 1791

6 Edvard Munch (Norwegian, 1863 – 1944) The Scream, 1893, oil, tempera & pastel on canvas, 91 x 74cm. Kathe Kollwitz, (German 1867-1945), Woman with dead child, etching, 42 x 48cm, 1903

7 Otto Dix (Germany 1891 – 1969) Der Krieg, (The War), Plate 6 of 50, 1924, etching & aquatint 20 x 29cm Ernst Ludwig Kirchner (German,1880 - 1938) Standing nude (caryatid), painted wood, 1909-10,

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