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Specification Language Review Questions. 1.The word “any” when used in specifications means: a.A limited number selected at the discretion of the Contractor.

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Presentation on theme: "Specification Language Review Questions. 1.The word “any” when used in specifications means: a.A limited number selected at the discretion of the Contractor."— Presentation transcript:

1 Specification Language Review Questions

2 1.The word “any” when used in specifications means: a.A limited number selected at the discretion of the Contractor b.Every occurrence c.Only those occurrences that can be readily detected d.A specific number of occurrences selected by the owner

3 1.The word “any” when used in specifications means: a.A limited number selected at the discretion of the Contractor b.Every occurrence c.Only those occurrences that can be readily detected d.A specific number of occurrences selected by the owner

4 2.Which of the following words should be capitalized in a specification a.Subcontractor, Owner, and Supplier b.Architect/Engineer, Contractor and Owner c.Choosing words and terms that are simple and clearly understood d.All of the above

5 2.Which of the following words should be capitalized in a specification a.Subcontractor, Owner, and Supplier b.Architect/Engineer, Contractor and Owner c.Choosing words and terms that are simple and clearly understoon d.All of the above

6 3.Good writing style is characterized by: a.Use of simple sentences b.Avoiding complicated sentences c.Choosing words and terms that are simple and clearly understood d.All of the above

7 3.Good writing style is characterized by: a.Use of simple sentences b.Avoiding complicated sentences c.Choosing words and terms that are simple and clearly understood d.All of the above

8 4.The word “provide” when used in a specification means: a.To supply or deliver to project site b.Place in positions for service or use c.Should be defined in supplementary conditions or in Division 1 General Requirements d.All of the above

9 4.The word “provide” when used in a specification means: a.To supply or deliver to project site b.Place in positions for service or use c.Should be defined in supplementary conditions or in Division 1 General Requirements d.All of the above

10 5.To be effective in communicating, specifications should be: a.Complete, concise and correct b.Concise, clear and correct c.Clear, correct, complete and concise d.Concise, correct, and complete

11 5.To be effective in communicating, specifications should be: a.Complete, concise and correct b.Concise, clear and correct c.Clear, correct, complete and concise d.Concise, correct, and complete

12 6.Project specifications should be directed to which of the following: a.The Owner b.The Contractor c.Contractors, Subcontractors and material Suppliers d.The owners legal counsel

13 6.Project specifications should be directed to which of the following: a.The Owner b.The Contractor c.Contractors, Subcontractors and material Suppliers d.The owners legal counsel

14 7.With regard to abbreviations used in construction documents a.Abbreviations should be used only on drawings and schedules where space is limited. b.Well known abbreviations help the communication process only if the meaning is easily recognized and understood c.Abbreviations for short words should be avoided d.All of the above

15 7.With regard to abbreviations used in construction documents a.Abbreviations should be used only on drawings and schedules where space is limited. b.Well known abbreviations help the communication process only if the meaning is easily recognized and understood c.Abbreviations for short words should be avoided d.All of the above

16 8.The mood that is recommended for specifications is: a.The impressive mood b.The indicative mood c.The symbolic mood d.None of the above

17 8.The mood that is recommended for specifications is: a.The impressive mood b.The indicative mood c.The symbolic mood d.None of the above

18 9.Which of the following statements are true about the use of symbols in specifications? a.Small symbols may bleed together and become unreadable b.Use of parenthesis and quotation marks should be minimized c.When in doubt, spell it out d.a, b and c e.a and b only

19 9.Which of the following statements are true about the use of symbols in specifications? a.Small symbols may bleed together and become unreadable b.Use of parenthesis and quotation marks should be minimized c.When in doubt, spell it out d.a, b and c e.a and b only

20 10.When two spellings are acceptable for the same word, the preferred choice is: a.The spelling that has been in existence longer b.The shorter spelling c.Neither is preferred d.None of the above

21 10.When two spellings are acceptable for the same word, the preferred choice is: a.The spelling that has been in existence longer b.The shorter spelling c.Neither is preferred d.None of the above

22 11.Which of the following are true about the concept of streamlining: a.Is a specification writing technique that lists products, materials, and reference standards b.Is difficult to adapt to descriptions or instruction c.Can be used to reduce verbiage d.The technique that places the subject first followed by key words for quick reference e.All of the above

23 11.Which of the following are true about the concept of streamlining: a.Is a specification writing technique that lists products, materials, and reference standards b.Is difficult to adapt to descriptions or instruction c.Can be used to reduce verbiage d.The technique that places the subject first followed by key words for quick reference e.All of the above

24 12.“As allowed”, and “as directed” are: a.Examples of phrases that have missing objects b.Terms commonly found in specifications whose meaning have been proven by the test of the time c.Neither a nor b

25 12.“As allowed”, and “as directed” are: a.Examples of phrases that have missing objects b.Terms commonly found in specifications whose meaning have been proven by the test of the time c.Neither a nor b

26 Answers 1.dd 2.aa 3.dd 4.dd 7.dd 8.aa 9.dd 12.aa

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