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Student Council Selin Acar – President Kevin Puetz – Vice President of External Affairs.

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Presentation on theme: "Student Council Selin Acar – President Kevin Puetz – Vice President of External Affairs."— Presentation transcript:

1 Student Council Selin Acar – President Kevin Puetz – Vice President of External Affairs

2 Construction  Construction design has officially come back from architect.  It is the same design I presented last meeting.  Student Council is preparing to move into the Walnut Room.  The project is expected to begin as early as next week and on Dec. 9 th at the latest.

3 Computers in Havener  Partnering with IT to place computers in Havener.  After some more deliberation, IT has decided to implement the VDI Thin Client Pilot Program in the Park Lounge.  Once the details are finalized, Student Council will purchase a printer and possibly new furniture.

4 RSO Survey  Working on Survey for Organizations Presidents to get a better idea of what resources they know and what they need  With results, we hope to publicize more resources and make available necessary ones  Has been completed, and will go out as soon as we get back from Thanksgiving.

5 Student Interest Survey  Used to be a yearly survey, but last year has become a semesterly survey.  Is open right now, will conclude on November 18.  Had an article in the Miner.  Results will be presented once compiled and analyzed.

6 Others  Have a new web admin, so we will be working to update our website soon.  Will go on KMNR to talk about Student Council next semester.  Don D. Myers Scholarship is Open.  If you feel there is a student who has made a significant contribution to the campus, please let them know. Applications are due Dec. 9  Winter Student Leadership Reception  Want to work with Registrar to get a letter from Student Council sent to new students.  Presidential Packet will become available beginning of next semester.

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