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From science to routine operations – Ceilometer and Lidar networks for cloud and aerosol detection WMO TECO 2012 18. October 2012 W. Thomas Deutscher Wetterdienst.

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Presentation on theme: "From science to routine operations – Ceilometer and Lidar networks for cloud and aerosol detection WMO TECO 2012 18. October 2012 W. Thomas Deutscher Wetterdienst."— Presentation transcript:

1 From science to routine operations – Ceilometer and Lidar networks for cloud and aerosol detection WMO TECO 2012 18. October 2012 W. Thomas Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD) Met. Observatory Hohenpeissenberg

2 WMO TECO 2012, 18. October 2012 page 2 What is it all about ?  Lidar networks exist (EARLINET, MPlnet, AD-Net, others),  with low spatio-temporal resolution,  are typically operated by scientific entities,  do not perform continuous operations.  (National) ceilometer networks exist (UKMO, DWD, Meteo-France, …),  with a relatively high spatio-temporal resolution,  are typically operational (24/7 operations),  but are mostly dedicated to cloud base height/cloud layer measurements only  The recent volcano crises in Europe (2010 and 2011) showed however the potential of ceilometer measurements for aerosols in general and volcanic ash detection  There is obviously a need for a closer link between ceilometers and lidars Not much exchange between these two worlds  Be aware that Lidars are typically doing a much better job than ceilometers, especially with regard to aerosol retrievals  Be aware that Lidars are typically much more expensive than ceilometers, both in terms of running costs for the technics and the costs of staff needed for operations

3 WMO TECO 2012, 18. October 2012 page 3 Visions, Ideas, Plans  What do we have ?  GALION = WMO’s GAW Aerosol Lidar Observation Network  GALION is a Lidar network of networks !  National ceilometer networks, mainly for cloud detection  What do we need (because we don’t have it now) ?  International exchange of ceilometer (and lidar) data  An operational aerosol (profile) measurement/warning/alert system  How to get there ?  By stimulating the data exchange through COST actions, EUMETNET, WMO  By integrating national ceilometer networks into GALION  By combining and harmonizing the national ceilometer networks GALION workshop 2010 Source: WMO

4 WMO TECO 2012, 18. October 2012 page 4 Benefits  Aerosol information  Closing the gap between the current GALION world and the world of the operational met. services  Improving the spatio-temporal resolution of GALION  Procuring and supporting a win-win-situation by improving the near-real- time capabilities of GALION and operational entities in case of emergencies  Cloud information  Enabling application (assimilation and validation) of ceilometer and lidar data in NWP models at regional and global scale

5 WMO TECO 2012, 18. October 2012 page 5 Who needs that ?  Met. Services and Aeronautics (now)  support to aviation  WMO’s SDS-WAS, Met. Services (next 5 years)  Data assimilation, model validation  PBL height, aerosol profile data  WMO/GAW + Research community (long-term)  Tracing long-range transport phenomena  Performing long-term observations (4D aerosol distribution)  Modelling air quality (using profile data to constrain the mixing height) Eyjafjalla ash plume Source: DLR

6 WMO TECO 2012, 18. October 2012 page 6 What has been done so far ?  Survey of ceilometers and lidars  Mostly within RA VI (EARLINET)  US (MPLnet) + Asia (AD-Net) involved  About 15 different instrument types just in Europe !instrument  Some corner stones  933 ceilometer positions and  120 lidar positions gathered on a google earth map  clickable map provides access to quick looks and stations (meta data): ~180 stations are linked now clickable map  created database containing data and meta data, Excel and MySQLdatabase  Web site: under development, hosted by DWD  Openlayers-based (free of charge), same functionality  Show cases (google-earth based) for  Saharan dust Saharan dust  Volcanic ash Volcanic ash

7 WMO TECO 2012, 18. October 2012 page 7 What else has been done ?  Paved the way for harmonizing/exchanging data  Involvement of EG-CLIMET (COST ES0702)  proposing a new COST action “toprof” (like winprof) ensuring continuation of these activities after 2012toprof  Expert workshop in September 2012 (Univ. Reading) discussed data format issues, ceilometer intercomparison and the absolute calibration of ceilometers  Agreement on netcdf (scientific exchange) and BUFR (operational exchange and storage) format; UKMO is the leading entity  Involvement of EUMETNET: Take over in the long-term, meanwhile agreed. Proposal by UKMO and MeteoSwiss (E-Profile) submittedE-Profile  CIMO/CBS  Status of Lidars and ceilometers regarding volcanic ash detection and monitoring presented and laid down in report of 2011 annual meeting  Proposal sent to CIMO management group for supporting a ceilometer intercomparison campaign Proposal

8 WMO TECO 2012, 18. October 2012 page 8 Even more under way … at European level, all FP7 projects  WEZARD  Performed review of nowadays quality monitoring and status of data storage/data access w.r.t. volcanic ash products  ACTRIS/EARLINET  Ceilometer intercomparison campaign could be supported  EARLINET has accepted leading scientific role, thus engagement in the further development  Development of calibration and retrieval algorithms with EARLINETs help (funding problem !)  MACC-II  Use of ceilometer data in C-IFS (the ECMWF integrated chemistry forecast model); most likely using the “forward operator” approach

9 WMO TECO 2012, 18. October 2012 page 9 Conclusion  Important steps towards an integrated and operational use of ceilometer and lidar data have already been done  Several running and future projects deal with data exchange, harmonization of data and data formats, retrieval algorithms, calibration issues  These applications are served:  Aviation security (volcanic ash, dust)  NWP (data assimilation)  Global Atmosphere Watch (long-term monitoring)  Even more international engagement required; the current drivers are mostly in Europe

10 WMO TECO 2012, 18. October 2012 page 10 Thanks ! Questions ? Want to have the kml file ?

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