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Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Teachers LINKS Resources.

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1 Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Teachers LINKS Resources

2 Introduction :: Digital Etiquette  Ok journalists, get those pencils ready! You will be writing a story on the most interesting person you know. You will conduct a live interview of this person and complete your gripping piece! You will be focusing on digital etiquette in this assignment as you appropriately discuss the subject in your story and use Standard English to complete it. Well, what are you waiting for! Let’s get started because in the journalism world there is no time to lose in order to make deadlines! Home

3 Digital Etiquette  Digital Etiquette: electronic standards of conduct or procedure. Technology users often see this area as one of the most pressing problems when dealing with Digital Citizenship. We recognize inappropriate behavior when we see it, but before people use technology they do not learn digital etiquette (i.e., appropriate conduct). Many people feel uncomfortable talking to others about their digital etiquette. Often rules and regulations are created or the technology is simply banned to stop inappropriate use. It is not enough to create rules and policy, we must teach everyone to become responsible digital citizens in this new society.

4 Task You will interview and write a story about a person who falls under at least one of these requirements:  Has been to an interesting place  Has lived somewhere outside of the United States before  Has an interesting job  Has a rare exciting story to share from their life Home

5 Process  You will create a page long story  You will include four quotes from your notes  Though you are taking notes and using your computer for this story you MUST write in complete grammatically correct sentences. Your notes may include abbreviations such as txt, omg, thankz etc. but your story will include proper digital etiquette and Standard English with the news writing style we have discussed in class.  Part of digital etiquette is not stealing the ideas of others so you must write your story in your own words as you incorporate the perspective of the subject of your story.  Your piece must use the format requirements from your news writing textbook. Home

6 Questions to ask yourself before turning in your story…  How did you use digital etiquette in your story?  Did your story represent your subject accurately and with respect?  Did you put your opinion in your reporting story? (The answer should be no because you are reporting an event/story)  Did you use Standard English in full and complete sentences?  Did you use your textbook when formatting your piece?  Is your story in your own words? Did you copy any of your story from another source?

7 Evaluation Home SubjectExcellenceBare MinimumFailure to meet the requirements Failure to TryTotal Points Use and understanding of digital etiquette 3- The student writes in their own words, are respectful to the subject and write in the correct format 2-The student writes in their own words, are respectful to the subject but have some mistakes with format 1- The student writes in their own words but could have been more respectful towards their subject and could improve their fomat 0- The students copy their work, are disrespectful when writing about their subject and do not follow the format Interviewee3- The subject interviewed fits the requirements and provides for an interesting story 2-The subject interviewed fits the requirements 1-The subject interviewed does not fit the requirements 0- The student did not get their subject approved before they wrote their story Grammatical Structure and length 3- The story is a page long and has few to no errors 2- The story is a little bit less than a page with some errors 1- The story is a lot less than a page and has many errors 0- The student had made many errors and did not write any drafts Quotes3- The story has four quotes that are effectively incorporated into the story 2- The story has quotes that are incorporated into the story but could have been more effective 1- The story has less than four quotes that are not very effective 0- The student failed to interview their subject Flow of the piece3- The story flows together coherently and provides an effective and entertaining piece 2- The story is somewhat choppy but is put together well and meets the requirements 1- The story does not flow nor make sense 0- The student did not put their piece together with effort and it does not flow

8 Conclusion  Congratulations! You have now finished your first story! You have used digital etiquette to communicate an interesting story about someone who had an interesting story to share. Because of you, dear journalist, their story was made known! Great Job! Home

9 Teachers will want to…  Make sure students stay on task when interviewing  Have the students discuss who they will interview before they start their story  Have the students do several rough drafts before turning in their piece  Using the textbook News writing as a Process will be the best source to help students use the correct format Home

10 Resources  ements.html ements.html   ce/747/02/ ce/747/02/  News writing text book News Writing as a Process  Home

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