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Mrs. Julie Miller Room 340 Physical Science. Topics motion; metrics,Earth & its history; rocks, air; weather; astronomy; atoms; elements; chemicals &

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Presentation on theme: "Mrs. Julie Miller Room 340 Physical Science. Topics motion; metrics,Earth & its history; rocks, air; weather; astronomy; atoms; elements; chemicals &"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mrs. Julie Miller Room 340 Physical Science

2 Topics motion; metrics,Earth & its history; rocks, air; weather; astronomy; atoms; elements; chemicals & their reactions; acids & bases; energy

3 BE ON TIME You have FOUR minutes to get to class. IF you are late without a pass from a teacher you will serve TEN minutes after school with me THE DAY you are late. NO EXCEPTIONS! TOO bad that you have an activity after school, BUT you are 8 th graders- in FOUR more years you will be living on your own!

4 TOOLS Bring a pencil or pen, a science folder, and a silent reading book EVERY DAY to class! Plan ahead and ALWAYS have these 3things. I DO NOT provide pencils so DON’T ask! Don’t take pencils from my desk either!

5 PENCILS DO not attempt to sharpen pencils while I am talking to the entire class! THANKS!

6 LISTEN LISTEN: I don’t repeat! Get used to hearing, “I am sorry that you weren’t listening.” Solve your own problem-watch what others are doing, ask a neighbor, do what you think is right. NEXT time: listen!

7 TALKING Talk at appropriate times to the students NEAREST you. When I am talking…you should NOT! Helping TEACH your classmates is appreciated and is DIFFERENT than just giving classmates your answers!

8 ABSENCES When you are ABSENT from class for WHATEVER reason-you have ONE extra day AKA “grace period” for completing the work you may have missed. CHECK the red basket for your class period to see if any worksheets/tests need to be done. Ask a classmate to copy their “notes.” LATE WORK is ½ credit!!!

9 Papers to be checked All science work which I ask you to turn in should be placed in the white IN basket on my desk. If you don’t put it in there with your name on it…. I won’t check it and it will be considered LATE= half credit!

10 Grades: Tests, quizzes & weekly current events: 40% of your grade---late work ½ credit Projects & labs: 30%--late work is ½ credit. Daily work is 20% of your grade—late work is ½ credit Class & lab behavior is 10% of your grade I will pass around your grades every Monday- also check your grades at marshalltown.jsp

11 LEARNING can be FUN Give science a chance Have a positive attitude Work at learning

12 HELP I can help you after school if you show up, I WILL NOT insist that you stay-this is YOUR EDUCATION; Take ownership for it!

13 Restrooms & H 2 O fountains Stop at these BEFORE you come to class! ONLY in an emergency will you be allowed to leave our precious 42 minutes of science! You may drink from 1 of our many faucets. It is clean water—as is customary, do not put your mouth on the faucet!

14 LOST & FOUND IF you leave something in this room, I will simply toss it into the white Lost & Found white basket, or tell someone else to toss it in the white basket. After three weeks, I throw everything out of the Lost & Found basket.

15 CELL PHONES-silent We have a classroom phone for you to use at appropriate times…you need NOT ask…remember to dial 8 before the number. IF our phone rings…anyone can answer it: “Hello, Julie Miller’s room, this is (YOUR NAME) speaking.”

16 The 3 R’s RESPECT-others, yourself, & property RESPONSIBLE-be an owner not a blamer READY to LEARN-eat well, sleep well, exercise well, have a hobby, make & keep friends, and drink lots of H 2 O!

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