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District Accountability Update July 2004-March 2005.

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2 District Accountability Update July 2004-March 2005

3 District Accountability Results  Districts will be provided three sets of accountability results  District Performance Score (DPS) – calculated in same manner as a school performance score  District Responsibility Index (DRI) – made up of 4 district-level indicators  District Subgroup Component – used to determine if the district’s subgroups made Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Bulletin 111, Chapter 43

4 DRI Calculations  In the past, DRI calculations for Indicators 1 and 3 were performed based on the number of unsatisfactory scores on high stakes tests  Future calculations for DRI Indicators 1 and 3 will be performed based on High Stakes Testing Policy passing criteria 2004-Basic and Approaching Basic Combination required for fourth grade Bulletin 111, Sections 4303, 4307

5 District Performance Score Labels Performance LabelDPS Academically Unacceptable Below 60.0 One Star60.0-79.9 Two Stars80.0-99.9 Three Stars100.0-119.9 Four Stars120.0-139.9 Five Stars140 and above Bulletin 111, Section 4311

6 DRI Labels Changed DRI LabelDRI Value Highly Responsive120 and above Adequately Responsive 119.9-100.0 Responsive99.9-80.0 Minimally Responsive 79.9-60.0 Unresponsive59.9-0.0 Bulletin 111, Section 4311

7 District Subgroup Component AYP  Districts will be evaluated for Subgroup Component AYP in 3 Grade-Clusters (K-5, 6-8, and 9-12)  Each Grade-Cluster will be evaluated for Subgroup Component AYP in the same manner as schools (Steps 1- 10) Bulletin 111, Section 4310

8 District Subgroup Component AYP  Districts fail the Subgroup Component AYP for one year if ANY subgroup within ANY cluster fails Bulletin 111, Section 4310

9 District Consequences  Districts that receive a DRI label of Unresponsive and/or fail to achieve Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) in the Subgroup Component for all three Grade-Clusters in the same subject for one year  Must conduct a self-assessment and submit to LDE  LDE may recommend BESE District Dialogue Bulletin 111, Section 4313

10 District Consequences Districts that receive a DRI label of Unresponsive for the second consecutive year and/or fail to achieve Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) in the Subgroup Component for all three Grade-Clusters in the same subject for two consecutive years  District Improvement Plan based on prior year self-assessment  LDE may recommend BESE District Dialogue Bulletin 111, Section 4313

11 District Consequences Bulletin 111, Section 4313 Districts that receive a DRI label of Unresponsive for the third consecutive year and/or fail to achieve Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) in the Subgroup Component for all three Grade-Clusters in the same subject for three consecutive years  Audit by LDE  LDE may recommend BESE District Dialogue

12 District Consequences Bulletin 111, Section 4313 Districts that receive a DRI label of Unresponsive for the fourth consecutive year and/or fail to achieve Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) in the Subgroup Component for all three Grade-Clusters in the same subject for four consecutive years  BESE action on Audit findings

13 Reconfiguration/Reconstitutio ns  Districts should consult with the LDE to determine the effects of major reconstitutions/reconfigurations Bulletin 111, Section 3303

14 District Accountability Data Corrections  Districts should appeal incorrect data or results during the School appeal window with the exception of summer school data  Districts will be given an extra opportunity to appeal summer school results for 30 days after those scores are available Bulletin 111, Section 4317

15 Questions?  


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