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Comprehensive Assessment System: Assessment Maps in Appendix A Part II & The CAS Self-Assessment Tool Webinar #5 November 9, 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Comprehensive Assessment System: Assessment Maps in Appendix A Part II & The CAS Self-Assessment Tool Webinar #5 November 9, 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Comprehensive Assessment System: Assessment Maps in Appendix A Part II & The CAS Self-Assessment Tool Webinar #5 November 9, 2011

2 Session Topic: Assessment Maps: Appendix A Following Up and Answering Questions And Introducing the CAS Self-Assessment Tool

3 Session Objectives The purpose of this session is to: Briefly summarize Assessment Maps Part I Answer questions about using the Assessment Maps Introduce the CAS Self-Assessment Tool

4 Assessment Maps – Part I Recap What are assessment maps? Visual tool used to inventory assessments Organizes assessments by specific criteria Why should you use assessment maps? Identify assessment gaps/needs Highlight redundancies in assessments Who should use assessment maps? LEA administrators School leaders, if applicable

5 Assessment Maps – Part I Recap Where can you find RIDE’s assessment maps? In Appendix A of the CAS Criteria & Guidance ment_Matrix-Map_Tool_final.xls When should you use them? Utilizing this tool now will help lay the foundation for a multitude of initiatives

6 Assessment Maps – Part I Recap How are the assessment maps completed? Download the form Fill out the form with assessments used at the local level with the required information o local computer-based assessments (i.e. PALS, Aimsweb, NWEA MAP) o assessments used in the RTI process o LEA interim or benchmark assessments Use the results to create a plan for developing/refining CAS

7 FAQs “Where do I find this information?” District Testing Coordinator Curriculum Director or Assistant Superintendent Special Education director RTI Coordinator/point person Testing manual and/or technical manual Principals (in smaller districts)

8 FAQs “How do I know what the purposes of the assessment is?” Familiarize yourself with the difference between screening/diagnostic, interim/progress monitoring, and summative/accountability assessments (refer to pgs. 5-6 in CAS) Document how you think assessment is being used in LEA Is it consistent with the intended purpose of the assessment? Refer to assessment’s technical manual or accompanying documents, if available If it’s a local assessment, confer with team who created the assessment Think about how the purpose of the assessment is being communicated across the LEA. Is it being implemented with fidelity to its intended purpose?

9 FAQs “Where do I go from here?” Identify gaps and overlaps in CAS Create a plan to strengthen your assessment system based on inventory results Complete CAS Self-Assessment to document current status of CAS to prioritize areas of need

10 Questions?

11 CAS Self-Assessment Tool Purpose is to help LEAs answer the questions: Where do we want it to be? Where is our Assessment System now? How do we close the gap to develop and refine a Comprehensive Assessment System?

12 CAS Self-Assessment Tool

13 Complete Assessment Maps if applicable Continue to email RIDE with any questions about the process Use the CAS self-assessment Participate in CAS webinars Next Steps…

14 Resources Link to: CAS Criteria & Guidance Document Assessment Maps CAS Self-Assessment Tool

15 Questions?

16 For questions about using Assessment Maps contact: Lindsay Wepman Lindsay.Wepman@RIDE.RI.GOV For other CAS-related questions contact: Laura Kacewicz Laura.Kacewicz@RIDE.RI.GOV Contact Info

17 Upcoming Webinars December 14th Comprehensive Assessment System: Validity and Reliability Wednesday, 12/14 at 9:30-10:30 am Sign up on the web!

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