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1 Intellectual Output 1: Comparative analysis report of regional contexts Kick-off meeting Autonomous Province of Trento Trento, December 18-19, 2014 SWORD.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Intellectual Output 1: Comparative analysis report of regional contexts Kick-off meeting Autonomous Province of Trento Trento, December 18-19, 2014 SWORD."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Intellectual Output 1: Comparative analysis report of regional contexts Kick-off meeting Autonomous Province of Trento Trento, December 18-19, 2014 SWORD (School and WOrk-Related Dual learning)

2 2 IO1 Description Comparative analysis report of education-to-labour-market transition in the partner regions’ context. The first task is based on a desktop research, based of collected documents in each partner regions (and in Europe if something interested is found). The second activity consists of the development of the comparative analysis report, under the coordination of the PAT, with a special focus on the: -ways the different mechanisms are implemented -results achieved in the different regions/provinces -possible improvements and potential of transferability to other territorial areas.

3 3 Task 1: Collection of documents & organization of the regional dossier Each partner collects documents on the education-to-labour market transition, organised according to a regional dossier, with a specific focus on the: -specificities of existing training schemes -main problems in the education-to-labour market transition -mechanisms and tools used to promote integration into the labour market -achieved results -possible improvements -hints for a potential transfer of the model in a different context WHO:All the partners WHEN:from now to 15 March 2015

4 4 Task 2: Comparative analysis and development of the report PAT write the comparative analysis report, comparing the: -organisation of training schemes -nature and implementation of mechanisms and tools -effectiveness of mechanisms (achieved results) -possible improvements -potential for transferability to other partner areas. Comparative analysis is carried out on the basis of a comparison based on the regional dossiers developed by Task 1. Transnational dimension will be guaranteed by specific online focus groups activated between PAT and the project partners. WHO:PAT, supported by A&L-HH, BFI-OÖ, Tnoik PAB and FVG attending the online focus groups WHEN:from 1 March to 30 June 2015

5 5 Work Effort by partner in IO1 ManagersResearcher/teacher/trainer PAT2 w/d40working days A&L-HH1 w/d24working days BFI-OÖ1 w/d24working days Tnoik1 w/d24working days FVG1 w/d15working days PAB1 w/d15working days

6 6 Thanks for your attention

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