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The Discovery of Grounded Theory : “ … the discovery of theory from data - systematically obtained and analyzed in social research” (1). i.e., theory generation.

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Presentation on theme: "The Discovery of Grounded Theory : “ … the discovery of theory from data - systematically obtained and analyzed in social research” (1). i.e., theory generation."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Discovery of Grounded Theory : “ … the discovery of theory from data - systematically obtained and analyzed in social research” (1). i.e., theory generation.

2 Inductive not Deductive Intuitive not Deductive

3 Benefits Fits empirical situations - i.e., the data Understood by sociologists and laymen Provides: –Relevant predictions –Explanations –Interpretations –Applications

4 Role of theory in social sciences 1.To enable prediction and explanations of behaviour.

5 Role of Theory 2.To be usable in theoretical advance in social sciences.

6 Role of Theory 3.To be usable in practical applications.

7 Role of Theory Predictions and explanations should be able to give practitioner understanding and control of bevaviour.

8 Role of Theory 4.To provide a perspective on behaviour. A stance to be taken toward data.

9 Role of Theory 5.To guide and provide a style for research on particular areas of behaviour. i.e., for providing modes for conceptualizations when describing and explaining.

10 Role of Theory Note: in handling and providing these modes, one categorizes the data. These categories are easily recognizable to pro and layman alike, because they were derived from the data, and are closely linked to the data.

11 Not easily refuted. Grounded theory is closely linked to the data (4).

12 Other Benefits 1.Avoids “opportunistic use of theories that have dubious fit and working capacity. i.e., selecting an inappropriate theory to fit the data.

13 Other Benefits 2.Avoids “exampling.” i.e., looking for examples for dreamed-up, speculative, or logically deduced theory after the idea has occurred.

14 “Grounded theory is derived from data and then illustrated by characteristic examples of data” (5).

15 To Judge Usefulness of a Theory 1.Determine how it was generated. 2.Check for logical consistency 3.Clarity 4.Parsimony (logically economical) 5.Scope 6.Integration 7.Fit and ability to work

16 “Generating theory involves a process of research” (6) The major method used to gather and process this information = Comparative Analysis (3)

17 The collection of data and subsequent development of theory will depend on asking questions first, …

18 … and then processing the data derived from answering those questions.

19 Glaser, B.G. & Strauss, A.L. (1967). The discovery of grounded theory: strategies for qualitative research. Hawthorne, N.Y.: Aldine Publishing.

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