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Water of mountain, water of source, water of lake, water of river water is smiling, water is singing, water is going from the sky to the sea.

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Presentation on theme: "Water of mountain, water of source, water of lake, water of river water is smiling, water is singing, water is going from the sky to the sea."— Presentation transcript:



3 Water of mountain, water of source, water of lake, water of river water is smiling, water is singing, water is going from the sky to the sea.


5 Il Cervino The Cervino

6 Il ghiacciaio The glacier

7 … il ghiacciaio si trasforma … … the glacier changes …

8 … in acqua … … now is water …

9 Comincia il …corso in cascata It is going … its waterfall

10 …mostra tutta la sua bellezza … water is natural beauty!

11 e …diventa un fiume and …water is river

12 … e pure un lago. … and water is lake.

13 Così …lacqua attraversa le valli … So …water crosses the valleys …

14 e … continua il suo corso and … water continues its course

15 … passa sotto i ponti … it goes under the bridges

16 e … ritrova le campagne … and …it meets again the countries …

17 … e le città … … and the towns …

18 …ora, sorride ai palazzi … … now, water is smiling at the palaces …

19 … e lambisce le case. Varenna - Lago di Como … and its laping against houses.

20 Poi, riprende il suo cammino …Then, water takes again its way …

21 … regala il suo tesoro… … water presents its treasure…

22 … e disseta alle fontane … … and water quenches thirst near the fountains …

23 … e rende bella la terra.… and it embellishes the Earth.

24 Water is always in a great hurry … Lacqua ha sempre fretta …

25 … e corre verso il mare.… and it is running toward the sea.

26 Ecco.. finalmente il mare! Here.. is the sea at last!

27 Ora lacqua è stanca …Now, water is very tired…

28 … e aspetta, ansiosa, il sole … … and it is looking forward to meeting the sun …

29 … per tornare al cielo. … and water is going back in the sky.

30 Questo lavoro è stato realizzato con la collaborazione degli alunni * Adamo, Ilaria, Luigi, Giancarlo, Laura, Cristian, Myriam, Sara, Stefania, Alessia, Martina, Valeria, Luca, Giulia e Marina * della classe V A Via Fiume Scuola Primaria Vimodrone - Italy Water of mountain, water of source, water of lake, water of river water is smiling, water is singing, water is going from the sky to the sea. Montaggio a cura dell Ins. Maria Cosentino 25 novembre 2009

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