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Published byCrystal Walton Modified over 9 years ago
1 Presentation Outline SQL Writing Process SQL Standards Using Indexes The Optimizer FROM, WHERE Clauses EXPLAIN SQL Trace Sub-Selects and Joins Tips and Tricks
2 Caveat Although many of these principles apply to all databases, Oracle will be used in the examples.
3 SQL Writing Process Step 1: What information do I need? Columns Step 2: Where is it? Tables Step 3: Write SQL: SELECT columns FROM tables WHERE... (joins, filters, subqueries) I'M FINISHED!
4 SQL Writing Process YOU'RE NOT FINISHED YET! You've got the results you want, but at what cost? There are many, many ways to get the right results, but only one is the fastest way—1000-to-1 improvements are attainable! Inefficient SQL can dramatically degrade the performance of the entire system Developers and DBAs must work together to tune the database and the application
5 Pre-Tuning Questions How long is too long? Is the statement running on near-production volumes? Is the optimal retrieval path being used? How often will it execute? When will it execute?
6 SQL Standards Why are SQL standards important? Maintainability, readability Performance: If SQL is the same as a (recently) executed statement, it can be re-used instead of needing to be reparsed
7 SQL Standards Question: which of these statements are the same? A. SELECT LNAME FROM EMP WHERE EMPNO = 12; B. SELECT lname FROM emp WHERE empno = 12; C. SELECT lname FROM emp WHERE empno = :id; D. SELECT lname FROM emp WHERE empno = 12;
8 SQL Standards Answer: None Whitespace, case, bind variables vs. constants all matter Using standards helps to ensure that equivalent SQL can be reused.
9 Tables Used in the Examples deptno dname loc DEPT empno mgr job deptno fname lname comm hiredate grade sal EMP grade losal hisal SALGRADE
10 SELECT E.empno, D.dname FROM emp E, dept D WHERE E.deptno = D.deptno AND (D.deptno = :vardept OR E.empno = :varemp); SQL Standards: Example Keywords upper case and left-aligned Columns on new lines Use std. table aliases Separate w/ one space Use bind variables AND/OR on new lines No space before/after parentheses
11 Indexes: What are they? An index is a database object used to speed retrieval of rows in a table. The index contains only the indexed value--usually the key(s)--and a pointer to the row in the table. Multiple indexes may be created for a table Not all indexes contain unique values Indexes may have multiple columns (e.g., Oracle allows up to 32)
12 If a column appears in a WHERE clause it is a candidate for being indexed. If a column is indexed the database can used the index to find the rows instead of scanning the table. If the column is not referenced properly, however, the database may not be able to used the index and will have to scan the table anyway. Knowing what columns are and are not indexed can help you write more efficient SQL Indexes and SQL
13 No index exists for column EMPNO on table EMP, so a table scan must be performed: Example: Query without Index empnofnamelname... 4lisabaker 9jackiemiller 1johnlarson 3larryjones 5jimclark 2marysmith 7haroldsimmons 8markburns 6geneharris Table: EMP SELECT * FROM emp WHERE empno = 8
14 7 8 9 Example: Query with Index empnofnamelname... 4lisabaker 9jackiemiller 1johnlarson 3larryjones 5jimclark 2marysmith 7haroldsimmons 8markburns 6geneharris Table: EMP 5 Index: PK_EMP EMP (EMPNO) 1, 45, 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 SELECT * FROM emp WHERE empno = 8 Column EMPNO is indexed, so it can be used to find the requested row:
15 Sometimes a table scan cannot be avoided Not every column should be indexed--there is performance overhead on Inserts, Updates, Deletes Small tables may be faster with a table scan Queries returning a large number (> 5-20%) of the rows in the table may be faster with a table scan Indexes: Caveats
16 Example: Index on (EMPNO, DEPTNO) SELECT * FROM emp WHERE deptno = 10; SELECT * FROM emp WHERE empno > 0 AND deptno = 10; Must use the leading column(s) of the index for the index to be used Indexes: Column Order Will NOT use index WILL use index
17 Using a function, calculation, or other operation on an indexed column disables the use of the Index SELECT * FROM emp WHERE TRUNC(hiredate) = TRUNC(SYSDATE);... WHERE fname || lname = 'MARYSMITH'; SELECT * FROM emp WHERE hiredate BETWEEN TRUNC(SYSDATE) AND TRUNC(SYSDATE)+1... WHERE fname = 'MARY' AND lname = 'SMITH'; Indexes: Functions Will NOT use index WILL use index
18 Using NOT excludes indexed columns: SELECT * FROM dept WHERE deptno != 0;... deptno NOT = 0;... deptno IS NOT NULL; SELECT * FROM dept WHERE deptno > 0; Indexes: NOT Will NOT use index WILL use index
19 The Optimizer The WHERE/FROM rules on the following pages apply to the Rule-based optimizer (Oracle). If the Cost-based Optimizer is used, Oracle will attempt to reorder the statements as efficiently as possible (assuming statistics are available). DB2 and Sybase use only a Cost-based optimizer The Optimizer's access paths can be overridden in Oracle and Sybase (not DB2)
20 The Optimizer: Hints Return the first rows in the result set as fast as possible: SELECT /*+ FIRST_ROWS */ empno FROM emp E dept D, WHERE E.deptno = D.deptno; Force Optimizer to use index IDX_HIREDATE: SELECT /*+ INDEX (E idx_hiredate) */ empno FROM emp E WHERE E.hiredate > TO_DATE('01-JAN-2000');
21 FROM Clause: Driving Table Specify the driving table last in the FROM Clause: SELECT * FROM dept D, -- 10 rows emp E -- 1,000 rows WHERE E.deptno = D.deptno; SELECT * FROM emp E, -- 1,000 rows dept D -- 10 rows WHERE E.deptno = D.deptno; Driving table is EMP Driving table is DEPT
22 FROM Clause: Intersection Table When joining 3 or more tables, use the Intersection table (with the most shared columns) as the driving table: SELECT * FROM dept D, salgrade S, emp E WHERE E.deptno = D.deptno AND E.grade = S.grade; EMP shares columns with DEPT and SALGRADE, so use as the driving table
23 WHERE: Discard Early Use WHERE clauses first which discard the maximum number of rows: SELECT * FROM emp E WHERE E.empno IN (101, 102, 103) AND E.deptno > 10; 3 rows 90,000 rows
24 WHERE: AND Subquery First When using an "AND" subquery, place it first: SELECT * FROM emp E WHERE E.sal > 50000 AND 25 > (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM emp M WHERE M.mgr = E.empno) SELECT * FROM emp E WHERE 25 > (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM emp M WHERE M.mgr = E.empno) AND E.sal > 50000 CPU = 156 sec CPU = 10 sec
25 WHERE: OR Subquery Last When using an "OR" subquery, place it last: SELECT * FROM emp E WHERE 25 > (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM emp M WHERE M.mgr = E.empno) OR E.sal > 50000 SELECT * FROM emp E WHERE E.sal > 50000 OR 25 > (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM emp M WHERE M.mgr = E.empno) CPU = 100 sec CPU = 30 sec
26 WHERE: Filter First, Join Last When Joining and Filtering, specify the Filter condition first, Joins last. SELECT * FROM emp E, dept D WHERE (E.empno = 123 OR D.deptno > 10) AND E.deptno = D.deptno; Filter criteria Join criteria
27 Subqueries: IN vs. EXISTS Use EXISTS instead of IN in subqueries: SELECT E.* FROM emp E WHERE E.deptno IN ( SELECT D.deptno FROM dept D WHERE D.dname = 'SALES'); SELECT * FROM emp E WHERE EXISTS ( SELECT 'X' FROM dept D WHERE D.deptno = E.deptno AND D.dname = 'SALES'); IN: Both tables are scanned EXISTS: Only outer table is scanned; subquery uses index
28 Subquery vs. Join Use Join instead of Subquery : SELECT * FROM emp E WHERE E.deptno IN ( SELECT D.deptno FROM dept D WHERE D.dname = 'SALES'); SELECT E.* FROM emp E, dept D WHERE D.dname = 'SALES' AND D.deptno = E.deptno; IN: Both tables are scanned JOIN: Only one table is scanned, other uses index
29 Join vs. EXISTS Best performance depends on subquery/driving table: SELECT * FROM emp E WHERE EXISTS ( SELECT 'X' FROM dept D WHERE D.deptno = E.deptno AND D.dname = 'SALES'); SELECT E.* FROM emp E, dept D WHERE D.dname = 'SALES' AND D.deptno = E.deptno; EXISTS: better than Join if the number of matching rows in DEPT is small JOIN: better than Exists if the number of matching rows in DEPT is large
30 Explain Display the access path the database will use (e.g., use of indexes, sorts, joins, table scans) Oracle: EXPLAIN Sybase: SHOWPLAN DB2:EXPLAIN Oracle Syntax: EXPLAIN PLAN SET STATEMENT_ID = 'statement id' INTO PLAN_TABLE FOR statement Requires Select/Insert privileges on PLAN_TABLE
31 Explain Example 1: “IN” subquery SELECT * FROM emp E WHERE E.deptno IN ( SELECT D.deptno FROM dept D WHERE D.dname = 'SALES'); Result: MERGE JOIN SORT (JOIN) TABLE ACCESS (FULL) OF EMP SORT (JOIN) VIEW SORT (UNIQUE) TABLE ACCESS (FULL) OF DEPT 3 joins 1 dynamic view 2 table scans 3 sorts
32 Explain Example 2: "EXISTS" subquery SELECT * FROM emp e WHERE EXISTS ( SELECT 'x' FROM dept d WHERE d.deptno = e.deptno AND d.dname = 'SALES'); Result: FILTER TABLE ACCESS (FULL) OF EMP TABLE ACCESS (BY INDEX ROWID) OF DEPT INDEX (UNIQUE SCAN) OF PK_DEPT (UNIQUE) 1 table scan 1 index scan 1 index access
33 Explain Example 3: Join (no subquery) SELECT E.* FROM emp E, dept D WHERE D.dname = 'SALES' AND D.deptno = E.deptno; Result: NESTED LOOPS TABLE ACCESS (FULL) OF EMP TABLE ACCESS (BY INDEX ROWID) OF DEPT INDEX (UNIQUE SCAN) OF PK_DEPT (UNIQUE) 1 table scan 1 index scan 1 index access
34 SQL Trace Use SQL Trace to determine the actual time and resource costs for for a statement to execute. Step 1: ALTER SESSION SET SQL_TRACE TRUE; Step 2:Execute SQL to be traced: SELECT E.* FROM emp E, dept D WHERE D.dname = 'SALES' AND D.deptno = E.deptno; Step 3: ALTER SESSION SET SQL_TRACE FALSE;
35 SQL Trace Step 4:Trace file is created in directory on the server (specified by the DBA). Step 5:Run TKPROF (UNIX) to create a formatted output file: tkprof echd_ora_15319.trc $HOME/prof.out table=plan_table explain=dbuser/passwd Trace file Formatted output file destination for Explain user/passwd for Explain
36 SQL Trace Step 6:view the output file:... SELECT E.* FROM emp E, dept D WHERE D.dname = 'SALES' AND D.deptno = E.deptno; call count cpu elapsed disk query current rows ------- ------ -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- Parse 1 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 Execute 1 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 Fetch 2 0.00 0.00 4 19 3 6 ------- ------ -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- total 4 0.00 0.00 4 19 3 6 Misses in library cache during parse: 0 Optimizer goal: CHOOSE Parsing user id: 62 (PMARKS) Rows Row Source Operation ------- --------------------------------------------------- 6 NESTED LOOPS 14 TABLE ACCESS FULL EMP 14 TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID DEPT 14 INDEX UNIQUE SCAN (object id 4628) TIMED_STATISTICS must be turned on to get these values EXPLAIN output
37 Tips and Tricks: UNION ALL Use UNION ALL instead of UNION if there are no duplicate rows (or if you don't mind duplicates): SELECT * FROM emp UNION SELECT * FROM emp_arch; SELECT * FROM emp UNION ALL SELECT * FROM emp_arch; UNION: requires sort UNION ALL: no sort
38 Tips and Tricks: HAVING vs. WHERE With GROUP BY, use WHERE instead of HAVING (if the filter criteria does not apply to a group function): SELECT deptno, AVG(sal) FROM emp GROUP BY deptno HAVING deptno IN (10, 20); SELECT deptno, AVG(sal) FROM emp WHERE deptno IN (10, 20) GROUP BY deptno; HAVING: rows are filtered after result set is returned WHERE: rows are filtered first--possibly far fewer to process
39 Tips and Tricks: EXISTS vs DISTINCT Use EXISTS instead of DISTINCT to avoid implicit sort (if the column is indexed): SELECT DISTINCT e.deptno, e.lname FROM dept d, emp e WHERE d.deptno = e.deptno; SELECT e.deptno, e.lname FROM emp e WHERE EXISTS ( SELECT 'X' FROM dept d WHERE d.deptno = e.deptno); DISTINCT: implicit sort is performed to filter duplicate rows EXISTS: no sort
40 Tips and Tricks: Consolidate SQL Select from Sequences and use SYSDATE in the statement in which they are used: SELECT SYSDATE INTO :vardate FROM dual; SELECT arch_seq.NEXTVAL INTO :varid FROM dual; INSERT INTO archive VALUES (:vardate, :varid,...) INSERT INTO emp_archive VALUES (SYSDATE, emp_seq.NEXTVAL,...) BEFORE: 3 statements are used to perform 1 Insert AFTER: only 1 statement is needed
41 Tips and Tricks: Consolidate SQL Consolidate unrelated statements using outer-joins to the the DUAL (dummy) table: SELECT dname FROM dept WHERE deptno = 10; SELECT lname FROM emp WHERE empno = 7369; SELECT d.dname, e.lname FROM dept d, emp e, dual x WHERE d.deptno (+) = 10 AND e.empno (+) = 7369 AND NVL('X', x.dummy) = NVL('X', e.ROWID (+)) AND NVL('X', x.dummy) = NVL('X', d.ROWID (+)); BEFORE: 2 round-trips AFTER: only 1 round-trip
42 Tips and Tricks: COUNT Use COUNT(*) instead of COUNT(column): SELECT COUNT(empno) FROM emp; SELECT COUNT(*) FROM emp; ~ 50% faster
43 Tips and Tricks: Self-Join Use a self-join (joining a table to itself) instead of two queries on the same table: SELECT mgr INTO :varmgr FROM emp WHERE deptno = 10; LOOP... SELECT mgr, lname FROM emp WHERE mgr = :varmgr; SELECT E.mgr, E.lname FROM emp E, emp M WHERE M.deptno = 10 AND E.empno = M.mgr; BEFORE: 2 round-trips AFTER: only 1
44 Tips and Tricks: ROWNUM Use the ROWNUM pseudo-column to return only the first N rows of a result set. (For example, if you just want a sampling of data): SELECT * FROM emp WHERE ROWNUM <= 10; Returns only the first 10 employees in the table, in no particular order
45 Tips and Tricks: ROWID The ROWID pseudo-column uniquely identifies a row, and is the fastest way to access a row: CURSOR retired_emp_cur IS SELECT ROWID FROM emp WHERE retired = 'Y';... FOR retired_emp_rec IN retired_emp_cur LOOP SELECT fname || ' ' || lname INTO :printable_name FROM emp WHERE ROWID = retired_emp_rec.ROWID;... Instead of selecting the key column(s), ROWID is used to identify the row for later use
46 Tips and Tricks: Sequences Use a Sequence to generate unique values for a table: SELECT MAX(empno) INTO :new_empno FROM emp;... INSERT INTO emp VALUES (:new_empno + 1,...); INSERT INTO emp VALUES (emp_seq.NEXTVAL,...); or SELECT emp_seq.NEXVAL INTO :new_empno FROM dual; Using a Sequence ensures that you always have a unique number, and does not require any table reads MAX(empno) requires a sort and an index scan INSERT could fail with a Duplicate error if someone else gets there first
47 Tips and Tricks: Connect By Use CONNECT BY to construct hierarchical queries: SELECT LPAD(' ',4*(LEVEL-1)) || lname Name, Job FROM emp WHERE job != 'CLERK' START WITH job = 'PRESIDENT' CONNECT BY PRIOR empno = mgr; NameJob KingPRESIDENT JonesMANAGER ScottANALYST FordANALYST BlakeMANAGER AllenSALESMAN WardSALESMAN MartinSALESMAN TurnerSALESMAN ClarkMANAGER
48 Tips and Tricks: Cartesian Products Avoid Cartesian products by ensuring that the tables are joined on all shared keys: SELECT * FROM dept, -- 10 rows salgrade, -- 20 rows emp; -- 1,000 rows SELECT * FROM dept, -- 10 rows salgrade, -- 20 rows emp -- 1,000 rows WHERE E.deptno = D.deptno AND E.grade = S.grade; 10 * 1000 * 20 = 200,000 rows 1,000 rows
49 Tips and Tricks: TOAD Tool for Oracle Application Developers Oracle only! Requires Oracle SQL*Net client software Freeware tool for viewing/updating Oracle objects or s:\tempfile\toad\toadfree.ziphttp://www.toadsoft.coms:\tempfile\toad\
50 Tips and Tricks: TOAD CTRL+E displays EXPLAIN PLAN SQL result set displayed in grid
51 Tips and Tricks: TOAD Table/view data in an editable grid Indexes, constraints, grants, etc. for the current table All tables/views for a selected schema
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