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Published byMitchell Hudson Modified over 9 years ago
World War II (1939- 1945) US Involvement (1941-1945)
What’s Essential? Causes of the War (underlying and direct) Causes of the War (underlying and direct) Reasons for American Neutrality (various acts/events) Reasons for American Neutrality (various acts/events) Reason for American entrance: Pearl Harbor Reason for American entrance: Pearl Harbor Wartime goals of the Allies Wartime goals of the Allies
Essential to Know (con’t) American Homefront (women, blacks, Japanese internment) American Homefront (women, blacks, Japanese internment) Yalta and Potsdam Conferences and their significance Yalta and Potsdam Conferences and their significance Decision to drop atomic bomb and its lasting effects Decision to drop atomic bomb and its lasting effects
What do we know about the world as a result of WWI?
The Road Towards American Intervention
Causes for World War II UNDERLYING: Treaty of Versailles Treaty of Versailles Nationalism Nationalism Worldwide Depression Worldwide Depression Dictatorships Dictatorships The policy of appeasement The policy of appeasement American Isolationism American IsolationismDIRECT: Germany invading Poland on September 1 st, 1939 Germany invading Poland on September 1 st, 1939
From Neutrality to Undeclared War Roosevelt openly expressed his favor for an Allied victory & took steps to ready the U.S. for war Roosevelt openly expressed his favor for an Allied victory & took steps to ready the U.S. for war –In 1937, FDR unsuccessfully tried to convince world leaders to “quarantine the aggressors” –Everything changed in 1939 with the Nazi-Soviet Pact & the German invasion of Poland But, FDR was able to get $1 billion from Congress to expand the U.S. navy
The Axis Powers!!!
Hitler and Nazi Germany Rise to power result of weakness of previous government (1933- became Chancellor) Rise to power result of weakness of previous government (1933- became Chancellor) Charismatic speaker, preached German nationalism, denounced Versailles Treaty Charismatic speaker, preached German nationalism, denounced Versailles Treaty Blamed Jews, communists for Germany’s problems Blamed Jews, communists for Germany’s problems Promised return of German pride Promised return of German pride
Benito Mussolini in Italy Fascist leader who took control of Italy in 1922 Fascist leader who took control of Italy in 1922 Wanted to create another Roman Empire Wanted to create another Roman Empire Invaded Ethiopia in 1935 Invaded Ethiopia in 1935 Along with Hitler supported Francisco Franco in the Spanish Civil War (combat experience) Along with Hitler supported Francisco Franco in the Spanish Civil War (combat experience)
Japanese Expansion Sought total control of Pacific (resources) Sought total control of Pacific (resources) 1931- military occupation of Manchuria 1931- military occupation of Manchuria 1936- Japan signs Pact with Germany, Italy 1936- Japan signs Pact with Germany, Italy Nanking Massacre- December 1937 Nanking Massacre- December 1937
America: The Great Neutrilizer
American Neutrality Domestic: U.S. in midst of Great Depression, public intent on remaining neutral Domestic: U.S. in midst of Great Depression, public intent on remaining neutral 1935: First Neutrality Act (no sale of arms to belligerent nations) 1935: First Neutrality Act (no sale of arms to belligerent nations) 1937: Arm sales only on “cash and carry” basis 1937: Arm sales only on “cash and carry” basis FDR warns of impending problems FDR warns of impending problems President Roosevelt
Isolationism in the United States Economic, military reasons for neutrality Tried to prevent mistakes that led to WWI involvement FDR: “Let no one imagine that we will escape…that this western hemisphere will not be attacked”—outraged many isolationists Hitler and Mussolini
From Neutrality to Undeclared War When WW II began in 1939, FDR got Congress agree to a cash & carry policy to aid the Allies: When WW II began in 1939, FDR got Congress agree to a cash & carry policy to aid the Allies: –The U.S. would trade with the Allies but would not offer loans & would not deliver American products to Europe In addition, FDR traded 50 old destroyers with England for 8 naval bases in Western Europe In addition, FDR traded 50 old destroyers with England for 8 naval bases in Western Europe “The destroyer-for-bases deal is the most important action in the reinforcement of our national defense that has been taken since the Louisiana Purchase” —FDR FDR responded with all-out aid to the Allies but did not call for war
From Neutrality to Undeclared War Isolationists Appalled by this departure from neutrality & FDR’s involvement of the US in a foreign war Appalled by this departure from neutrality & FDR’s involvement of the US in a foreign war Their “Fortress of America” idea argued that Germany was not a threat to the US Their “Fortress of America” idea argued that Germany was not a threat to the USInterventionists Groups like the Committee to Defend America by Aiding the Allies called for unlimited aid to England Groups like the Committee to Defend America by Aiding the Allies called for unlimited aid to England They argued that the events in Europe did impact the security of US They argued that the events in Europe did impact the security of US St. Louis Dispatch headline: “Dictator Roosevelt Commits Act of War” “The future of western civilization is being decided upon the battlefield of Europe” —CDAAA chair, William Allen White
From Neutrality to Undeclared War Interventionists had the majority of public sentiment on their side: Interventionists had the majority of public sentiment on their side: –Congress appropriated $10 billion for preparedness in 1940 –FDR called for America’s 1 st peacetime draft –In the election of 1940, FDR was overwhelmingly elected for an unprecedented 3 rd term
From Neutrality to Undeclared War By 1940, England remained the only active opposition to Hitler but was running out of money By 1940, England remained the only active opposition to Hitler but was running out of money FDR called for a Lend-Lease Act: FDR called for a Lend-Lease Act: –US can sell or lend war supplies to Allied nations –Congress put $7 billion to allow England full access to US arms US Cash and Carry Program
Lend-Lease Supply Routes
From Neutrality to Undeclared War England desperately needed help escorting these supplies through the u- boat infested Atlantic England desperately needed help escorting these supplies through the u- boat infested Atlantic –FDR allowed for US patrols in the western half of the Atlantic –German attacks on US ships led to an undeclared naval war in 1941 & allowed US ships to fully deliver war supplies to Allies US Cash and Carry Program
Roosevelt’s Four Freedom’s Speech January 1941 Roosevelt’s Four Freedom’s Speech January 1941 To Congress, State of the Union, focus on war preparedness To Congress, State of the Union, focus on war preparedness “…the future of all the American Republics is today in serious danger. “…the future of all the American Republics is today in serious danger. That is why this Annual Message to the Congress is unique in our history. That is why this Annual Message to the Congress is unique in our history. The need of the moment is that our actions and our policy should be devoted primarily-almost exclusively--to meeting this foreign peril. For all our domestic problems are now a part of the great emergency. The need of the moment is that our actions and our policy should be devoted primarily-almost exclusively--to meeting this foreign peril. For all our domestic problems are now a part of the great emergency. Just as our national policy in internal affairs has been based upon a decent respect for the rights and the dignity of all our fellow men within our gates, so our national policy in foreign affairs has been based on a decent respect for the rights and dignity of all nations, large and small. And the justice of morality must and will win in the end. Just as our national policy in internal affairs has been based upon a decent respect for the rights and the dignity of all our fellow men within our gates, so our national policy in foreign affairs has been based on a decent respect for the rights and dignity of all nations, large and small. And the justice of morality must and will win in the end.
Four Freedoms “The first is freedom of speech and expression-- everywhere in the world. “The first is freedom of speech and expression-- everywhere in the world. The second is freedom of every person to worship God in his own way--everywhere in the world. The second is freedom of every person to worship God in his own way--everywhere in the world. The third is freedom from want--which, translated into world terms, means economic understandings which will secure to every nation a healthy peacetime life for its inhabitants-everywhere in the world. The third is freedom from want--which, translated into world terms, means economic understandings which will secure to every nation a healthy peacetime life for its inhabitants-everywhere in the world. The fourth is freedom from fear--which, translated into world terms, means a world-wide reduction of armaments to such a point and in such a thorough fashion that no nation will be in a position to commit an act of physical aggression against any neighbor--anywhere in the world.” The fourth is freedom from fear--which, translated into world terms, means a world-wide reduction of armaments to such a point and in such a thorough fashion that no nation will be in a position to commit an act of physical aggression against any neighbor--anywhere in the world.”
From Neutrality to Undeclared War In 1941, FDR & Churchill met to secretly draft the Atlantic Charter: In 1941, FDR & Churchill met to secretly draft the Atlantic Charter: –The U.S. & Britain discussed military strategy if America were to enter the war –They discussed post-war goals of liberty, free trade, & disarmament In 1941, Hitler broke the Nazi-Soviet Pact & attacked Russia In 1941, Hitler broke the Nazi-Soviet Pact & attacked Russia
From Neutrality to Undeclared War FDR brought US to the brink of war & opened himself to criticism: FDR brought US to the brink of war & opened himself to criticism: –In Sept 1941, US polls showed 80% of Americans supported US neutrality in WW II –FDR had to wait for the Axis to make a decisive move…which Japan delivered on Dec 7, 1941
European Appeasement 1938- Hitler invades Austria, Sudetenland on Czech border Munich Conference (1938): Chamberlain and Daladier allow Hitler to do this (appeasement) Chamberlain: “Peace in our time” British rearmament
War Erupts!!! March 1939- Hitler breaks Munich agreement, invades rest of Czechoslovakia March 1939- Hitler breaks Munich agreement, invades rest of Czechoslovakia August 1939- Hitler signs nonaggression pact with rival USSR, turns attention west August 1939- Hitler signs nonaggression pact with rival USSR, turns attention west September 1, 1939- “blitzkrieg” invasion of Poland; Britain and France declare war on Germany September 1, 1939- “blitzkrieg” invasion of Poland; Britain and France declare war on Germany German “blitz” of Warsaw
World War II (1939- 1941) Hitler’s Wild Ride in Europe While the U.S. Watches
Hitler Moves in Europe April 1940- Hitler seizes Norway, Denmark May- Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg By June, Hitler controls France, turns attention to Britain Fall 1940- Battle of Britain London heavily bombed but Churchill remains defiant British Prime Minister Winston Churchill
The United States and Britain 1939- Roosevelt revises Neutrality Act, allows for arms trade Public opinion divided Election of 1940- FDR wins 3 rd term 1940: Destroyers for Bases Deal 1941: Lend-Lease Act
“Destroyers for Bases”: called for 50 American destroyers to be exchanged for the use of 8 British naval bases along the North Atlantic coast “Destroyers for Bases”: called for 50 American destroyers to be exchanged for the use of 8 British naval bases along the North Atlantic coast “Lend-lease”: made it possible to lend or lease supplies to any country whose interests were vital (GB)- $50 billion “Lend-lease”: made it possible to lend or lease supplies to any country whose interests were vital (GB)- $50 billion
The U.S. Enters the War The “destroyers for bases” deal allowed the U.S. to extend its influence The “destroyers for bases” deal allowed the U.S. to extend its influence August 1941- Atlantic Charter: Churchill and FDR agree to defend democracy, free trade and economic advancement August 1941- Atlantic Charter: Churchill and FDR agree to defend democracy, free trade and economic advancement The U.S. destroyer Greer attacked in September 1941 The U.S. destroyer Greer attacked in September 1941 US directly involved in naval warfare US directly involved in naval warfare USS Greer Atlantic Charter
Japan wanted to extend influence in Far East Japan wanted to extend influence in Far East July 1940: U.S. embargo of raw materials to Japan July 1940: U.S. embargo of raw materials to Japan 1941: Lend-Lease aid to China 1941: Lend-Lease aid to China Anticipating attack in the Philippines Anticipating attack in the Philippines December 7, 1941: Japan attacks Pearl Harbor, Hawaii December 7, 1941: Japan attacks Pearl Harbor, Hawaii Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor United States and Japan
Images of Pearl Harbor
America Enters War Pearl Harbor attack devastates nation Pearl Harbor attack devastates nation FDR: “A date which will live in infamy” FDR: “A date which will live in infamy” December 8, 1941- FDR receives war declaration from Congress against Japan December 8, 1941- FDR receives war declaration from Congress against Japan Germany, Italy declare war on United States Germany, Italy declare war on United States FDR addresses Congress after Pearl Harbor attack
Japanese Internment February, 1942: FDR issues Executive Order February, 1942: FDR issues Executive Order Over 100,000 Japanese-Americans on West Coast moved to the interior Over 100,000 Japanese-Americans on West Coast moved to the interior Japanese farms/businesses bought for far less value Japanese farms/businesses bought for far less value
Allied Military Strategy (1941-1945) A.) Arsenal of Democracy
Mobilizing for War 1940- Economy focuses on military mobilization 1940- Economy focuses on military mobilization Massive industrial output (twice as productive as Germany, 5 times Japan) Massive industrial output (twice as productive as Germany, 5 times Japan) Primary focus: tanks, planes, battleships Primary focus: tanks, planes, battleships War Production Board War Production Board Military draft, training Military draft, training Wartime propaganda
Mobilizing for War (con’t) Wars Power Act= set precedent for executive authority. President gained power to reorganize the federal government and create new agencies Wars Power Act= set precedent for executive authority. President gained power to reorganize the federal government and create new agencies (Handout) (Handout)
Organizing the Economy Outproduce enemies will gain victory within the war Outproduce enemies will gain victory within the war 1941: Government pouring vast amounts into defense productions. 1941: Government pouring vast amounts into defense productions. 6 Months after PH: allocations topped off at $100 billion for equipment and supplies 6 Months after PH: allocations topped off at $100 billion for equipment and supplies Factories pimped out for production (TOTAL WAR) pg. 896 Factories pimped out for production (TOTAL WAR) pg. 896
New Workers (Pg. 897) Mexicans (Bracero Program) 200,000 for short term employment (Farm workers) Mexicans (Bracero Program) 200,000 for short term employment (Farm workers) Native Americans (Sioux and Navajo) build ordinance depots and military training centers Native Americans (Sioux and Navajo) build ordinance depots and military training centers African Americans (Opportunities in all areas) African Americans (Opportunities in all areas) Women Women
Home Front 1941-1945 Dynamics of Families Dynamics of Families Internment of the Japanese Internment of the Japanese Double V Campaign for African Americans Double V Campaign for African Americans Women and new gender role Women and new gender role Latino Americans (Zoot Suit Riots) Latino Americans (Zoot Suit Riots) “The Good War” “The Good War”
Mural Activity Essential Question: Essential Question: –How would you depict the “Great Arsenal of Democracy” effectiveness with the American Home Front?
The Liberation of Europe FDR: Liberate Europe first and pursue an “active defense” in the Pacific Battle of Atlantic: Hitler’s “Wolf Packs” vs. Allied Navies Clear Germany from North Africa Late 1942: Only Tunisia was controlled by Axis Powers Erwin Rommel, the “Desert Fox”
Allied Advances in Europe (1943-1944) January, 1943: Allies agree to fight until they win “unconditional surrender” February 1943: SU takes back Stalingrad and moves westward Same time, Allied victory in Tunisia secures Africa
Allied Advancements Cont… July 10, 1943: The invasion of Italy. July 10, 1943: The invasion of Italy. Fighting continues from July 1943 to June 1944 (70,000 Allied troops killed) Fighting continues from July 1943 to June 1944 (70,000 Allied troops killed) Separate peace was signed with new Italian government in September, 1943 Separate peace was signed with new Italian government in September, 1943
Unconditional Surrender in Europe (1944-1945) Britain and U.S. air raid strategic sights in Germany (Flying Fortresses) June 6, 1944: D-Day and the Allied invasion of Normandy Battle at Normandy lasted from June 6-July 24 August 25, 1944: France liberated
Germany’s Last Gasp Effort Hitler was caught between Allied troops coming from the West and Stalin’s forces coming from the East. December 1944: Battle of the Bulge April 25, 1945: Russia and Allied Forces meet at the Elbe River May 8, 1945: Germany surrenders (V-E DAY)
YALTA CONFERENCE (February 1945) Plans for German surrender Plans for German surrender Stalin agrees to hold free elections and help with Japan Stalin agrees to hold free elections and help with Japan Broken promises, USSR’s position strengthened Broken promises, USSR’s position strengthened Initiated Cold War Initiated Cold War Churchill, Roosevelt, Stalin
Allied Military Strategy in the Pacific (1941-1945) By 1942, Japan had controlled almost the entire area of the Pacific Allies were able to hold on to Hawaii and Samoa “Active defense” campaign: -Battle of the Coral Sea (May,1942) -Battle of Midway (June, 1942) -Battle of Guadalcanal (Aug. 1942-Feb. 1943)
The Pacific Theatre Cont… The Allies took control of several islands in the Pacific under the leadership of General Douglas MacArthur -Iwo Jima (1945) -Okinawa (1945) The recapture of the Philippines was the highlight (Oct. 1944-March 1945)
“The Alternative to Surrender is Prompt and Utter Destruction” August 6, 1945: Atomic bomb is dropped on Hiroshima (at least 75,000 killed) August 9, 1945: Atomic bomb is dropped on Nagasaki
World War II- The Homefront American industry key to victory American industry key to victory Built tanks, bombs, guns, ships, ammunition, etc. Built tanks, bombs, guns, ships, ammunition, etc. War bonds (borrowed $$$ from Americans) raised about $50 billion for war effort War bonds (borrowed $$$ from Americans) raised about $50 billion for war effort Women “filling in” for men off at war Women “filling in” for men off at war Victory Gardens Victory Gardens “Rosie the Riveter” inspired many women to contribute
Blacks in WWII WWII effort directly led to later civil rights movement WWII effort directly led to later civil rights movement Patton’s “Black Panther” Battalion at Battle of the Bulge Patton’s “Black Panther” Battalion at Battle of the Bulge Tuskegee Airmen Tuskegee Airmen July, 1948: Truman signs Executive Order integrating US military July, 1948: Truman signs Executive Order integrating US military
“The War is Over” Japan surrenders to Allied Forces on the U.S. Missouri after the second bomb was dropped on Nagasaki- August 14 th – V-J Day
THE COSTS OF THE WAR U.S. lost over 300,000 U.S. lost over 300,000 World suffered at least 60 million World suffered at least 60 million Over 25 million Russians alone died Over 25 million Russians alone died Over 10 million in death camps Over 10 million in death camps New fears arise after the war– fight to contain Communism– THE COLD WAR ERA!! New fears arise after the war– fight to contain Communism– THE COLD WAR ERA!!
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