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Think about it…. How have glaciers impacted Ohio? Please get out your notebook and open to page 63 Title: Glaciers in Ohio.

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Presentation on theme: "Think about it…. How have glaciers impacted Ohio? Please get out your notebook and open to page 63 Title: Glaciers in Ohio."— Presentation transcript:

1 Think about it…. How have glaciers impacted Ohio? Please get out your notebook and open to page 63 Title: Glaciers in Ohio

2 We don’t have glaciers in we? Not today...but how did glaciers impact Ohio’s topography?

3 Remind me…what is a glacier? A glacier is defined as a "slowly moving river of ice." But not all masses of ice are glaciers! (1:48)

4 Glaciers: Then and Now With your shoulder partner, spread out the picture cards in front of you and try to match the “Then” card to the “Now” card. Pay attention to details! If you finish early, see if you can identify any specific glacier landforms in the pictures…look back at your vocab from yesterday if you need help!

5 Then…and Now








13 Video Clip: “Chasing Ice” Watch this time lapse video of melting glaciers. Pay close attention to how they move and the landforms that they create as a result of their movement! (6:23)

14 Glaciers…then and now Current Extent of Glaciation (about 10% of land surface) Maximum Extent of Glaciation (1/3 of land surface) Most recent glacial maximum peaked 18,000 years ago.

15 Glacier Evidence in Ohio

16 Glaciers left ground water! Map showing ground water resources in Ohio aquifers Can you tell which areas were glaciated?

17 Video Clip: PBS Media How the Ohio River was formed This video shows how climate change and glacier movement during the Ice Ages caused the now- vanished Teays River to move to the south and become the Ohio River. The advance and retreat of the Wisconsin Glacier about 100,000 years ago caused the path of the Ohio River to change, creating the course of the modern Ohio River that impacted the growth and development of the region. oriver/how-the-ohio-river-was-formed/ oriver/how-the-ohio-river-was-formed/ (1:50)

18 Glacial Erratic Evidence in Ohio It might have been placed by a landscaper, but chances are this unusual boulder is a glacial erratic, a boulder moved to Ohio by glaciers thousands of years ago. (Photo by JM Semroc)

19 Glacial Evidence in Ohio The Glacial Grooves, a National Natural Landmark site on Kelleys Island, are the finest example of glacial scouring/scoring in North America and probably the world. The grooves were scoured into the soft limestone of western Ohio by rocks and boulders pushed under the weight of the last glacial ice sheet. (Photo by JM Semroc)

20 Kettle Lake Evidence in Ohio Punderson Lake in Geauga County, Ohio's largest kettle hole lake, was formed when a block of ice broke off a retreating glacier and made a depression that filled with meltwater.

21 Striation Evidence in Ohio While the Glacial Grooves are the most impressive evidence of glacial scouring on Kellys Island, ice sheets also grouged out smaller striations in the bedrock. (Photo by JM Semroc)

22 Moraine’s moraine! Here is a picture of a moraine found in Moraine, Ohio (not far from here!).

23 Effect of Glaciers on Ohio: Reading 1.As a class, read the passage titled History of Ohio Glaciers, underlining/highlighting anything that you feel is important as it is read.

24 Effect of Glaciers on Ohio: Reading Using the reading as a guide, carefully answer the questions that go with the reading. This is homework if you do not finish in class! The reading gets glued into your notebook on page _____. (The tabbed page goes on top and the single page gets glued onto the lined paper underneath.) The homework questions go on page _____.

25 The Power of a Glacier If time…take a look inside a glacier! (3:34)

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