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Aid Management Platform (AMP) Advanced User Training, Module 1F Entering Activities Tanzania, February 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Aid Management Platform (AMP) Advanced User Training, Module 1F Entering Activities Tanzania, February 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 Aid Management Platform (AMP) Advanced User Training, Module 1F Entering Activities Tanzania, February 2009

2 Topics Covered How do you create a new activity? What kind of information is collected? How do you edit an activity?

3 Project Data Entry / Creation On the main page, click MY DESKTOP then click ADD ACTIVITY

4 Project Data Entry / Creation Project data entry completes when the two planning steps are completed Step 1 Activity Name

5 Project Data Entry / Creation Select project Status Step 1 (cont’)

6 Project Data Entry / Creation To get to this page click Location, Sectors, National Programs or Save Step 2 Now add a sector(s)

7 Project Data Entry / Creation Select from the drop down list boxes the appropriate sector/subsectors and click add. You can add as many sectors as deemed necessary Step 2 (cont’)

8 Project Data Entry / Creation Click Save or Save as Draft

9 Implemented Projects When project starts, funding, components and monitoring / progress data are reported Funding sources and disbursements and expenditure per funding line

10 Implemented Projects When project starts, funding, components and monitoring / progress data are reported Progress reported per global and project specific indicators (baseline, current and target)

11 Edit an Activity Click Edit Open an activity and then click Edit You return to the Edit form, where you can change any information

12 Edit an Activity Click Save or Save as Draft

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