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The Harlem Renaissance Unit 4 Essay 2 Interactive Notes Q&A’s Pg. 452-457 1.Describe the Harlem Renaissance. 2.Identify the purpose of the NAACP.

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Presentation on theme: "The Harlem Renaissance Unit 4 Essay 2 Interactive Notes Q&A’s Pg. 452-457 1.Describe the Harlem Renaissance. 2.Identify the purpose of the NAACP."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Harlem Renaissance Unit 4 Essay 2 Interactive Notes Q&A’s Pg. 452-457 1.Describe the Harlem Renaissance. 2.Identify the purpose of the NAACP.

2 The Harlem Renaissance Unit 4 Essay 2 Interactive Notes Q&A’s Pg. 452-457 3.Who was Marcus Garvey, what was his organization called, and what did he encourage his followers to do? 4. Identify and describe each of the following people’s contribution to this movement: Louis Armstrong, Duke Ellington, Zora Neale Hurston, Langston Hughes


4 Unit 4 Cornell B “Why do Urban-Americans clash with Rural-Americans in the 1920’s, and what were the issues ?”

5 1920’s “Communications Revolution” !

6 I. The Communications Revolution Americans become “CLOSER” due to the COMMUNICATIONS REVOLUTION = Telephone Mass media (radio, magazines, papers) Automobile

7 I. The Communications Revolution Radio Urban Values Rural Values Auto travel

8 I. The Communications Revolution DIFFUSION of cultural VALUES -  CONFLICT !!! They CLASH because they’re more AWARE of their different values & attitudes 1920’s: Urban v. Rural city v. country

9 Urban v. Rural Values Rural = ?Urban = ? Which values belong to “rural” people or “urban” people ? Conform/obey secular/less religious mobile- likes new places Fast lifestyle past oriented less accepting of different people “place” is importantlikes change/modernizationtraditional Personal freedom religious future oriented Individuality important community importantslow lifestyle

10 Rural Values Religious “place” is important Past oriented Traditional Slower lifestyle Community important Conforms, obeys rules Less acceptance of differences Conservative Urban Values Secular Mobility – likes “new places” Future oriented Likes Change & Modernization Likes “fast” lifestyle “autonomy”, individuality Personal freedom Accepts/likes variety,differences Liberal

11 II. What issues did Urban-Americans argue about with Rural-Americans ?

12 Temperance v. Drinking A.Prohibition: 18 th Amendment, 1920 Volstead Act, 1920 = manufacture, sale, transportation of alcohol illegal

13 Temperance v. Drinking Causes ? Why Prohibition ? 1.Religious groups – like WCTU – say drink sinful 2.Progressives want GOVERNMENT to protect…….. public HEALTH (interest) 3. Alcohol caused child and wife ABUSE

14 Temperance v. Drinking Rural-Americans “Pro” – for Prohibition slang: “dry” Based on Their Values: Religious Conformity – obeys laws community Urban-Americans “Con” -- against Prohibition slang: “wet” Based on Their Values: Secular Personal Freedom Autonomy, “Indiviuality”

15 Consequences of Prohibition 1.Laws ? many ignore Volstead Act, leads to disrespect of law 2.Police – Officials ? Many corrupted by criminals – public loses faith in police

16 Consequences of Prohibition 3.Enforcement ? Very hard to enforce – 18,700 miles of coastline and land borders, plus many “bootlegers” make it in the USA Also: criminal gangs, violence

17 Consequences of Prohibition 4.Public support for Prohibition ?

18 * Declines – by 1925 only 19% support it * 18 th Amend. repealed by 21 st Amend in 1933 – Why ? 1. Bad consequences (see above) 2. Economic reasons: 1933 = Great Depression America needs jobs & taxes

19 B. Science v. Religion

20 One type of religion: FUNDAMENTALISM = (one who believes in the “LITERAL” interpretation of the Bible ) What happens when the Bible says one thing – And Science says something differently ?

21 Science v. Religion (Fundamentalism) Bible: God “made the earth in 6 days and rested on the 7 th ” Science: “Big Bang” theory, billions of years to make the universe/Earth Bible: God “made man in his own image” Science: Life on earth evolved in a process of natural selection

22 B. Science v. Religion 1925 Scopes “Monkey Trial” was the most publicized example of Science v. Religion BUTLER Act (Tennessee state law)=Prohibited teaching of evolution in public school Challenged by John Scopes (science teacher)

23 B. Science v. Religion Scopes “Monkey Trial” Why such a big deal ? It was broadcast “live” on radio  heard nation-wide (shared national experience)  everybody takes sides For the Defense: Clarence Darrow For Prosecution: William Jennings Bryan

24 Science v. Religion Rural-Americans Religion Based on Their Values: Religious tradition Urban-Americans Science Based on Their Values: Secular favors modernization

25 III. What other issues are there today, that reflect this same clash of cultural values A. Prohibition?B. Religion v Science?


27 I. The Communications Revolution Radio Drinking (illegal) Conformity (obey the law) Auto travel

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