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Section A-1 When you see “invent”, what do you think of? What inventions are widely used in our daily life?

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Presentation on theme: "Section A-1 When you see “invent”, what do you think of? What inventions are widely used in our daily life?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Section A-1 When you see “invent”, what do you think of? What inventions are widely used in our daily life?

2 Computers are owned by ____. _____ are made of paper. Many inventions are widely used in our daily. Telephone can be found in _____.

3 Different inventions are used for different purposes Computers are used for______. Cars are used for_________. TV sets are used for______.

4 Practice: --What’s it used for? --It’s used for…

5 Inventions are great, but inventors are much greater.

6 1.Steve Jobs, Steve ozniak 2.Karl Benz 3.Jack Clair Kilby, Jerry Merryman, James Van Tassel 4. John Logie Baird 5.Bell --Who was the car/…invented? --It was invented by _____

7 Listening:1a P68 18761885 1927 1971 1976 --When was the car/…invented? --It was invented in _____

8 It’s imagination that makes the world colorful and people have never stopped trying to turn dreams into reality. Thousands of inventions come out every year

9 high heels shoes with adjustable heels

10 ice cream scoop heated ice cream scoop

11 battery slippers battery-operated slippers

12 2a Listen and number the inventions in the order that you hear. 31 2

13 Invention Who was it/were they invented by? What is is/are they used for? shoes with adjustable heels Chelsea Lanmon scooping really cold ice cream battery- operated slippers Jayce Coziar and Jamie Ellsworth seeing in the dark heated ice cream scoop Julie Thompsom changing the style of the shoes

14 Problem Name of your invention Who is it invented by? How does it help you? My Invention

15 Grammar Focus (P69) The passive voice 被动语态 在被动语态的句子中, 谓语部分的结 构是 be + 过去分词。被动语态的句子 的时态、人称变化反映在 be 动词上。 一般现在时 am / is / are + 过去分词 一般过去时 was / were + 过去分词 含有情态动词的被动语态: 情态动词+ be +过去分词

16 用 “invented” 或 “used for” 填空. 1. What are electric slippers _______? 2. Who were shoes with adjustable heels ________ by? 3. When was tea ________? 4. What are microwave ovens _______? 5. When were potato chips ________? used for invented used for invented

17 A: Look! This looks so interesting! B: Ah, it’s a great invention of China. A: Really? When ______ it _________? B: I think it ______ _________ in Han Dynasty. A: What ______ it ______ for? B: Guess! A: ______ it ______ for holding water? B: No. It _____ ______ for testing earthquakes. A: Wow, it’s really amazing! wasinvented was invented is used is used isused

18 Surf the Internet,and find out more inventions. Introduce them to your classmates,using It was invented by _______. It was invented in_______. It is used for_______.

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