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1 Entergy Transmission Planning Summit Transmission Planning & Budget Process Doug Powell New Orleans, LA July 10, 2003.

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1 1 Entergy Transmission Planning Summit Transmission Planning & Budget Process Doug Powell New Orleans, LA July 10, 2003

2 2 SeTrans/ITC Planning Process Key Principles SeTrans has authority over the planning process Ensure transmission system reliability through compliance with planning criteria Ensure non-discriminatory access to the transmission system Involve stakeholders at all levels of the planning process SeTrans is the single point of contact for transmission service, including generation interconnection studies SeTrans planning process is an open, transparent and participatory process

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4 4 Purpose of Sub-Region Planning Process Provide the necessary attention to local area issues (reliability and load-serving capability) Provide a point of contact for local transmission customers Continue the dialogue between the Entergy and its customers (e.g., network service customers, generators, load-serving entities, TREPs, regulators) –customer planning meetings –technical conferences with stakeholders –develop solutions to local area concerns –propose regional solutions to be evaluated at the regional level Provide a Sub-region Expansion Plan to be incorporated and approved by the SeTrans Simulate the Sub-region Planning Process of SeTrans Planning Protocol

5 5 Planning Process Sep. – Oct. 2002: Customer input for 2004 and beyond projects Feb. 2003: Rank list of 2004 long range projects Feb. to July 2003: Scoping process Mar. and June 2003: Joint planning meetings with stakeholders July 10, 2003: Transmission Planning Summit End of July 2003: 2004 budget allocations determined End of Aug. 2003: Customer Input for 2005 projects Aug. – Sep. 2003: 2004 budget system opens Sep. – Oct. 2003: Customer input for 2006 and beyond projects January 2004: Board of Directors meeting to approve 2004 projects

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