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NUSU Elections Candidates Essentials February 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "NUSU Elections Candidates Essentials February 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 NUSU Elections Candidates Essentials February 2016

2 Welcome and Introduction  Lindsey Lockey – Junior Returning Officer  What we will cover today:  What happens next?  Question time  Campaigning  Summary of the rules  Results and how the voting system works

3 What Happens Next?  Attend Training  Start talking to people, let them know you are running and what your manifesto is. ‘word of mouth’ campaigning can begin as early as you wish, including social media  But – watch out for the rules before you all start tweeting!  Get together your campaign team but remember, anything you use in this must be on your non-printed publicity form

4 What Happens Next?  12pm Weds 10 th February – Printed Publicity  You have a budget provided by NUSU  What is classed as printed publicity: PostersSticker LeafletsStamps Page 8 of Handbook:  Is using Splossh, paper copies and USB. Submit form direct to Splosh and collect on 22 nd February  If not using Splossh, form to admin office and all printed publicity submitted to admin office by 4pm on Thursday 18 th February  Use on all publicity but no  Think Quality over Quantity, use your money wisely

5 What Happens Next?  Wednesday 17 th February – non printed publicity deadline  Examples of non-printed publicity  Sweets, cake ingredients  Additional bedsheets/banner resources  Specialist stationery, paints etc.  Online resources that cost money only  Think of something new, how effective are posters?  Most things used in your campaign must be accounted for. Pre-owned materials must be of small value and reasonable e.g. scissors, blue tack, pens etc. – if in doubt, ask!  Use of fancy dress – a hat or a small item will be deemed as pre-owned. Anything more such as a costume, there will be a standard allowance of £15

6 Monday 22 nd February 2016  8am Free Breakfast  9am Publicity Released and Voting is opened  Full campaigning can begin  Posters can be put up according to ESS guidelines and only on campus or where you have permission  Speak to halls managers if you want to put posters up in halls  Posters off campus must have permission and must not be on public land- you may be prosecuted and this includes chalk on pavements  No posters or leaflets in any computer clusters

7 Elections Launch Event  12pm Question Time (Student Forum)  BBQ and music  No long speeches or reading out of manifestos  20 to 30 second elevator pitch  10 minutes per position limit for questions  Questions from the floor  Then in groups per position for further questions and to speak to students and the student media  Voting booth will be outside NUSU

8 CAMPAIGNING  Online campaigning – social media  Use from any time, attend the training to use more effectively  Watch for false statements  No use of NUSU social media (except forum) media  Videos are a great idea and will be placed on our you tube channel and linked from your manifesto on our website, if you get them to us by Thursday 18 th Feb 2016  Remember the voting URL

9 CAMPAIGNING  Online campaigning – emails  No Uni or NUSU internal mailing list  May only email using existing NUSU affiliated databases (e.g. Clubs and Societies) via the President, Treasurer or Secretary  Do not use mail bases held by any officer (PTO or sabb) or any staff member  Mass emails via Uni IT or Blackboard is not permitted by NUIT rules  Include a link to the voting webpage

10 CAMPAIGNING  What can you use to campaign?  Your approved printed publicity  Your approved non-printed publicity  Video clips  Most social media and some email lists  Everything else has a monetary value including items donated and gifts  If it’s not on your form – don’t use it without asking, and speak to people!

11 Your Campaign Team  YOU are responsible for your campaigners  Campaigners are anybody deemed to be acting on your behalf – they don’t have to be wearing a t-shirt  Fully brief them and make sure they know the rules  Give them a copy of the handbook and summary of the rules  No rewards or incentives for your campaign team unless you have included as your publicity within the allowance

12 Other Rules – Elections Schedules  Strategy and Guidance document F  Handout - the easier explanation: The basic rules relate to: 1. Bribery 2. Undue Influence 3. Publicity 4. Online campaigning – emails 5. Allowances 6. Slate campaigning 7. Voting Fraud 8. Electronic devices

13 The Penalties  A written or verbal warning  Some cases require referral to disciplinary committee after elections  Not necessarily 3 strikes and you’re out – if it significantly impacts the election, then a disqualification and 3 very minor breaches does not always warrant a disqualification either  Will take into account:  Seriousness  Intention  Previous rule breaks  Impact on the election is the main factor

14 Complaints exercise  Was this a rule break  Which rule  What might the sanction be?

15 How the Voting Works  NUSU use the single transferable vote method  Voters rank in number order  Reopen nominations and Abstain are available for all ballots  sqnM28RY sqnM28RY

16 Complaints  Complaint forms can be collected from and submitted to the admin office at any time during the elections with any relevant evidence  We will not accept complaints unless submitted on the complaints form and you must state the rule you believe to have been broken and what you believe should happen  The deadline for any complaint will be 2pm on Thursday 25 th February 2016  We do not want malicious complaints and wasting the time of election officials  Concentrate on your election

17 Appeals Any decisions made by the Junior Returning Officer can be appealed against to the Senior Returning Officer (NUS) Deadline: 10am Friday 26 th February 2016

18 Results  Evening of Friday 26 th February 2016  Led by the current sabbatical team

19 Forthcoming Dates  Tuesday 23 rd to Thursday 25 th Feb 9.30am-10am Candidates drop ins  Thursday 25 th February 12.30pm Candidates lunch Monday 27 th Jun – start date for officers and 2 weeks handover, followed by 1 week residential 19 th -21 st April – NUS conference

20 Questions and more information    Reminder on the rules – handout

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