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 What are debates?  Why are they important?  Where can we find debates?  Have you ever taken part in a debate?

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2  What are debates?  Why are they important?  Where can we find debates?  Have you ever taken part in a debate?

3  A debate is a discussion between sides with different views.  Purpose: give information; influence people ’ s decision.  Debates are a means of encouraging critical thinking, personal expression, and tolerance of others' opinions.

4  Conducted in governing assemblies  Presented in schools and universities  Written in newspaper and magazine columns  Heard on radio  Seen on the television

5  e-q2KwFk e-q2KwFk  What can you learn about academic debates from the video?  Take notes while you are listening

6  Quality Research An entire year of preparation Millions of pages of research Undergraduate students do as much work on the debate topic as Master ’ s students do on their Master ’ s thesis  Academic Debate Teaches Reading Comprehension Critical Thinking Organization Skills Effective Communication Skills

7  Debates are student-centered; fun; better learning tool than anything else they ’ ve tried;  Urban debate network: 241 public High Schools, 54 Middle Schools  Debates change lives  Debates change communities: Debate Coach: “ Your words are not enough ( … ) You must win this debate by going out into the community and do something different to change the condition of this community ”.

8  Resolution: a simple statement of a topic that is subjected to critical analysis by both teams.  Affirmative Team: supports the resolution  Negative Team: refutes the arguments offered by the affirming team and offers arguments against adopting the resolution.  A neutral third party (either an individual, or a group of individuals), to listen carefully to the arguments presented by both sides and decide which set of arguments is most persuasive.

9 Effective debate speaking is clear, well-organized, and informative.

10  Debate is controversial and controversy often becomes heated.  Debaters should show respect for opponents and for the worth of ideas.

11  Constructive speech: each side constructs their arguments  Rebuttal: each side addresses the other team ’ s points to defeat their logic and show how their points do not support their arguments.  Cross-examination: Questioning period to ask for clarification and expose the other team’s weaknesses

12 1) Marijuana should be legalized. 2)Euthanasia should be legalized. 3) English should be the official first language in all countries around the world.

13  Create complementary pairs: look for a negative that goes along with a positive.  Prepare for a critique of your ideas by your opponents.  Eliminate ideas if you discover that a potential opposition carries more weight.

14  Create a T-Chart for the topic chosen for the final debate

15 1) Work in groups to build your arguments based on your T-Chart 3) Groups debate Constructive Speech Rebuttal Cross-examination 4) Audience acts as a judge

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