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Notes to a Successful Ethnographic Research Project Presented by Lorelle Juffs.

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Presentation on theme: "Notes to a Successful Ethnographic Research Project Presented by Lorelle Juffs."— Presentation transcript:

1 Notes to a Successful Ethnographic Research Project Presented by Lorelle Juffs

2 Do not be afraid of the word ethnographic

3 What is an ethnographic study?

4 Definition: The study of an ethnic group or a particular phenomenon

5 Steps on Conducting an Ethnographic Research Proposal

6 Purpose of Study

7 Research Method Purpose of Study Steps on Conducting an Ethnographic Research Proposal

8 Research Method Purpose of Study Hypothesis and Analysis Steps on Conducting an Ethnographic Research Proposal

9 Find a Purpose for the Study

10 What do you hope to find?

11 Find a Purpose for the Study What do you hope to find? Narrow down inquiry

12 Examples:

13 What is the change of tradition within families, and the cause/effects? Narrow down inquiry Examples:

14 What is the change of tradition within families, and the cause/effects? Narrow down inquiry Examples:

15 How has the change of patterned tradition within three generations of a Holdeman family impacted the most recent generations of said family? What is the change of tradition within families, and the cause/effects? Narrow down inquiry Examples:

16 What is the change of tradition within families, and the cause/effects? Narrow down inquiry Examples: How has the change of patterned tradition within three generations of a Holdeman family impacted the most recent generations of said family?

17 Find a Purpose for the Study What do you hope to find? Narrow down inquiry

18 What do you hope to find? Narrow down inquiry Find a Purpose for the Study What use is your study?

19 Find a Purpose for the Study What do you hope to find? What use is your study? Narrow down inquiry Who is the target audience?

20 Find a Purpose for the Study What do you hope to find? What use is your study? Narrow down inquiry Who is the target audience?

21 Research Method

22 List of tools used

23 Research Method Type of research List of tools used

24 Research Method Type of research Observation List of tools used

25 Research Method Type of research Observation Interviews List of tools used

26 Research Method Type of research Observation Interviews Questions List of tools used

27 Research Method Your role List of tools used Type of research Observation Interviews Questions

28 Research Method Your role Emic vs. Etic List of tools used Type of research Observation Interviews Questions

29 Research Method Your role Emic vs. Etic Informant privileges List of tools used Type of research Observation Interviews Questions

30 Research Method List of tools used Type of research Observation Interviews Questions Your role Emic vs. Etic Informant privileges

31 Hypothesis and Analysis

32 Anticipate what you’ll find

33 Hypothesis and Analysis Based on prior knowledge Anticipate what you’ll find

34 Hypothesis and Analysis Create steps to prevent biased opinions Based on prior knowledge Anticipate what you’ll find

35 Hypothesis and Analysis Anticipate what you’ll find Form a hypothesis on these ideas Create steps to prevent biased opinions Based on prior knowledge

36 Field Work

37 Location

38 Field Work Location Perspective

39 Field Work


41 Interview

42 Field Work Interview 1. Transcribe (type up conversation)

43 Field Work Interview 2. Code (look for specific words) 1. Transcribe (type up conversation)

44 Interview 2. Code (look for specific words) 3. Trend (recurring words and themes) Field Work

45 1. Transcribe (type up conversation) Interview 2. Code (look for specific words) 3. Trend (recurring words and themes) Field Work

46 Analysis & Discussion


48 Grandfather Mother Daughter

49 Analysis & Discussion Grandfather Mother Daughter |

50 Analysis & Discussion Grandfather Mother Daughter | +

51 Analysis & Discussion | + Grandfather Mother Daughter

52 Analysis & Discussion [Within 10 Minute Intervals] GrandfatherMotherDaughter Feminine Nouns 1663 Masculine Nouns 3494 Ratio1/21/1.51/1.33

53 Analysis & Discussion

54 For watching! S T H A N K

55 S T H A N K

56 S T H A N K

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